The frontend of the application is based on angular 4 and the backend is based on PHP5 ( with REST API that can communicate with the Angular ).
The used database is MySQL.
index.php : a file that handles the requests (GET/POST) and calls the database operations based on these requests.
taskCrud.php : a taskCrud class that handles the database operations.
.htaccess: a file to hide the PHP extention from the URL.
that has the functions to start, pause or stop the tracker. it also has functions to call db-crud services.
(PS: I used the ng2-smart-table component to display the information I get from the database. it already has interesting features like pagination and field-based filters).
A simple signle page with two sections, one to display the form and be able to either book a time or start/pause/stop the tracker and the other section to display all of the tasks/trackings.
the service handles the communication with the PHP.
1- Run the two apps seperately
2- You should also design a simple MySQL database and table.
db name: tasktrialdatabase | table name : tracks
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
task_name | char(30) | YES | NULL | ||
tracking_description | char(200) | YES | NULL | ||
track_date | date | YES | NULL | ||
booked_time | time | YES | NULL | ||
finish_time | time | YES | NULL |
1- Install and Setup Angular 4
2-Install Bootstrap 4 and ngx-bootstrap In Angular 4.
npm install bootstrap@3 jquery --save
npm install ngx-bootstrap --save
3-Install ng2-smart-table component.
npm install --save ng2-smart-table