What's Changed
- Update S3 bucket creator formatter to use - in place of . by @jakerockland in #461
- V3_Engine compatible minter suite by @ryley-o in #449
- minor refactor by @ryley-o in #462
- Add action to publish to npm on release by @yoshiwarab in #460
- re-organize engine deployment details by @ryley-o in #465
- Compile selected archived contracts by @ryley-o in #464
- Add Solidity interfaces for methods used by the Minting API by @shantanubala in #353
- fix solcover syntax bug by @ryley-o in #467
- Refactor minters with MinterBase parent class by @ryley-o in #463
- Update Palm-Testnet deployments documentation by @lindsgil in #466
- archive n-1 minters, move active minters into single directory by @ryley-o in #469
- Add script for deploying latest set of full-suite minters by @jakerockland in #470
- Deploy dev V3 Engine for testing by @ryley-o in #471
- Additional Engine deployment details (goerli + mainnet) by @jakerockland in #472
- Second V3_Engine Dev Deployment by @ryley-o in #474
- Add deployment log + minter suite details for Collaborations by @jakerockland in #475
- Update deployment script and upgradeable deployment log by @yoshiwarab in #477
- Implement a "Polyptych" minter that allows a token to inherit its hash from a previously minted token by @shantanubala in #410
- Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot in #479
- Use MinterBase class in Polyptych minter by @ryley-o in #480
- Add Deployed event on MinterFilterV1 by @ryley-o in #482
- V3 Engine deployer script by @ryley-o in #484
- Add polyptych minter and randomizer deployment reference scripts by @ryley-o in #486
- Update Style Guidelines by @ryley-o in #488
- Engine Contract Deployments (February '23) by @jakerockland in #490
- archive deprecated minter tests by @ryley-o in #489
- DA w/Settlement V2: Local Max Invocations by @ryley-o in #478
- Minor Max Invocation Patch by @ryley-o in #491
- Generic Minter Deploy Script + Deploy DA w/Settlement V2 to dev by @ryley-o in #492
- Bump version for new package release by @yoshiwarab in #493
New Contributors
- @shantanubala made their first contribution in #353
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v1.0.1