A simple file search system. It searchs the given words, in the file names through the given directory and subdirectories.
Work Flow • How To Use • Docker
**(Predefine) Search directory and the count of goroutines that will work simultaneously must be decided ( How To Use Step-5) before the GoApp start to work.
- User creates a task by making a POST request to NestJSApp.
- Command Handler adds requestedFileName to the MongoDB's filesearchtasks collection and gets inserted id.
- Event Handler adds requestedFileName and inserted id to Redis Queue.
- Inserted id is returned to user as server response.
- On start, GoApp firstly walks through the search directory and all subdirectories/files (except non permissioned ones) to decide percentage increment rate. This operation may take time according to total count of files and directories.
- GoApp listens Redis Queue and puts the data to a buffered go channel. Buffered channel's capacity is twice of total goroutines count.
- When percentage increment rate is determined, N goroutines start to listen buffered channel.
- Goroutines take the task from channel, walk through the paths/files and update/insert mongoDB collections calling NestJS service methods simultaneously. They never block each other.
- Whenever a goroutine finishes its work, it again starts to listen the buffered channel, this continues as a loop through the main goroutines life time.
- Multiple search requests are processed simultaneously.
- User can track the flow by making GET requests to NestjsApp with a task id (id that was sent as the POST operation's response) and a page number. For pagination and performance issues, max up to 50 results are shown per request. Also a custom cache manager is used for GET requests.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Docker Desktop, Git, Node.js (which comes with npm) and Golang installed on your computer. From your command line:
# 1) Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/CaganPamir/nestjs-golang-filesearch.git
# 2) Go into the repository
$ cd nestjs-golang-filesearch
# 3) Run Redis and MongoDB (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
# 4) Install dependencies for GoApp (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
$ go mod download
# 5) Open config.json (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch\golang-app\bin>)
# Set the search directory (SEARCH_ROOTPATH) and count of goroutines that will work simultaneously (GOROUTINE_COUNT)
# 6) Build the GoApp (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
$ go build -o ./golang-app/bin/ ./golang-app/cmd/filesearch-worker/.
# 7) Run GoApp (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
# When goroutines start to work, "GOROUTINES ARE RUNNING" message will be on the log file. (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch\golang-app\bin\fileworker.log>)
$ ./golang-app/bin/filesearch-worker
# 8) Open New Terminal
# Go into the nest project (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
$ cd nestjs-server
# 9) Install dependencies (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch\nestjs-server>)
$ npm install -g @nestjs/cli
$ npm install
# 10) Run NestJSApp (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch\nestjs-server>)
$ npm run start:dev
# 11) Open New Terminal
# Go into the react project (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
$ cd react-app
# 12) Install dependencies (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch\react-app>)
$ npm install --force
# 13) Run react-app (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch\react-app>)
$ npm start
- You can also create a task with Swagger
GOFIND is very easy to install and deploy in a Docker container:
# Run Redis and MongoDB (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
# after this command mongo-network will be created
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
# Build GoApp image (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch>)
$ docker build -t go-dock:version_1 .
# Run GoApp image as a container
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --net mongo-network --name mygo go-dock:version_1
# Build NestJSApp image (PS ....nestjs-golang-filesearch\nestjs-server>)
$ docker build -t myfirstnestjsapp:version_1 .
# Run NestJSApp image as a container
$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --net mongo-network --name mynest myfirstnestjsapp:version_1