A Book Store web app with authentication, validations, flash messages, login, logout and sign up customizations using flask and python.
Use this Flask app to kickstart your book store project with less work. In this application template you will find the following flask plugins already utilized:
- Flask-Login - Flask-Login provides user session management for Flask.
- Flask-SQLAlchemy - Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask. Quick and easy.
- Flask-WTF - Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, with rasing Validation Errors, Validating proper email address format, etc.
- Flask-Bycript - Flask_Bycript provides bycript hashing utilities(password hashing).
Python 3.7+
First, clone this repository.
$ git clone http://github.com/Adebowale-Morakinyo/flask-bookstore-web-app
Open your favourite terminal and navigate to the local folder of the cloned files.
After, set up virtual env and install all necessary modules:
(venv)$ pip install flask
(venv)$ pip install flask_sqlalchemy
(venv)$ pip install flask_wtf
(venv)$ pip install flask_bycript
(venv)$ pip install flask_login
Then, run the application:
(venv)$ python run.py
To see your application, access this url in your browser: