app_rpt__ultra was designed to be the ultimate controller experience for Asterisk AllStarLink app_rpt! Built on the history and capabilities of standalone repeater controllers from the 1980s-2000s, this platform was designed to combine the art and technology of today with yesteryear. Some of the features included were takeaways and inspirations from controllers similar to Advanced Computer Controls, Link Communications, Computer Automation Technology and FF Systems.
All of the frameworks were written in Bash (Bourne again shell) using scripts that are called by app_rpt. The intent was to modify as little as possible so frameworks were relatively immutable and could survive any code updates to Asterisk and app_rpt. Most scripts are called either from within Asterisk or from local cron jobs.
- Management of repeater states or personalities;
- Rotating identifier and tail messages;
- An advanced message editor with the ability to program messages, courtesy tones and telemetry via DTMF;
- A vocabulary of 877 words and sound effects with dozens of pre-defined phrases1;
- Weather alerting system, powered by NOAA NWS alerts;
- Reporting weather conditions, powered by Weather Underground2;
- Full integration with Asterisk AllStarLink app_rpt without any code modification!
Only AllStarLink 3 is supported; functionality for previous versions of app_rpt have been removed.
mkdir -p /usr/src
cd /usr/src
git clone
cd app_rpt__ultra
mkdir -p /opt/app_rpt /opt/asterisk /etc/asterisk/custom
rm -rf /var/lib/asterisk/sounds /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
cp -Rf app_rpt/sounds/* /opt/app_rpt/sounds/
cp -Rf app_rpt/bin/* /opt/app_rpt/bin/
ln -s /opt/app_rpt/sounds /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
ln -s /opt/app_rpt/sounds /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
You will need jq, a JSON parser, for successful execution of all scripts within the suite.
apt install jq -y
app_rpt__ultra will require required unfettered use of Asterisk's native local account, asterisk, and requires an interactive shell with sudo access.
usermod -s /bin/bash -G sudo,dialout,audio,plugdev asterisk
The dialout, audio, and plugdev groups are important for stable operation in ASL3. Should you remove access to those groups, USB audio and control interfaces running under the asterisk account will not work!
Modify /etc/sudoers to ensure NOPASSWD is added to the sudo rule:
# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command without a password
chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk /opt/asterisk /opt/app_rpt /usr/src/app_rpt__ultra
sudo su - asterisk
crontab -e
Use the following for your crontab:
# apt_rpt__ultra crontab
0 0 * * * /opt/app_rpt/bin/ # Produce today's date for readback
0 0 * * * /opt/app_rpt/bin/ # Purge old recordings
*/15 * * * * /opt/app_rpt/bin/ # Produce current weather conditions
* * * * * /opt/app_rpt/bin/ # Produce the current time for readback
* * * * * /opt/app_rpt/bin/ # Manage all system IDs
* * * * * /opt/app_rpt/bin/ # Manage all tail messages
* * * * * /opt/app_rpt/bin/ # Poll for (severe) weather alerts
- Replace
to match your AllStarLink node number (we used 1999 as an example) - Replace all instances of
within the file with your call sign (we used MYC4LL as an example) - Be sure to check your duplex and rxchannel values to ensure they align with desired operation (i.e. usbradio.conf or simpleusb.conf)
- Do not change the idrecording=voice_id parameter in rpt.conf; this is overwritten by, which you will learn more about later.
Copy configuration templates:
cp asterisk/rpt.conf /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf
cp asterisk/extensions_custom.conf /etc/asterisk/custom/extensions.conf
cp config.ini /opt/app_rpt/config.ini
In order to start with the basics, you can do a sed replacement:
sed -i s/%MYNODE%/1999/g /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf /opt/app_rpt/config.ini
sed -i s/%MYCALL%/MYC4LL/g /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf
Let us assume our voice ID will say "THIS IS M Y C 4 L L REPEATER" We can achieve this by concatenating several files together to produce our ID, as follows:
cd /opt/app_rpt/sounds/_male
cat this_is.ulaw m.ulaw y.ulaw c.ulaw 4.ulaw l.ulaw l.ulaw repeater.ulaw \
> /opt/app_rpt/sounds/voice_id.ulaw
The message is written and can be tested through manual invocation by using:
sudo asterisk -rx "rpt localplay 1999 voice_id"
sudo chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk /opt/app_rpt /opt/asterisk
sudo su - asterisk
sudo systemctl restart asterisk
Now that you've set up the basics and have legal IDs, it's time to dive deeper into the general operation and behavior of app_rpt__ultra. You have configured cron jobs that are now managing general operations of your system, and by periodically dispatching scripts to do our bidding.
