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Andrew's new BeamQuality tool (#287)
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New BeamQuality tool (from Andrew) to produce BeamStatuses from the BeamFetcherV2 that the EventBuilding can interface with

* Update Factory.cpp

* Update Unity.h

* Update BeamQuality.cpp

change beam trigger to 14 for the new event builder


Co-authored-by: marc1uk <>
  • Loading branch information
S81D and marc1uk authored Nov 11, 2024
1 parent 774f3b1 commit c2be2f8
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Showing 5 changed files with 369 additions and 0 deletions.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions UserTools/BeamQuality/BeamQuality.cpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
#include "BeamQuality.h"


bool BeamQuality::Initialise(std::string configfile, DataModel &data)
// Load configuration file variables
if ( !configfile.empty() ) m_variables.Initialise(configfile);

// Assign a transient data pointer
m_data = &data;

// Get the things
bool got_verbosity = m_variables.Get("verbose", verbosity);
bool got_potmin = m_variables.Get("POTMin", fPOTMin);
bool got_potmax = m_variables.Get("POTMax", fPOTMax);
bool got_hornmin = m_variables.Get("HornCurrentMin", fHornCurrMin);
bool got_hornmax = m_variables.Get("HornCurrentMax", fHornCurrMax);
bool got_beamloss = m_variables.Get("BeamLossTolerance", fBeamLoss);

// Check the config parameters and set default values if necessary
if (!got_verbosity) verbosity = 1;

if (!got_potmin) {
fPOTMin = 5e11;

logmessage = ("Warning (BeamQuality): POTMin not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 5e11");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_potmax) {
fPOTMax = 8e12;

logmessage = ("Warning (BeamQuality): POTMax not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 8e12");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_hornmin) {
fHornCurrMin = 172;

logmessage = ("Warning (BeamQuality): HornCurrentMin not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 172");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_hornmax) {
fHornCurrMax = 176;

logmessage = ("Warning (BeamQuality): HornCurrentMax not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 176");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_beamloss) {
fBeamLoss = 0.05;

logmessage = ("Warning (BeamQuality): BeamLossTolerance not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 0.05");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

// Necessary initialization
m_data->CStore.Set("NewBeamStatusAvailable", false);
fLastTimestamp = 0;
BeamStatusMap = new std::map<uint64_t, BeamStatus>;

return true;

bool BeamQuality::Execute()
m_data->CStore.Set("NewBeamStatusAvailable", false);

// Check for CTC timestamps and beam DB info
bool got_ctc = m_data->CStore.Get("NewCTCDataAvailable", fNewCTCData);
bool got_beamdb = m_data->CStore.Get("NewBeamDataAvailable", fNewBeamData);

// Make sure we have the info we need
if (!got_ctc) {
logmessage = ("Error (BeamQuality): Did not find NewCTCDataAvailable "
"entry in the CStore. Aborting.");
Log(logmessage, v_error, verbosity);

return false;

if (!got_beamdb) {
logmessage = ("Error (BeamQuality): Did not find NewBeamDataAvailable "
"entry in the CStore. Make sure to run BeamFetcherV2 in "
"your tool chain. Aborting.");
Log(logmessage, v_error, verbosity);

return false;

// Start doing the things
if (!fNewCTCData) {
logmessage = ("Message (BeamQuality): No new CTC data is available. "
"Nothing to do for now");
Log(logmessage, v_message, verbosity);

return true;

// Need to get the trigger times and loop over them
bool got_triggers = m_data->CStore.Get("TimeToTriggerWordMap", TimeToTriggerWordMap);
bool got_beamdata = m_data->CStore.Get("BeamDataMap", BeamDataMap);

// Keep track of which timestamps we've seen so we can clear out the BeamDataMap
std::set<uint64_t> completed_timestamps;

// But start from the fLastTimestamp to save time
for (auto iterator = TimeToTriggerWordMap->lower_bound(fLastTimestamp);
iterator != TimeToTriggerWordMap->end(); ++iterator) {

// Grab the timestamp and check the trigger words
uint64_t timestamp = iterator->first;
uint64_t timestamp_ms = timestamp/1E6;
fLastTimestamp = timestamp;

// Check for trigger word 14 (undelayed beam trigger)
// If it's not there then it isn't a beam trigger and there's nothing more to do
if (std::find(iterator->second.begin(), iterator->second.end(), 14) == iterator->second.end()) {
BeamStatus tempStatus(TimeClass(timestamp), 0., BeamCondition::NonBeamMinibuffer);
BeamStatusMap->emplace(timestamp, tempStatus);

// Have we already saved this timestamp? If so then continue to the next one
if (BeamStatusMap->find(timestamp) != BeamStatusMap->end())

// Check for the existence of beam DB info
if (!fNewBeamData) {
logmessage = ("Warning (BeamQuality): No new Beam DB data is available. "
"Setting it to \"Missing\". ");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

BeamStatus tempStatus(TimeClass(timestamp), 0., BeamCondition::Missing);
BeamStatusMap->emplace(timestamp, tempStatus);

// Check for beam DB info associated with the timestamp
if (BeamDataMap->find(timestamp_ms) != BeamDataMap->end()) {
// Got the goods, now use it
BeamStatus tempStatus = assess_beam_quality(timestamp);
BeamStatusMap->emplace(timestamp, tempStatus);

} else {
logmessage = ("Warning (BeamQuality): No Beam DB info found for timestamp: "
+ std::to_string(timestamp_ms) + ". Setting it to \"Missing\". ");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

BeamStatus tempStatus(TimeClass(timestamp), 0., BeamCondition::Missing);
BeamStatusMap->emplace(timestamp, tempStatus);
} // end if found timestamp in BeamDataMap
} // end loop over TimeToTriggerWordMap

// Clear out the BeamDataMap to free up memory
for (auto ts : completed_timestamps)

// Save the status
m_data->CStore.Set("BeamStatusMap", BeamStatusMap);

logmessage = ("Message (BeamQuality): BeamStatusMap size: "
+ std::to_string(BeamStatusMap->size()));
Log(logmessage, v_message, verbosity);

return true;

bool BeamQuality::Finalise()

return true;

BeamStatus BeamQuality::assess_beam_quality(uint64_t timestamp)
// initialize the beamstatus that we'll return
BeamStatus retStatus;

// Check for and grab the quatities we want from the BeamDataMap
uint64_t timestamp_ms = timestamp/1E6;
auto BeamDataPointMap = BeamDataMap->at(timestamp_ms);

std::string device_name = "";

// POT downstream toroid
device_name = "E:TOR875";
double pot_ds_toroid = 0;
if (BeamDataPointMap.find(device_name) != BeamDataPointMap.end()) {
auto bdp = BeamDataPointMap[device_name];
retStatus.add_measurement(device_name, timestamp_ms, bdp);
pot_ds_toroid = bdp.value;

// POT upstream toroid
device_name = "E:TOR860";
double pot_us_toroid = 0;
if (BeamDataPointMap.find(device_name) != BeamDataPointMap.end()) {
auto bdp = BeamDataPointMap[device_name];
retStatus.add_measurement(device_name, timestamp_ms, bdp);
pot_us_toroid = bdp.value;

// Horn current
device_name = "E:THCURR";
double horn_current = 0;
if (BeamDataPointMap.find(device_name) != BeamDataPointMap.end()) {
auto bdp = BeamDataPointMap[device_name];
retStatus.add_measurement(device_name, timestamp_ms, bdp);
horn_current = bdp.value;

// Perform the cuts
retStatus.add_cut("POT in range",
(retStatus.pot() >= fPOTMin && retStatus.pot() <= fPOTMax));

retStatus.add_cut("Horn current in range",
(horn_current >= fHornCurrMin && horn_current <= fHornCurrMax));

double beam_loss_frac = std::abs(pot_ds_toroid - pot_us_toroid) / (pot_ds_toroid + pot_us_toroid);
retStatus.add_cut("Beam loss acceptable",
(beam_loss_frac < fBeamLoss));

// Finish up the beam status
if (retStatus.passed_all_cuts()) {
} else {
logmessage = ("Message (BeamQuality): Bad beam spill at trigger timestamp "
+ std::to_string(timestamp));
Log(logmessage, v_message, verbosity);
if (verbosity >=v_debug)


return retStatus;
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions UserTools/BeamQuality/BeamQuality.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#ifndef BeamQuality_H
#define BeamQuality_H

