Chat app that uses Firebase to handle messaging, with a very simple authentication process for Sign in and Sign up.
npm install
npm run start
# Press I to open iOS simulator
# Press A to open Android emulator
- Use Expo for easier configurations, installing libraries with the correct versions, better debugging, easier building apk and ipa process, easier use of emulators/simulators, and many other benefits.
- use hooks and a Context to handle auth state.
- use Typescript, and linter + prettier configurations to improve the code quality, readeability and to avoid typing bugs.
- This app is based on Nomi's
Build a React Native App with Firebase Auth & Chat tutorial
- Expo
- Expo Router
- NativeWind
- React Native Reanimated
- Typescript
- Unit and E2E testing to be able to test the app without the UI. Using jest and Detox.
- add a profile screen
- maybe improve speed when fetching data
- show some image or text message if there are no users in the Chat List Screen
- add scrollview in case if there are many users