All scripts reference /opt/app_rpt/config.ini for both runtime and master configuration data. Should you make any edits to scripts within /opt/app_rpt/bin, please be cognizant of any changes that may need to be carried over to config.ini accordingly!
This script basically the magic and the heart of it all. The purpose of is to manage all of your system's personalities, or states, and effectively do so on demand or when conditions are met.
States can be invoked in any number of ways:
- through the command line;
- through the internal scheduler;
- or using DTMF commands.
Several states, or personalities, have been pre-programmed to suit your general day-to-day needs:
State Name | Purpose | Behaviors |
default | Default Mode | This is the default power-up state that generally cleans up any modifications from other states, and puts your system back to a pre-defined running state. This reads values set to default in config.ini and performs a number of sed replacements, and reloads Asterisk. |
standard | Standard Mode | This is an alternate to the default power-up state and an ideal area for a general static operating state, especially if you don't intend to leverage daytime or nighttime modes with the scheduler. |
daytime | Daytime Mode | Fit for daytime operations, this is a great place to set all of your behaviors when both system users and control operators are somewhat attentive. |
nighttime | Nighttime Mode | This scenario is ideal for locking a few things down, adjusting timers, and preparing your system for nighttime operations when the repeater is largely unattended. |
net | Net Mode | This adds a lot of brevity, changes courtesy tones, relaxes a few timers, and suppresses telemetry and messaging. |
tactical | Tactical Mode | Similar to net mode, but ideal for tactical operations with adjusted timers and a distinct courtesy tone. |
weatheralert | Weather Alert | This announces "weather alert" as a tail message, relaxes timers, but maintains normal operations. |
severeweather | Severe Weather Mode | This changes the courtesy tone, announces "severe weather alert" for a tail message with aggressive timing, suppresses time-out timers, and sends a two-tone page alerting of severe weather. |
stealth | Stealth Mode | With the exception of required CW ID, this suppresses all telemetry including voice synthesis, courtesy tones, eliminates hang/tail timers, and disables the scheduler. |
litzalert | Long Tone Zero (LiTZ) Alert | This generates two-tone pages and announcements when the LiTZ command is executed to garner the attention of control operators who may lend assistance. |
clock | Grandfather Clock | This emulates the CAT-1000 grandfather clock and can be called through the scheduler at the top of every hour. |
This script makes calls into Asterisk to determine current repeater and identifier states, and based upon config.ini and pre-defined behaviors in will determine what identifiers it plays, and when.
Variables | Values | Description & Behaviors (config.ini) |
SPECIALID | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Override all IDs with the Special ID? |
ROTATEIIDS | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Whether Initial IDs are rotated or not? |
ROTATEPIDS | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Whether Pending IDs are rotated or not? |
INITIALID | { 1 .. 3 } (fixed range integer) | Selection of a specific Initial ID. |
PENDINGID | { 1 .. 5 } (fixed range integer) | Selection of a specific Pending ID. |
This follows behavior and adjusts tail messages based upon operational condition and weather conditions. By default, it will rotate in messages for current time and local temperature, if Weather Underground is configured.
Variables | Values | Description & Behaviors (config.ini) |
ENABLETAIL | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Whether the tail messages are enabled or not? |
ENABLETIME | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Whether periodic time announcements are given in tail messages or not? |
ENABLETEMP | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Whether periodic temperature readings are given in tail messages or not?2 |
ROTATETMSG | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Whether to rotate tail messages or not? |
TAILMSG | { 1 .. 9 } (fixed range integer) | Selection of a specific tail message. |
This monitors NOAA National Weather Service alerts, if configured for your NWS zone, and will trigger to change to a weather alert or severe weather alert, if enabled.
Variables | Values | Description & Behaviors (config.ini) |
NWSZONE | XXX000 | The default value is invalid and should be replaced with your local NWS zone. NWS Public Forecast Zones |
NWSFILE | /opt/app_rpt/lib/nwsalerts.out | Explicit file path where weather alerting data is kept for parsing by jq. |
SEVEREWEATHER | { 0 .. 3 } (fixed range integer) | 0: disables the feature 1: indicates a severe weather alert 2: indicates a weather alert 3: deactivated; conditions are normal |
RTWXALERT | tails/weather_alert | Relative file path of tail message to be played for routine weather alert. |
SVWXALERT | tails/severe_weather_alert | Relative file path of tail message to be played for severe weather alert. |
This polls Weather Underground2 to poll for weather station data in your region. Several conditions, such as temperature, humdity, wind speed and direction, et al., are generated which can be called by invocation.
Variables | Values | Description & Behaviors (config.ini) |
FETCHLOCAL | 0 or 1 (boolean) | Whether to pull data from a local system (i.e. hub system that collates your weather data). The default is 0. |
WUAPIKEY | empty | Should be populated with your Weather Underground API key.2 |
WUSTATION | empty | ID of a Weather Underground station that provides you with local weather data.2 |
WUOUTPUT | /opt/app_rpt/lib/wunderground.out | Explicit file path where raw JSON data is kept for parsing by jq. |
This purges old recordings after they have aged by the defined period in the script.
Variables | Values | Description & Behaviors (config.ini) |
RETENTION | integer | The number of days to keep recordings. The default is 60 days and recordings are stored in /opt/asterisk with status logs. |
This generates a new date message at midnight daily for playback by invocation.
There are no configurable options.
This generates time messages every minute for playback either in tail messages or by invocation.
There are no configurable options.
This reads back messages stored in the message table listed below.
- We want to hear the current temperature outside: 70
- We want to hear Repeaterism #16 because it's cute: 84
- We want to check to make sure our Special ID is as we programmed it: 10
This script can write messages into slots using the vocabulary and character tables listed below.
- Slot 00 is special and is for the Forced CW ID, which overwrites the values in the idtalkover parameter.
- Slots 01 through 50 are customizable through the message writer, while slots 51 through 99 are pre-programmed and cannot be overwritten by this tool.
- Character
delimits the slot from the message, and*
delimits each character or vocabulary word.
- We want to write CW ID into slot 00 with "MYC4LL": 00D61*93*23*04*53*53
- We want to write a voice message into slot 04 for the Anxious ID that reads back "M Y C 4 L L REPEATER": 04D061*093*023*004*053*053*080
Add into your rpt.conf for full DTMF versatility to write messages over the air!
This is an invaluable script to write courtesy tones into various positions. Special care was given to ensure three usable types could be written: voice messages, tone stanzas, and CW characters. Please refer to the examples below to understand how these are constructed.
Delineator | Type | Description |
A | vocabulary | Uses a voice vocabulary word or sound effect |
B | CW characters | Uses a CW character |
C | tone telemetry | This is the standard sine wave tonal format |
Slot(s) | Type | Description |
00..95 | standard | Standard courtesy tones |
96 | remotemon | Issued when system is in remote monitoring mode |
97 | remotetx | Issued when system is in remote transmit mode |
98 | cmdmode | Issued when command mode is in operation |
99 | functcomplete | Issued when a function is complete |
- Slot 00 is special; while it can be overwritten, it is intended to be silent.
- Slots 01 through 95 are customizable for general use and playback.
- Slots 96 through 99 have special purposes, as listed be careful!
- Character
is a delimter that allows multiple tone stanzas to be strung together, while*
is a single parameter delimter.
- We want to write the word "BATTERY" to courtesy tone 47: 47A142
- We want to put CW character "N" (#62 from the CW table) in for our net courtesy tone in slot 54: 54B62
- We want the "bumblebee" courtesy tone (a sequential 330, 500 and 660 Hz sequence) to reside in slot 36 with 100 millisecond tone lengths and an amplitude of 2048: 36C330*0*100*2048*2048D500*0*100*2048D660*0*100*2048
- We want the "piano chord" courtesy tone (a chorded 660 and 880 Hz sequence) to reside in slot 12 with a 150 millisecond duration and amplitude of 4096: 12C660*880*150*4096
Add into your rpt.conf for full DTMF versatility to write complex courtesy tones from your radio's keypad!
This script lends the ability to select from 95 different courtesy tones to suit your needs.
Types | Values | Description |
linkunkeyct | { 00 .. 95 } | Issued when link unkeys |
remotect | { 00 .. 95 } | Issued when remote is activated |
unlinkedct | { 00 .. 95 } | Issued when system is unlinked altogether |
- We want to change linkunkeyct to courtesy tone 24: linkunkeyct 24
- We want to change unlinkedct to courtesy tone 78: unlinkedct 78
Add into your rpt.conf for ability to change courtesy tones remotely!
- % / : 10 11 12 14 |
A B C ; 21 22 23 24 |
, D E F + 30 31 32 33 34 |
' G H I " 40 41 42 43 44 |
( J K L ) 50 51 52 53 54 |
. M N O @ 60 61 62 63 64 |
Q P R S = 70 71 72 73 74 |
_ T U V $ 80 81 82 83 84 |
W X Y Z & 91 92 93 90 94 |
unassigned |
0 1 2 3 4 00 01 02 03 04 5 6 7 8 9 05 06 07 08 09 |
unassigned |
Slot | Character |
00 | 0 |
01 | 1 |
02 | 2 |
03 | 3 |
04 | 4 |
05 | 5 |
06 | 6 |
07 | 7 |
08 | 8 |
09 | 9 |
10 | - |
11 | % |
12 | / |
14 | : |
20 | ? |
21 | A |
22 | B |
23 | C |
24 | ; |
30 | , |
31 | D |
32 | E |
33 | F |
34 | + |
40 | ' |
41 | G |
42 | H |
43 | I |
44 | " |
50 | ( |
51 | J |
52 | K |
53 | L |
54 | ) |
60 | . |
61 | M |
62 | N |
63 | O |
64 | @ |
70 | Q |
71 | P |
72 | R |
73 | S |
74 | = |
80 | _ |
81 | T |
82 | U |
83 | V |
84 | $ |
90 | Z |
91 | W |
92 | X |
93 | Y |
94 | & |
Slot | Path | Word |
801 | _female/1.ulaw | 1 |
802 | _female/2.ulaw | 2 |
803 | _female/3.ulaw | 3 |
804 | _female/4.ulaw | 4 |
805 | _female/5.ulaw | 5 |
806 | _female/6.ulaw | 6 |
807 | _female/7.ulaw | 7 |
808 | _female/8.ulaw | 8 |
809 | _female/9.ulaw | 9 |
810 | _female/10.ulaw | 10 |
811 | _female/11.ulaw | 11 |
812 | _female/12.ulaw | 12 |
813 | _female/13.ulaw | 13 |
814 | _female/14.ulaw | 14 |
854 | _female/15.ulaw | 15 |
864 | _female/16.ulaw | 16 |
874 | _female/17.ulaw | 17 |
884 | _female/18.ulaw | 18 |
894 | _female/19.ulaw | 19 |
820 | _female/20.ulaw | 20 |
816 | _female/21.ulaw | 21 |
817 | _female/22.ulaw | 22 |
818 | _female/23.ulaw | 23 |
819 | _female/24.ulaw | 24 |
826 | _female/25.ulaw | 25 |
827 | _female/26.ulaw | 26 |
828 | _female/27.ulaw | 27 |
829 | _female/28.ulaw | 28 |
835 | _female/29.ulaw | 29 |
830 | _female/30.ulaw | 30 |
836 | _female/31.ulaw | 31 |
837 | _female/32.ulaw | 32 |
838 | _female/33.ulaw | 33 |
839 | _female/34.ulaw | 34 |
846 | _female/35.ulaw | 35 |
847 | _female/36.ulaw | 36 |
848 | _female/37.ulaw | 37 |
849 | _female/38.ulaw | 38 |
851 | _female/39.ulaw | 39 |
840 | _female/40.ulaw | 40 |
852 | _female/41.ulaw | 41 |
853 | _female/42.ulaw | 42 |
856 | _female/43.ulaw | 43 |
857 | _female/44.ulaw | 44 |
858 | _female/45.ulaw | 45 |
859 | _female/46.ulaw | 46 |
890 | _female/47.ulaw | 47 |
866 | _female/48.ulaw | 48 |
867 | _female/49.ulaw | 49 |
850 | _female/50.ulaw | 50 |
868 | _female/51.ulaw | 51 |
869 | _female/52.ulaw | 52 |
896 | _female/53.ulaw | 53 |
871 | _female/54.ulaw | 54 |
872 | _female/55.ulaw | 55 |
897 | _female/56.ulaw | 56 |
876 | _female/57.ulaw | 57 |
877 | _female/58.ulaw | 58 |
878 | _female/59.ulaw | 59 |
879 | _female/00.ulaw | 00 |
880 | _female/01.ulaw | 01 |
898 | _female/02.ulaw | 02 |
899 | _female/03.ulaw | 03 |
901 | _female/04.ulaw | 04 |
902 | _female/05.ulaw | 05 |
886 | _female/06.ulaw | 06 |
887 | _female/07.ulaw | 07 |
888 | _female/08.ulaw | 08 |
889 | _female/09.ulaw | 09 |
832 | _female/a_m.ulaw | A.M. |
842 | _female/afternoon.ulaw | AFTERNOON |
843 | _female/evening.ulaw | EVENING |
834 | _female/good.ulaw | GOOD |
862 | _female/good_afternoon.ulaw | GOOD AFTERNOON |
863 | _female/good_evening.ulaw | GOOD EVENING |
861 | _female/good_morning.ulaw | GOOD MORNING |
823 | _female/is.ulaw | IS |
841 | _female/morning.ulaw | MORNING |
824 | _female/o_clock.ulaw | O'CLOCK |
800 | _female/oh.ulaw | OH |
833 | _female/p_m.ulaw | P.M. |
821 | _female/the.ulaw | THE |
844 | _female/the_time_is.ulaw | THE TIME IS |
822 | _female/time.ulaw | TIME |
021 | _male/a.ulaw | A |
111 | _male/a_c.ulaw | A.C. |
110 | _male/a_m.ulaw | A.M. |
992 | _male/abort.ulaw | ABORT |
855 | _male/about.ulaw | ABOUT |
112 | _male/above.ulaw | ABOVE |
114 | _male/acknowledge.ulaw | ACKNOWLEDGE |
115 | _male/action.ulaw | ACTION |
944 | _male/adjust.ulaw | ADJUST |
119 | _male/advance.ulaw | ADVANCE |
916 | _male/advanced.ulaw | ADVANCED |
116 | _male/advise.ulaw | ADVISE |
117 | _male/aerial.ulaw | AERIAL |
118 | _male/affirmative.ulaw | AFFIRMATIVE |
120 | _male/air.ulaw | AIR |
040 | _male/alert.ulaw | ALERT |
685 | _male/all.ulaw | ALL |
134 | _male/allstarlink.ulaw | ALLSTARLINK |
124 | _male/aloft.ulaw | ALOFT |
621 | _male/alpha.ulaw | ALPHA |
125 | _male/alternate.ulaw | ALTERNATE |
127 | _male/altitude.ulaw | ALTITUDE |
121 | _male/am.ulaw | A.M. |
917 | _male/amateur.ulaw | AMATEUR |
122 | _male/amp.ulaw | AMP |
831 | _male/amps.ulaw | AMPS |
074 | _male/and.ulaw | AND |
128 | _male/answer.ulaw | ANSWER |
131 | _male/april.ulaw | APRIL |
713 | _male/area.ulaw | AREA |
130 | _male/ares.ulaw | ARES |
132 | _male/arrival.ulaw | ARRIVAL |
123 | _male/arrive.ulaw | ARRIVE |
133 | _male/as.ulaw | AS |
742 | _male/at.ulaw | AT |
135 | _male/august.ulaw | AUGUST |
918 | _male/auto.ulaw | AUTO |
741 | _male/automatic.ulaw | AUTOMATIC |
129 | _male/automation.ulaw | AUTOMATION |
136 | _male/autopilot.ulaw | AUTOPILOT |
137 | _male/auxiliary.ulaw | AUXILIARY |
022 | _male/b.ulaw | B |
138 | _male/band.ulaw | BAND |
139 | _male/bang.ulaw | BANG |
140 | _male/bank.ulaw | BANK |
141 | _male/base.ulaw | BASE |
142 | _male/battery.ulaw | BATTERY |
143 | _male/below.ulaw | BELOW |
660 | _male/between.ulaw | BETWEEN |
144 | _male/blowing.ulaw | BLOWING |
145 | _male/board.ulaw | BOARD |
146 | _male/boost.ulaw | BOOST |
147 | _male/bozo.ulaw | BOZO |
148 | _male/brake.ulaw | BRAKE |
622 | _male/bravo.ulaw | BRAVO |
743 | _male/break.ulaw | BREAK |
150 | _male/broke.ulaw | BROKE |
151 | _male/broken.ulaw | BROKEN |
993 | _male/button.ulaw | BUTTON |
152 | _male/by.ulaw | BY |
023 | _male/c.ulaw | C |
153 | _male/cabin.ulaw | CABIN |
735 | _male/calibrate.ulaw | CALIBRATE |
751 | _male/call.ulaw | CALL |
155 | _male/calling.ulaw | CALLING |
156 | _male/calm.ulaw | CALM |
664 | _male/cancel.ulaw | CANCEL |
711 | _male/caution.ulaw | CAUTION |
158 | _male/ceiling.ulaw | CEILING |
161 | _male/center.ulaw | CENTER |
875 | _male/change.ulaw | CHANGE |
623 | _male/charlie.ulaw | CHARLIE |
865 | _male/check.ulaw | CHECK |
720 | _male/circuit.ulaw | CIRCUIT |
163 | _male/clear.ulaw | CLEAR |
165 | _male/climb.ulaw | CLIMB |
945 | _male/clock.ulaw | CLOCK |
166 | _male/closed.ulaw | CLOSED |
926 | _male/club.ulaw | CLUB |
075 | _male/code.ulaw | CODE |
167 | _male/come.ulaw | COME |
169 | _male/command.ulaw | COMMAND |
721 | _male/complete.ulaw | COMPLETE |
927 | _male/computer.ulaw | COMPUTER |
168 | _male/condition.ulaw | CONDITION |
170 | _male/congratulations.ulaw | CONGRATULATIONS |
940 | _male/connect.ulaw | CONNECT |
154 | _male/connected.ulaw | CONNECTED |
171 | _male/contact.ulaw | CONTACT |
624 | _male/control.ulaw | CONTROL |
172 | _male/converging.ulaw | CONVERGING |
173 | _male/count.ulaw | COUNT |
157 | _male/county.ulaw | COUNTY |
174 | _male/course.ulaw | COURSE |
950 | _male/crane.ulaw | CRANE |
175 | _male/crosswind.ulaw | CROSSWIND |
149 | _male/current.ulaw | CURRENT |
162 | _male/cycle.ulaw | CYCLE |
031 | _male/d.ulaw | D |
177 | _male/d_c.ulaw | D.C. |
712 | _male/danger.ulaw | DANGER |
178 | _male/day.ulaw | DAY |
952 | _male/days.ulaw | DAYS |
928 | _male/dayton.ulaw | DAYTON |
181 | _male/december.ulaw | DECEMBER |
184 | _male/decode.ulaw | DECODE |
182 | _male/decrease.ulaw | DECREASE |
183 | _male/decreasing.ulaw | DECREASING |
189 | _male/degree.ulaw | DEGREE |
722 | _male/degrees.ulaw | DEGREES |
631 | _male/delta.ulaw | DELTA |
185 | _male/departure.ulaw | DEPARTURE |
953 | _male/device.ulaw | DEVICE |
936 | _male/dial.ulaw | DIAL |
186 | _male/dinner.ulaw | DINNER |
752 | _male/direction.ulaw | DIRECTION |
194 | _male/disconnected.ulaw | DISCONNECTED |
954 | _male/display.ulaw | DISPLAY |
955 | _male/door.ulaw | DOOR |
654 | _male/down.ulaw | DOWN |
188 | _male/downwind.ulaw | DOWNWIND |
190 | _male/drive.ulaw | DRIVE |
191 | _male/drizzle.ulaw | DRIZZLE |
192 | _male/dust.ulaw | DUST |
032 | _male/e.ulaw | E |
754 | _male/east.ulaw | EAST |
632 | _male/echo.ulaw | ECHO |
197 | _male/echolink.ulaw | ECHOLINK |
008 | _male/eight.ulaw | EIGHT |
018 | _male/eighteen.ulaw | EIGHTEEN |
242 | _male/eighteenth.ulaw | EIGHTEENTH |
243 | _male/eighth.ulaw | EIGHTH |
943 | _male/electrician.ulaw | ELECTRICIAN |
196 | _male/elevation.ulaw | ELEVATION |
011 | _male/eleven.ulaw | ELEVEN |
219 | _male/eleventh.ulaw | ELEVENTH |
937 | _male/emergency.ulaw | EMERGENCY |
220 | _male/encode.ulaw | ENCODE |
198 | _male/engine.ulaw | ENGINE |
995 | _male/enter.ulaw | ENTER |
893 | _male/equal.ulaw | EQUAL |
211 | _male/error.ulaw | ERROR |
212 | _male/estimated.ulaw | ESTIMATED |
213 | _male/evacuate.ulaw | EVACUATE |
214 | _male/evacuation.ulaw | EVACUATION |
761 | _male/exit.ulaw | EXIT |
215 | _male/expect.ulaw | EXPECT |
033 | _male/f.ulaw | F |
755 | _male/fail.ulaw | FAIL |
216 | _male/failure.ulaw | FAILURE |
930 | _male/farad.ulaw | FARAD |
217 | _male/farenheit.ulaw | FARENHEIT |
925 | _male/fast.ulaw | FAST |
218 | _male/february.ulaw | FEBRUARY |
448 | _male/feet.ulaw | FEET |
015 | _male/fifteen.ulaw | FIFTEEN |
232 | _male/fifteenth.ulaw | FIFTEENTH |
233 | _male/fifth.ulaw | FIFTH |
223 | _male/filed.ulaw | FILED |
224 | _male/final.ulaw | FINAL |
634 | _male/fire.ulaw | FIRE |
225 | _male/first.ulaw | FIRST |
005 | _male/five.ulaw | FIVE |
227 | _male/flaps.ulaw | FLAPS |
228 | _male/flight.ulaw | FLIGHT |
960 | _male/flow.ulaw | FLOW |
230 | _male/fog.ulaw | FOG |
231 | _male/for.ulaw | FOR |
004 | _male/four.ulaw | FOUR |
014 | _male/fourteen.ulaw | FOURTEEN |
279 | _male/fourteenth.ulaw | FOURTEENTH |
234 | _male/fourth.ulaw | FOURTH |
633 | _male/foxtrot.ulaw | FOXTROT |
235 | _male/freedom.ulaw | FREEDOM |
236 | _male/freezing.ulaw | FREEZING |
610 | _male/frequency.ulaw | FREQUENCY |
237 | _male/friday.ulaw | FRIDAY |
064 | _male/from.ulaw | FROM |
238 | _male/front.ulaw | FRONT |
241 | _male/full.ulaw | FULL |
041 | _male/g.ulaw | G |
991 | _male/gallons.ulaw | GALLONS |
845 | _male/gate.ulaw | GATE |
244 | _male/gear.ulaw | GEAR |
962 | _male/get.ulaw | GET |
245 | _male/glide.ulaw | GLIDE |
895 | _male/go.ulaw | GO |
641 | _male/golf.ulaw | GOLF |
762 | _male/green.ulaw | GREEN |
347 | _male/grouch.ulaw | GROUCH |
349 | _male/grouchy.ulaw | GROUCHY |
248 | _male/ground.ulaw | GROUND |
961 | _male/gauge.ulaw | GAUGE |
250 | _male/gusting_to.ulaw | GUSTING TO |
