Profit & Sales Analysis of Superstore - Data visualization
Analysing the data for understanding the trends and patterns associated with Profit and sales of Superstore with the help of Data visualization tool - Tableau.
The trends and patterns derived will give insight and insights will lead to recommendations help in business to strategies for growth.
Dataset contains 21 columns and are like -
- Row ID : A distinct row number of each record.
- Order ID : A distinct code given to each order placed. Code contain alphanumeric characters.
- Order Date : Date on which order was placed.
- Ship Date : Date on which order was delivered.
- Ship Mode : Mode through which order was delivered.
- Customer ID : A unique/distinct id for each Customer.
- Customer Name : Name of the Customer.
- Segment : Segment the Product belong to.
- Country : Name of Country
- City : Name of city order delivered.
- State : Name of State.
- Postal Code : Postal code of location
- Region : Country is divided into different regions.
- Product ID : Unique Id of each Product for identification.
- Category : Name of the Category Product belong to.
- Sub-Category : Name of the Sub-Category.
- Product Name : Product name.
- Sales : Amount Product sold on.
- Quantity : Number of Product sold at a time.
- Discount : Discount Product on sale.
- Profit : Profit gained on sale of the Product.
- Understanding the demographic data of states.
- Is there seasonality in the buying pattern of the Customers?
- Year on Year profit and sales growth.
- Which Category is profitable.
- Understanding the pattern about the profitability of Product.
Excel : Used for basic understanding like structure of data (row and columns), null values etc.
Tableau : For visualization of data,interactivity and seamless experience that comes with the dashboard.