This package is built exclusively for the MFSGrp package. This package is a heavily modified version of the gglasso that was initiated by Yang Y.and Zou, H. (2015).The features added to the original gglasso package are: the mixing parameter (alpha) and its net search cross-validation, the curvature penalization for functional regression and its net search cross-validation, the optimized Fortran core function to accelerate the curvature penalization updates, and the progress reports with time estimations. This package does not work independently from the MFSGrp package, and it does not interfere with the functions of gglasso package due to the slight name differences.
You can install this package, fGMD
from GitHub with the R command:
install.packages("", repos = NULL, type="source")
Alternatively, the development version of fGMD
can be installed with the R command:
If the installation fails with the above methods, install the package from the source file:
install.packages("", repos = NULL, type="source")