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Releases: AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension

4.2.162 beta

30 Aug 09:53
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4.2.162 beta Pre-release

This update includes some improvements that make the extension more stable.

How to install beta:

4.2.159 beta

25 Aug 09:29
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4.2.159 beta Pre-release

We have identified and fixed several critical bugs that were reported after AdGuard Browser Extension v4.2 for Chrome was deployed to 5% of our user base. These bugs were affecting the functionality of the extension.

To address these issues, we have released a hotfix. We will continue to monitor the situation closely. If no further critical bugs are reported, we will gradually increase the rollout to all users.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve the extension.



  • Improved $redirect syntax compatibility with uBO #59


  • Do not expose JS rules in global scope #2440
  • The extension popup doesn’t show switch and number of blocked ads if you leave the browser tab in the background and then switch back to it #2433


How to install beta:


09 Aug 14:55
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The new version of AdGuard Browser Extension has undergone major changes that are not immediately noticeable. We’ve rewritten the whole filtering code in TypeScript and moved it into a new, separate library β€” this allows us to prepare the extension for a seamless transition to MV3.

A bit of background

Some time ago, we moved the extension's URL filtering engine into a separate library called tsurlfilter. The main purpose of the library is to reuse the filtering logic in our products (browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox, rule converter for Safari, linter, etc).

The tsurlfilter had two main parts:

  • A filtering engine that matches URLs against the rules loaded into it
  • A Chrome- and Firefox-specific programming interface responsible for applying the rules found

With MV3, we need to maintain filtering code not only for different browsers, but also for different manifest versions, as well as provide a seamless transition from MV2 to MV3 as browsers remove the old API. We're in no hurry to move to MV3 right away as its API is very limited.

Adding new logic to solve this problem in tsurlfilter would have made the library too heavy, so we decided to design a new software platform that would hide the logic specific to different browsers and manifests behind a single and simple API. The new library was named tswebextension.

The new tswebextension library

With tswebextension, it will be easier to maintain and update our products.

In the new version of the Browser Extension for Chrome and Firefox, we’ve completely redesigned the background service using tswebextension β€” this will allow us to seamlessly move to MV3 in Chrome in future major releases.

In addition, we’ve updated the AdGuard API that also uses tswebextension under the hood.



  • Clicking any part of the item opens a dropdown list #2347
  • Added new $method modifier to match requests by HTTP method
  • Reworked the rule prioritizing algorithm by adding more accurate calculation of weights for each rule type
  • Content scripts are injected into open tabs when the extension starts


  • Scriptlets are not displayed in the request details bar of the Filtering log #2341
  • Cosmetic rules are not applied on tabs deactivated by Chrome Memory Saver #2342
  • Incorrect query parameters are inserted into the bug report #2352
  • Custom filters aren’t updated #2356
  • Filtering log does not display event types #2366
  • The rule editor cannot be opened as a tab in the main browser window #2379
  • Background tab is absent in the Filtering log #2381
  • The pre-compiler hints and filter list sources for Edge and Opera are incorrect #2380
  • Browsing Security cache is not cleared #2388
  • Stealth Mode and Browsing Security are applied if AdGuard protection is disabled #2389
  • Cosmetic rules are visible in the Filtering log, even though they were not applied #2387
  • Fixed handling of document requests from external workers (e.g. Chrome’s omnibox)
  • Fixed element collapser adding redundant styles to the element


  • Scriplets updated to v1.9.62
  • tswebextension updated to v0.3.6

How to install stable:

4.2.151 beta

09 Aug 08:25
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4.2.151 beta Pre-release

The release is just around the corner, we promise! In this beta, we've updated Scriptlets.



How to install beta:

4.2.148 beta

03 Aug 09:00
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4.2.148 beta Pre-release

The AdGuard Browser Extension v4.2.148 contains several useful changes. We’ve fixed a bug with filters resetting at Firefox launch in private mode and improved the display of events in the Filtering log when processing requests with redirects. We’ve also solved an issue that caused a settings reset when updating an extension with a custom filter set up, and updated Scriptlets to v1.9.57.



  • Filters reset at Firefox launch in private mode #2329


How to install beta:

4.2.142 beta

17 Jul 09:25
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4.2.142 beta Pre-release

This is another beta version of the AdGuard Browser Extension, ahead of the massive v4.2 release. There aren't many changes, but they all make the extension better. We've fixed a few bugs, including false triggering of the $popup modifier, and improved applying of cosmetic rules on pages with service workers.



  • Impossible to move external rules editor to the main browser's window #2379
  • Background tab is absent in the filtering log #2381
  • The pre-compiler hints and filter list sources for Edge and Opera are incorrect #2380
  • The cache for the Safe Browsing is not being cleared #2388
  • Safe Browsing is applied if global protection is disabled #2389
  • Cosmetic rules are visible in the filtering log, even though they were not applied #2387

How to install beta:


17 Jul 09:00
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We've discovered that extension's "Thank you" page became unavailable in some countries and this tiny update is aimed to fix it.

How to install stable:

How to install beta:

4.2.133 beta

21 Jun 09:16
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4.2.133 beta Pre-release

In this version we've updated Scriplets and tswebextension,fixed a few bugs and reduced the switching time of Stealth mode toggle switches.




  • Scriptlets are not displayed in the request details bar of the Filtering log #2341
  • Cosmetic rules are not applied on tabs deactivated by Chrome Memory Saver #2342
  • Incorrect query parameters are inserted into the bug report #2352
  • The update of custom filters does not work #2356
  • Filtering log does not display event types #2366


  • Updated Scriplets to v1.9.37
  • Updated tswebextension to v0.3.3

How to install beta:


01 Jun 12:37
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In this version, we have made a few minor changes, along with updates to Scriptlets and ExtendedCss. That's all for now, but stay tuned for more updates in the future!



How to install stable:

How to install beta:

4.2.109 beta

02 May 13:22
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4.2.109 beta Pre-release

The new version of AdGuard Browser Extension has undergone major changes that are not immediately noticeable. We've moved all the β€œfiltering” code into a new, separate library β€” this allows us to prepare the extension for a seamless transition to MV3.

A bit of background

Some time ago we transferred the URL filtering engine from the extension to a separate library called `tsurlfilter'. The main purpose of the library is to reuse the filtering logic in our products (browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox, rules converter for Safari, linter, etc.).

The `tsurlfilter' had two main parts:

  • A filtering engine that matches URLs with the rules loaded into it
  • A Chrome- and Firefox-specific programming interface responsible for applying the rules found

With MV3, we need to maintain filter code not only for different browsers, but also for different manifest versions, as well as provide a seamless transition from MV2 to MV3 as browsers remove the old API. We're in no hurry to move to MV3 right away as its API is very limited.

Adding new logic to solve this problem in tsurlfilter would have made the library too heavy, so we decided to design a new software platform that would hide the logic specific to different browsers and manifests behind a single and simple API. The new library was named tswebextension.

The new tswebextension library

With tswebextension, it will be easier to maintain and update our products.

The new version of the browser extension for Chrome and Firefox has completely redesigned the background service using tswebextension β€” this will allow us to seamlessly move to MV3 in Chrome in future major releases.

In addition, we've updated the AdGuard API which also uses tswebextension β€œunder the hood”.

How to install beta: