Now the DreamBerd foundation does not own this project.
Big shoutout to @sus2790 for helping me out with this project! Really appreciate it! ❤️
Update: We recommend you to run this on Replit if you don't have cargo installed.
To install, you'll need to install the DreamBerd Installer Installer. Learn how to
Then, install the DreamBerd installer & run it:
$ git clone
-- Cloning into 'dreamberd-interpreter'...
-- remote: Enumerating objects: 61, done.
-- remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done.
-- remote: Compressing objects: 100% (57/57), done.
-- remote: Total 61 (delta 24), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
-- Receiving objects: 100% (61/61), 17.98 KiB | 2.25 MiB/s, done.
-- Resolving deltas: 100% (24/24), done.
$ cd dreamberd-interpreter
$ python
Then you're done installing!
To run in your command line:
$ python3 -m dreamberd your_file.db
or, inline code:
$ python3 -m dreamberd 'print("I love dreamberd")!'
It's slow. Perfectly slow. However, using rure
, it's a bit faster. I'm not good at writing interpreters, please forgive me.
Tested with most of the examples
These are the current supported features!
const const dreamberd = ;;true!
print("Dreamberd is the best programming language: ${dreamberd}")!
AI: Auto-Insertion
print("this is fine.")
print("This is also fine."
error here!
const const luke = "amazing"!
print("How is luke")?
As stated in the DreamBerd README, this interpreter also detects your local currency symbol and uses it for string interpolation. To check the symbol, simply write:
This is similar to print()?
, yet more efficient.
Thanks to recent advances in technology, you can now give files names.
===== main.db =====
const const luke = "still amazing"!
export luke to "second.db"!
===== second.db =====
print("Luke is ${luke}")!
Make sure to put the keyword on the LAST line.
print("am i happy? ${happy}")!
const const happy = ;;true!
var var
(not going to)const const const
- equality, statements... (
) - emoji naming
- arrays
- when
- lifetimes (priority)
- arithmetic
- functions
- dividing by 0
- useless types
- Regular Expressions
- Previous
- Classes / ClassNames (may not be following the docs)
- Time (may not be following the docs)
- Delete
- Overloading (may be the last to finish)
- DBX (may be the last to finish)
- Async Functions (need help)
- Signals (doing when arrays are finished)
- Copilot (if we managed to make the prompts)