This is an auto-generated client SDK for interfacing with the Aryeo API. We support a variety of languages and frameworks that are a great starting point for experimenting with the API. If there is an additional language or framework that you want to see supported, then please reach out and make a contribution!
To start using the Aryeo API, you will need to generate an API key from your group's developer settings. Then, make sure to provide your API key as a bearer token. Requests made without an API key will result in a 401 Unauthorized
Example: Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}
Add the following block to go.mod
require (
package main
import (
aryeo ""
func main() {
uuid := "UUID"
configuration := aryeo.NewConfiguration()
api_client := aryeo.NewAPIClient(configuration)
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), aryeo.ContextAccessToken, "API_KEY")
resp, r, err := api_client.ListingsApi.GetListingsId(auth, uuid).Execute()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ListingsApi.GetListingsId``: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%v\n", resp.Data.Address.FormattedAddress1)
Default configuration comes with Servers
field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.
For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value sw.ContextServerIndex
of type int
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextServerIndex, 1)
Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value sw.ContextServerVariables
of type map[string]string
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
"basePath": "v2",
Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.
Each operation can use different server URL defined using OperationServers
map in the Configuration
An operation is uniquely identifield by "{classname}Service.{nickname}"
Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using sw.ContextOperationServerIndices
and sw.ContextOperationServerVariables
context maps.
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
"port": "8443",
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AppointmentsApi | GetAppointments | Get /appointments | List all appointments. |
AppointmentsApi | GetAvailableDates | Get /scheduling/available-dates | Fetch available days for a user or group |
AppointmentsApi | GetAvailableTimeslots | Get /scheduling/available-timeslots | Fetch available timeslots for a user or group |
AppointmentsApi | GetUnconfirmedAppointments | Get /unconfirmed-appointments | List all unconfirmed appointments. |
AppointmentsApi | GetUnconfirmedAppointmentsId | Get /unconfirmed-appointments/{unconfirmed_appointment_id} | Retrieve an unconfirmed appointment. |
AppointmentsApi | PutAppointmentsAppointmentIdCancel | Put /appointments/{appointment_id}/cancel | Cancel an appointment. |
AppointmentsApi | PutAppointmentsAppointmentIdReschedule | Put /appointments/{appointment_id}/reschedule | Reschedule an appointment. |
ListingsApi | GetListings | Get /listings | List all listings. |
ListingsApi | GetListingsId | Get /listings/{listing_id} | Retrieve a listing. |
OrdersApi | GetOrders | Get /orders | List all orders. |
OrdersApi | GetOrdersId | Get /orders/{order_id} | Retrieve an order. |
OrdersApi | GetProducts | Get /products | List all products. |
OrdersApi | PostOrders | Post /orders | Create an order. |
VendorsApi | GetVendors | Get /vendors | List all vendors. |
VendorsApi | GetVendorsId | Get /vendors/{vendor_id} | Retrieve a vendor. |
- Address
- ApiError403
- ApiError404
- ApiError409
- ApiError500
- ApiFail422
- Appointment
- AppointmentCancelPutPayload
- AppointmentCollection
- AppointmentReschedulePutPayload
- AppointmentResource
- CalendarDay
- CalendarDayCollection
- FloorPlan
- Group
- GroupCollection
- GroupResource
- Image
- InteractiveContent
- Listing
- ListingBuilding
- ListingCollection
- ListingLot
- ListingPrice
- ListingResource
- Order
- OrderCollection
- OrderForm
- OrderItem
- OrderPostPayload
- OrderResource
- PaginationLinks
- PaginationMeta
- Product
- ProductCategory
- ProductCollection
- ProductVariant
- PropertyWebsite
- SocialProfiles
- Timeslot
- TimeslotCollection
- UnconfirmedAppointment
- UnconfirmedAppointmentCollection
- UnconfirmedAppointmentResource
- User
- Video
- Type: HTTP Bearer token authentication
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "BEARERTOKENSTRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it: