Training a computer (and myself) to play Go!
Note: This project is a WIP— cleaning up the code piece by piece and adding it to GitHub
- Using Monte-Carlo Tree Search for selecting better than random moves
- Can customize board size and player order!
- Outlining the rules, board, and game logic
- Zobrist Hashing to speed up gameplay
- Creating a bot that can play against itself and other humans
- Simple sequential network used for move prediction (not the best, but better than random)
- Implemented Convolutional Neural Networks + New Activation Functions (Softmax & Rectified Linear Units)!
- Added dropout layers to prevent overfitting, and using Categorial Cross-Entropy instead of MSE for accuracy measuring
- Deep Learning using game records from high level players
- A Better GUI
Based off the book Deep Learning and the Game of Go by Max Pumperla and Kevin Ferguson