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

#include "Tool.h"
#include "BeamStatus.h"
#include "MinibufferLabel.h"
#include "ANNIEconstants.h"
#include "BeamDataPoint.h"
#include "TimeClass.h"

#include "Tool.h"

* \class BeamQuality
* Tool to apply quality cuts to the results of BeamFetcherV2
* $Author: A.Sutton $
* $Date: 2024/04/1 $
class BeamQuality: public Tool {


BeamQuality(); ///< Simple constructor
bool Initialise(std::string configfile,DataModel &data); ///< Initialise Function for setting up Tool resources. @param configfile The path and name of the dynamic configuration file to read in. @param data A reference to the transient data class used to pass information between Tools.
bool Execute(); ///< Execute function used to perform Tool purpose.
bool Finalise(); ///< Finalise function used to clean up resources.

BeamStatus assess_beam_quality(uint64_t timestamp);


// Config variables
int verbosity;

// Cut values from config
// Extend this for additional cuts
double fPOTMin;
double fPOTMax;
double fHornCurrMin;
double fHornCurrMax;
double fBeamLoss;

// CStore things
bool fNewCTCData;
bool fNewBeamData;
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<uint32_t>> *TimeToTriggerWordMap; ///< Trigger information
std::map<uint64_t, std::map<std::string, BeamDataPoint>> *BeamDataMap; ///< BeamDB information
std::map<uint64_t, BeamStatus> *BeamStatusMap; ///< Map containing the beam status information that will be saved to the CStore

// Keep the last timestamp around to make sure we don't double process things
uint64_t fLastTimestamp;

// Verbosity things
int v_error = 0;
int v_warning = 1;
int v_message = 2;
int v_debug = 3;
int vv_debug = 4;
std::string logmessage;

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions UserTools/BeamQuality/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# BeamQuality

The `BeamQuality` tool is part of the Event Building chain in ANNIE and forwards information about the Beam Status to the `ANNIEEventBuilder` tool. It uses information that was previously retrieved from the beam database with the `BeamFetcherV2` tool. This mimic the `BeamQuality` tool that is used for the original `BeamFetcher`.

The information is saved in the form of the `BeamStatus` class. This class contains some basic information like the POT for the timestamp in question and some more detailed information about the horn currents. It is possible to already choose some beam quality cuts for the timestamp tolerance, horn currents, and POT values. However, some beam information will be stored in the object, so it will be possible to use slightly different cuts when analyzing the data later.

## Data

The Beam Status information is stored in the `BeamStatusMap` object and put in the CStore. The `ANNIEEventBuilder` tool can access the object in the CStore and write the information to the ANNIEEvent BoostStore.

The `BeamQuality` tool goes through the decoded trigger timestamps and searches for the beam status at each of these trigger timestamps (in case there was a beam trigger). The properties of the beam are then saved in the BeamStatus object and put into the `BeamStatusMap`. It then deletes the used BeamData to free up memory.

**BeamStatusMap** `map<uint64_t, BeamStatus>`
* Beam status for the trigger timestamps

The `BeamStatusMap` is stored in the form of a pointer, and the `ANNIEEventBuilder` will delete already built entries from the map to free up memory.

## Configuration

BeamQuality has the following configuration variables:

# BeamQuality config file
verbose 1
# POT window for "good" beam
POTMin 5e11
POTMax 8e12
# Horn current window for "good" beam (in kA)
HornCurrentMin 172
HornCurrentMax 176
# Fractional difference between the upstream and downstream POT measurements
BeamLossTolerance 0.05
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions UserTools/Factory/Factory.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ if (tool=="NeutronMultiplicity") ret=new NeutronMultiplicity;
if (tool=="PlotsTrackLengthAndEnergy") ret=new PlotsTrackLengthAndEnergy;
if (tool=="SaveConfigInfo") ret=new SaveConfigInfo;
if (tool=="ReadConfigInfo") ret=new ReadConfigInfo;
if (tool=="BeamQuality") ret=new BeamQuality;
if (tool=="BackTracker") ret=new BackTracker;
return ret;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions UserTools/Unity.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,4 +176,5 @@
#include "PlotsTrackLengthAndEnergy.h"
#include "SaveConfigInfo.h"
#include "ReadConfigInfo.h"
#include "BeamQuality.h"
#include "BackTracker.h"

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