Data Visualisation: Empowering Business with Effective Insights Gain insights into leveraging data visualisations as a tool for making informed business decisions.
1 - Framing the Business Scenario Learn how to anticipate the questions your business leaders will need answers to Practical skills you will gain from working on this task:
a). Visualisation b). Data Analysis c). Data Interpretation
2 - Choosing the Right Visuals Learn which visuals are most effective in a given scenario
a). Data Visualisation b). Charts & Graphs c). Visual Basics
3 - Creating Effective Visuals Apply your under and create visuals based on business scenarios
a). Data Visualisation b). Dashboard c). Data Cleanup
4 - Communicating Insights and Analysis Effectively communicate your findings and explain how it relates to each scenario
a). Analysis & Presentation b). Effective Communication c). Analytics & Insights