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Releases: AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension


19 Feb 09:35
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Unfortunately, the build with the returned Quick fixes filter failed to pass the Chrome Web Store review and we had to remove not only this filter, but also the entire Custom filters group. We're very unhappy about this, but it's a forced measure.

Stay tuned to our blog for our reflections on this matter and a full timeline of events, as well as how the userScripts API and fast-track review can potentially help us.



  • Removed AdGuard Quick Fixes filter.
  • Removed Custom filters group.

How to install MV3 stable:

How to install MV3 beta:

5.0.188 beta

19 Feb 09:36
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5.0.188 beta Pre-release

Unfortunately, the build with the returned Quick fixes filter failed to pass the Chrome Web Store review and we had to remove not only this filter, but also the entire Custom filters group. We're very unhappy about this, but it's a forced measure.

Stay tuned to our blog for our reflections on this matter and a full timeline of events, as well as how the userScripts API and fast-track review can potentially help us.



  • Removed AdGuard Quick Fixes filter.
  • Removed Custom filters group.

How to install MV3 beta:


22 Jan 10:50
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Small but important hotfix.



  • Scriptlet rules are available only from the pre-built filters now.
    Now, of the script and scriptlet rules that are added to Custom filters, User rules or Quick fixes filter, only those already used in pre-built filters will work. This means that before applying such a rule, the extension engine will compare the rule body with the list of rules that have already been used in filters from all categories of pre-built filters, such as Ad Blocking, Privacy, etc. If there is a match, the engine will apply the rule, and if not, it will discard it. For example, let's imagine that the Base filter contains the rule'test'), then the engine will accept rules like'test') and #%#console.log('test'), but will discard'new test').

  • Added AdGuard Quick Fixes filter.

TSWebExtension (Library wrapper for Browser API and TSUrlFilter)


  • Injection of remotely hosted scripts.

How to install MV3 stable:

How to install MV3 beta:

5.0.185 beta

21 Jan 10:58
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5.0.185 beta Pre-release

Small but important hotfix.



  • Scriptlet rules are available only from the pre-built filters now.
    Now, of the script and scriptlet rules that are added to Custom filters, User rules or Quick fixes filter, only those already used in pre-built filters will work. This means that before applying such a rule, the extension engine will compare the rule body with the list of rules that have already been used in filters from all categories of pre-built filters, such as Ad Blocking, Privacy, etc. If there is a match, the engine will apply the rule, and if not, it will discard it. For example, let's imagine that the Base filter contains the rule'test'), then the engine will accept rules like'test') and #%#console.log('test'), but will discard'new test').

  • Added AdGuard Quick Fixes filter.

TSWebExtension (Library wrapper for Browser API and TSUrlFilter)


  • Injection of remotely hosted scripts.

How to install MV3 beta:


14 Jan 11:51
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The bad news is that we had to remove the Quick Fixes filter due to the problems with passing the store review — MV3 restrictions in action. The good news is that we updated other filters — which means that ads will be blocked better.

How to install MV3 stable:

How to install MV3 beta:

5.0.183 beta

14 Jan 11:52
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5.0.183 beta Pre-release

The bad news is that we had to remove the Quick Fixes filter due to the problems with passing the store review — MV3 restrictions in action. The good news is that we updated other filters — which means that ads will be blocked better.

How to install MV3 beta:


24 Dec 16:08
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Small but important hotfix.



  • Remade JS rules injections in MV3:
    • use chrome.scripting API for injecting functions for script rules from the pre-built filters.
    • use script tag injection only for script rules manually added by users — rules from User rules and Custom filters.

TSWebExtension (Library wrapper for Browser API and TSUrlFilter)


  • Ability to execute new AG_ script rules from User rules and Custom filters in MV3.

How to install MV3 stable:

How to install MV3 beta:

5.0.178 beta

24 Dec 16:07
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5.0.178 beta Pre-release

Small but important hotfix.



  • Remade JS rules injections in MV3:
    • use chrome.scripting API for injecting functions for script rules from the pre-built filters.
    • use script tag injection only for script rules manually added by users — rules from User rules and Custom filters.

TSWebExtension (Library wrapper for Browser API and TSUrlFilter)


  • Ability to execute new AG_ script rules from User rules and Custom filters in MV3.

How to install MV3 stable:

How to install MV3 beta:


23 Dec 14:42
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The extension now runs more smoothly thanks to this minor update, which fixes a number of bugs.

How to install MV2 stable:


25 Nov 14:13
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The extension now runs more smoothly thanks to this minor update, which fixes a number of bugs.

How to install MV3 stable:

How to install MV3 beta: