This is a repo created with the idea of exploring the world of technology,programming,educational ideas.
Feel free to contribute to this random repo with anything.
Learn about pull request
Day 01:
Created The repo with the name provided by GITHUB itself.
Created a License from GITHUB.
Day 02:
Added a gif from dribble
Learnt and experienced on how to align and adjust the size{height & width} of the GIF using HTML tags.
Day 03:
Created a test branch {pull_branch} for learning more about pull request.
Made a couple of changes to the file to cause a difference between the main and secondary branch.
Source-GITHUB documentation
New pull request was detected by GITHUB and merged the branches finally deleting
the secondary branch.
Day Unknown:
Changed the name from bug-free-happiness to crowd-code-central.
Web Dev
Created a simple webpage for starting the journey of Bug-free-Happiness. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome.The official name for the repository has been changed from bug-free-happiness (which was originally suggested by GITHUB) to Crowd-Code-Central.
The website is currently undegoing a modification.
Site has been developed in framer and has been uploaded.
Cybersecurity is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security. Source
Encryption and Decryptton are two of the major aspects of cybersecurity and is crucial in develeopment.
The idealogy of manipulating databases that are stored upfront are all used with help of sql injection. Websites like HTB , hackthissite all provide an idea to understand SQL injections.
connnecting to a machine using localhost as well.
connect to a machine:
mysql -u root -h {address of host} -P {Port} -p
Cheat sheet:
-u : user
-h : host
-P : port
-p : password
Comments in sql:
{-- -}
add space after minus
' order by 1...until col_eror is displayed -- -.
gg' union select 1,2,4,...until success -- -.
xx' union select 1,@@version,3,4
College Life
One of those aspects of life that has no specific answer. Is college Necessary? Is it really worth it or worth the trouble.
it is what it is.
live and let live.
just keep understanding what you need and that is it.
"Let us help and grow together."