GUI JavaFX Application to view, change, organize, and edit and SQL Database of Appointments, Customers, Contacts, Users, and Schedules.
Created By: Andrew Castelli
Created for: C195 Software II - Advanced Java Concepts
Created Using:
- IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.1 (Community Edition)
- JDK: liberica-jdk-15-full.jdk
- JavaFX:
- JDBC Driver: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
How to Run
Open SchedulingApp folder with IDE of choice
Navigate to src -> DataAccess ->
Login to GUI with Username: test Password: test
Note: This application connects to an SQL Database Server NO LONGER AVAILABLE Credentials were removed from src/DataAccess/ To be able to connect your Database Add the following to - - Database Name - User Name - Password - Full URL