A basic clone of Street Fighter II written in Python
This Python project uses the pygame library to recreate the basic features of the Street Fighter II game on a computer, namely the fighting aspect with Ryu and Ken. There will be more features added to this project such as local multiplayer and more characters (see Upcoming Features).
- Make sure you have Python and Pygame installed
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/DashingDolphin/Street-Fighter.git
- Go to main.py and run the program to launch the game
- There are 3 modes: localLaptop, localKeyboard, and multiplayer. To switch modes, go to FightScene.py under the scenes folder and change the value of mode to the respective mode to be run.
- Check out https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wVZR6e-rF_EQBuVImKvp4zfAWU5ibZGxTj6pl_P5XHM/edit?usp=sharing or go to MoveStates.py under the characters folder to find or modify the keyboard inputs.
This project is still ongoing. Here are some known issues and upcoming features that will be fixed or implemented in the near future:
- Multiplayer mode on the same network
- Sizing and Positions for different screen sizes
- Special Moves
- Throws
- More Characters
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
This project was heavily inspired by shezzor's Dev Corner's Coding a Street Fighter game series where he created a clone of Street Fighter II using Javascript and HTML Canvas instead of python: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf9yt-2olqyLxr-vouWl-qk4toUfjF2LC