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AssignBunchTimingMC tool to add the BNB spill structure to MC cluster…
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New tool to assign BNB spill structure to MC cluster times

* Update Factory.cpp

* Update Unity.h

* Update AssignBunchTimingMC.cpp

silly missed bug
  • Loading branch information
S81D authored Nov 18, 2024
1 parent 3120be3 commit 5cb8e45
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Showing 5 changed files with 345 additions and 0 deletions.
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions UserTools/AssignBunchTimingMC/AssignBunchTimingMC.cpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
#include "AssignBunchTimingMC.h"



bool AssignBunchTimingMC::Initialise(std::string configfile, DataModel &data){

// Get configuration variables and set default values if necessary

if ( !configfile.empty() ) m_variables.Initialise(configfile);
m_data = &data;

bool got_verbosity = m_variables.Get("verbosity", verbosity);
bool got_width = m_variables.Get("bunchwidth", fbunchwidth);
bool got_interval = m_variables.Get("bunchinterval", fbunchinterval);
bool got_count = m_variables.Get("bunchcount", fbunchcount);
bool got_sample = m_variables.Get("sampletype", fsample);
bool got_trigger = m_variables.Get("prompttriggertime", ftriggertime);

if (!got_verbosity) {
verbosity = 0;
logmessage = "Warning (AssignBunchTimingMC): \"verbosity\" not set in the config, defaulting to 0";
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

// default bunch parameters from MicroBooNE paper:

if (!got_width) {
fbunchwidth = 1.308; // ns
logmessage = ("Warning (AssignBunchTimingMC): \"bunchwidth\" not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 1.308ns");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_interval) {
fbunchinterval = 18.936; // ns
logmessage = ("Warning (AssignBunchTimingMC): \"bunchinterval\" not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 18.936ns");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_count) {
fbunchwidth = 81;
logmessage = ("Warning (AssignBunchTimingMC): \"bunchcount\" not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 81");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_sample) {
fsample = 0; // assume they are using the Tank samples
logmessage = ("Warning (AssignBunchTimingMC): \"sampletype\" not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 0 (GENIE tank samples)");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (!got_trigger) {
ftriggertime = 0; // assume they are using the old WCSim prompt trigger time (t = 0, first particle arrival)
logmessage = ("Warning (AssignBunchTimingMC): \"prompttriggertime\" not "
"set in the config file. Using default: 0 (WCSim prompt trigger time = 0)");
Log(logmessage, v_warning, verbosity);

if (verbosity >= v_message) {
std::cout<<"AssignBunchTimingMC: Config settings"<<"\n";
std::cout<<"bunch width = "<<fbunchwidth<<" ns"<<"\n";
std::cout<<"bunch interval = "<<fbunchinterval<<" ns"<<"\n";
std::cout<<"number of bunches = "<<fbunchcount<<"\n";
std::cout<<"sample type = "<<(fsample == 0 ? "(0) Tank" : "(1) World")<<"\n";
std::cout<<"trigger time = "<<(ftriggertime == 0 ? "(0) prompt trigger starts when first particle arrives (default WCSim)"
: "(1) prompt trigger starts at beam dump (modified WCSim)")<<"\n";

fbunchTimes = new std::map<double, double>; // set up pointer; Store will handle deletion in Finalize

return true;


bool AssignBunchTimingMC::Execute()

if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::cout << "AssignBunchTimingMC: Executing tool..." << std::endl;

if (!LoadStores()) // Load info from store
return false;
if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::cout << "AssignBunchTimingMC: Store info loading successful" << std::endl;

fbunchTimes->clear(); // clear map

BNBtiming(); // grab BNB structure
if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::cout << "AssignBunchTimingMC: BNB timing successful" << std::endl;

for (std::pair<double, std::vector<MCHit>>&& apair : *fClusterMapMC) {
double totalHitTime = 0;
int hitCount = 0;
int totalHits = apair.second.size();

CalculateClusterAndBunchTimes(apair.second, totalHitTime, hitCount, totalHits);

// store the cluster time in a map (e.g., keyed by cluster identifier)
fbunchTimes->emplace(apair.first, bunchTime);

if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::cout << "AssignBunchTimingMC: Assigned bunch time successfully. Writing to Store..." << std::endl;

// send to store
m_data->"ANNIEEvent")->Set("bunchTimes", fbunchTimes);

return true;



bool AssignBunchTimingMC::Finalise()
return true;


bool AssignBunchTimingMC::LoadStores()
// grab necessary information from Stores

bool get_MCClusters = m_data->CStore.Get("ClusterMapMC", fClusterMapMC);
if (!get_MCClusters) {
Log("AssignBunchTimingMC: no ClusterMapMC in the CStore! Are you sure you ran the ClusterFinder tool?", v_error, verbosity);
return false;

bool get_AnnieEvent = m_data->Stores.count("ANNIEEvent");
if (!get_AnnieEvent) {
Log("AssignBunchTimingMC: no ANNIEEvent store!", v_error, verbosity);
return false;

bool get_MCHits = m_data->"ANNIEEvent")->Get("MCHits", fMCHitsMap);
if (!get_MCHits) {
Log("AssignBunchTimingMC: no MCHits in the ANNIEEvent!", v_error, verbosity);
return false;

bool get_neutrino_vtxt = m_data->Stores["GenieInfo"]->Get("NuIntxVtx_T",TrueNuIntxVtx_T); // grab neutrino interaction time
if (!get_neutrino_vtxt) {
Log("AssignBunchTimingMC: no GENIE neutrino interaction time info in the ANNIEEvent! Are you sure you ran the LoadGENIEEvent tool?", v_error, verbosity);
return false;

return true;


void AssignBunchTimingMC::BNBtiming()
// Determined from GENIE samples (as of Oct 2024)
const double tank_time = 67.0; // Tank neutrino arrival time: 67ns
const double world_time = 33.0; // WORLD neutrino arrival time: 33ns

if (ftriggertime == 0) {
new_nu_time = (fsample == 0) ? (TrueNuIntxVtx_T - tank_time) : (TrueNuIntxVtx_T - world_time);
} else if (ftriggertime == 1) {
new_nu_time = (fsample == 0) ? -tank_time : -world_time;

// seed random number generator with the current time
unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::cout << "AssignBunchTimingMC: Random seed selected: " << seed << std::endl;

// per event, assign BNB structure (random bunch number + jitter based on intrinsic bunch width + new_nu_time)
bunchNumber = rand() % fbunchcount;
std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0, fbunchwidth);
jitter = distribution(generator);

if (verbosity >= v_message) {
std::string logmessage = "AssignBunchTimingMC: bunchNumber = " + std::to_string(bunchNumber) + " | t0 = " + std::to_string(new_nu_time);
Log(logmessage, v_debug, verbosity);



void AssignBunchTimingMC::CalculateClusterAndBunchTimes(std::vector<MCHit> const &mchits, double &totalHitTime, int &hitCount, int &totalHits)

// loop over the hits to get their times
for (auto mchit : mchits) {
double hitTime = mchit.GetTime();
totalHitTime += hitTime;
if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::string logmessage = "AssignBunchTimingMC: (" + std::to_string(hitCount) + "/" + std::to_string(totalHits) + ") MCHit time = " + std::to_string(hitTime);
Log(logmessage, v_debug, verbosity);

// find nominal cluster time (average hit time)
double clusterTime = (hitCount > 0) ? totalHitTime / hitCount : -9999;
if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::string logmessage = "AssignBunchTimingMC: ClusterTime = " + std::to_string(clusterTime);
Log(logmessage, v_debug, verbosity);

// calculate BunchTime
bunchTime = fbunchinterval * bunchNumber + clusterTime + jitter + new_nu_time ;
if (verbosity >= v_debug) {
std::string logmessage = "AssignBunchTimingMC: bunchTime = " + std::to_string(bunchTime);
Log(logmessage, v_debug, verbosity);



// done
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions UserTools/AssignBunchTimingMC/AssignBunchTimingMC.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#ifndef AssignBunchTimingMC_H
#define AssignBunchTimingMC_H

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

#include "Tool.h"
#include "Hit.h"

* \class AssignBunchTimingMC
* A tool to assign BNB bunch structure to GENIE events
* $Author: S.Doran $
* $Date: 2024/10/09 $
* Contact:
class AssignBunchTimingMC: public Tool {


AssignBunchTimingMC(); ///< Simple constructor
bool Initialise(std::string configfile,DataModel &data); ///< Initialise Function for setting up Tool resources. @param configfile The path and name of the dynamic configuration file to read in. @param data A reference to the transient data class used to pass information between Tools.
bool Execute(); ///< Execute function used to perform Tool purpose.
bool Finalise(); ///< Finalise function used to clean up resources.

bool LoadStores(); ///< Loads all relevant information from the store, away from the Execute function
void BNBtiming(); ///< Calculates the appropriate BNB timing to apply to the clusters
void CalculateClusterAndBunchTimes(std::vector<MCHit> const &mchits, double &totalHitTime, int &hitCount, int &totalHits); ///< Loops through the MCHits, finds the cluster times (avg hit time), and calculates the new bunch timing


std::map<unsigned long, std::vector<MCHit>> *fMCHitsMap = nullptr; ///< All of the MCHits keyed by channel number
std::map<double, std::vector<MCHit>> *fClusterMapMC = nullptr; ///< All MC clusters
double TrueNuIntxVtx_T; ///< true neutrino interaction time in ns, from GenieInfo store

std::map<double, double> *fbunchTimes = nullptr; ///< Bunch-realistic timing from the cluster times;
/// map linking updated bunch time to normal cluster time

std::default_random_engine generator; ///< Random number generator for bunch number

double fbunchwidth; ///< BNB intrinsic bunch width in ns
double fbunchinterval; ///< BNB bunch spacing in ns
int fbunchcount; ///< number of BNB bunches per spill
int fsample; ///< GENIE Tank or WORLD samples
int ftriggertime; ///< whether the samples used the default WCSim prompt trigger = 0 (when particles enter the volume), or the adjusted prompt trigger based on the start of the beam dump

double new_nu_time; ///< offset needed to make the cluster times beam realistic
int bunchNumber; ///< randomly assigned bunch number
double jitter; ///< random jitter based on the intrinsic bunch width
double bunchTime; ///< individual bunch time assigned for a specific cluster

/// \brief verbosity levels: if 'verbosity' < this level, the message type will be logged.
int verbosity;
int v_error=0; // STOP THE SHOW
int v_warning=1; // this and below the show will go on
int v_message=2;
int v_debug=3;
std::string logmessage;


31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions UserTools/AssignBunchTimingMC/
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# AssignBunchTimingMC

`AssignBunchTimingMC` applies the spill structure of the BNB to MC clusters. Currently, all MC events are "triggered" at the same time in WCSim; for certain analyses revolving around beam timing it may be necessary to have a beam-realistic simulation. The tool works by taking in a cluster produced by the `ClusterFinder` tool of form std::map<double, std::vector<MCHit>> from the CStore ("ClusterMapMC"), and applies a corrective timing factor to each event. The tool also leverages the true neutrino interaction vertex time from GENIE to accurately create a spill structure. For this reason, both the `LoadGenieEvent` and `ClusterFinder` tools must be ran beforehand. This tool is designed for use on Genie Tank and World WCSim samples.

## Data

`AssignBunchTimingMC` produces a map of spill-adjusted cluster times and puts them into the ANNIEEvent store (all map keys are the original cluster time):

**fbunchTimes** `std::map<double, double>`

## Configuration
# AssignBunchTimingMC Config File
verbosity 0
# BNB properties taken from: MicroBooNE
bunchwidth 1.308 # BNB instrinic bunch spread [ns]
bunchinterval 18.936 # BNB bunch spacings [ns]
bunchcount 81 # number of BNB bunches per spill
sampletype 0 # Tank (0) or World (1) genie samples you are running over
prompttriggertime 0 # WCSim prompt trigger settings: (0 = default, t0 = 0 when a particle enters the volume)
# (1 = modified, t0 = 0 when the neutrino beam dump begins)

## Additional information

The "bunchTimes" have a spill structure that starts at ~0 ns and extends to M ns (depending on the bunch spacing and number of bunches). The tool is currently configured to the most recent Genie sample production (tank: 2023, world: early 2024) for both the WCSim tank and world events (both of which have different "beam dump" starting times and prompt trigger times).
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions UserTools/Factory/Factory.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,5 +171,6 @@ if (tool=="ReadConfigInfo") ret=new ReadConfigInfo;
if (tool=="MuonFitter") ret=new MuonFitter;
if (tool=="BeamQuality") ret=new BeamQuality;
if (tool=="BackTracker") ret=new BackTracker;
if (tool=="AssignBunchTimingMC") ret=new AssignBunchTimingMC;
return ret;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions UserTools/Unity.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -179,3 +179,4 @@
#include "MuonFitter.h"
#include "BeamQuality.h"
#include "BackTracker.h"
#include "AssignBunchTimingMC.h"

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