- Description
- Technologies
- Installation
- Usage
- Changing the Default Content
- Deployment and Testing
- Screenshots
- Contributing
- License
- Buy Me a Coffee
Astrofolio is a dynamic and innovative portfolio website that showcases your projects and skills. It features a visually appealing design, with a pretty favicon and a space-themed background. The website includes various interactive elements such as synced onClick music, a dynamic logo, animated job title, glitch effect on menu text, and an innovative navigation menu.
Astrofolio is built using the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- React
- React Router DOM
- React Slick
- Slick Carousel
- TailwindCSS
- TailwindCSS Animation Delay
Here is a list of the project's dependencies and devDependencies:
- react
- react-router-dom
- react-slick
- slick-carousel
- tailwindcss-animation-delay
- autoprefixer
- postcss
- tailwindcss
- vite
Astrofolio offers the following features:
- Background music with an option to turn it on/off
- Dynamic and innovative logo
- Animated job title
- Glitch effect on menu text and project title
- TV noise effect on navigating
- Full animation throughout the website
- Project preview images on hover
- Project images slider
- Innovative project screenshots grid
To install and run Astrofolio locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/AhmedNasser1010/astrofolio
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd astrofolio
- Install dependencies:
npm i
To start the development server and view Astrofolio in your browser, use the following command:
Copy code
npm run dev
The website will be accessible at http://localhost:5173.
To customize the content displayed on Astrofolio, you can modify the content.json file located at /src/content.json. This JSON file contains the default content for various sections of the website. Update the relevant fields with your own content.
To deploy Astrofolio and run tests, follow these steps:
- Build the project:
npm run build
- Deploy the generated dist folder to your preferred hosting platform.
For testing, you can use the following command:
Copy code
- install serve:
npm i -g serve
- go to dist directory:
cd dist
- serve the project:
The website will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.
Recommended to deployment on Vercel or Netlify.
Contributions to Astrofolio are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the project's GitHub repository.
Astrofolio is licensed under the MIT License.
If you find Astrofolio helpful, consider buying me a coffee to support future development and maintenance. You can find the donation link.