042 | _male/h.ulaw | H |
251 | _male/hail.ulaw | HAIL |
252 | _male/half.ulaw | HALF |
938 | _male/ham.ulaw | HAM |
946 | _male/hamfest.ulaw | HAMFEST |
947 | _male/hamvention.ulaw | HAMVENTION |
253 | _male/have.ulaw | HAVE |
254 | _male/hazardous.ulaw | HAZARDOUS |
255 | _male/haze.ulaw | HAZE |
257 | _male/heavy.ulaw | HEAVY |
258 | _male/help.ulaw | HELP |
260 | _male/henry.ulaw | HENRY |
684 | _male/hertz.ulaw | HERTZ |
763 | _male/high.ulaw | HIGH |
963 | _male/hold.ulaw | HOLD |
615 | _male/home.ulaw | HOME |
642 | _male/hotel.ulaw | HOTEL |
261 | _male/hour.ulaw | HOUR |
655 | _male/hours.ulaw | HOURS |
640 | _male/hundred.ulaw | HUNDRED |
221 | _male/hundredth.ulaw | HUNDREDTH |
222 | _male/hundredths.ulaw | HUNDREDTHS |
043 | _male/i.ulaw | I |
262 | _male/ice.ulaw | ICE |
263 | _male/icing.ulaw | ICING |
264 | _male/identify.ulaw | IDENTIFY |
266 | _male/ignite.ulaw | IGNITE |
267 | _male/ignition.ulaw | IGNITION |
268 | _male/immediately.ulaw | IMMEDIATELY |
270 | _male/in.ulaw | IN |
271 | _male/inbound.ulaw | INBOUND |
964 | _male/inch.ulaw | INCH |
272 | _male/increase.ulaw | INCREASE |
229 | _male/increasing.ulaw | INCREASING |
274 | _male/increasing_to.ulaw | INCREASING TO |
643 | _male/india.ulaw | INDIA |
275 | _male/indicated.ulaw | INDICATED |
276 | _male/inflight.ulaw | INFLIGHT |
996 | _male/information.ulaw | INFORMATION |
277 | _male/inner.ulaw | INNER |
256 | _male/inspect.ulaw | INSPECT |
785 | _male/inspector.ulaw | INSPECTOR |
764 | _male/intruder.ulaw | INTRUDER |
733 | _male/is.ulaw | IS |
281 | _male/it.ulaw | IT |
051 | _male/j.ulaw | J |
282 | _male/january.ulaw | JANUARY |
651 | _male/juliet.ulaw | JULIET |
283 | _male/july.ulaw | JULY |
284 | _male/june.ulaw | JUNE |
259 | _male/just.ulaw | JUST |
052 | _male/k.ulaw | K |
285 | _male/key.ulaw | KEY |
652 | _male/kilo.ulaw | KILO |
265 | _male/kit.ulaw | KIT |
286 | _male/knots.ulaw | KNOTS |
269 | _male/knowledge.ulaw | KNOWLEDGE |
053 | _male/l.ulaw | L |
287 | _male/land.ulaw | LAND |
288 | _male/landing.ulaw | LANDING |
956 | _male/late.ulaw | LATE |
291 | _male/launch.ulaw | LAUNCH |
292 | _male/lean.ulaw | LEAN |
770 | _male/left.ulaw | LEFT |
293 | _male/leg.ulaw | LEG |
273 | _male/less.ulaw | LESS |
294 | _male/less_than.ulaw | LESS THAN |
295 | _male/level.ulaw | LEVEL |
934 | _male/light.ulaw | LIGHT |
653 | _male/lima.ulaw | LIMA |
278 | _male/limited.ulaw | LIMITED |
942 | _male/line.ulaw | LINE |
998 | _male/link.ulaw | LINK |
296 | _male/list.ulaw | LIST |
297 | _male/lock.ulaw | LOCK |
298 | _male/long.ulaw | LONG |
957 | _male/look.ulaw | LOOK |
771 | _male/low.ulaw | LOW |
310 | _male/lower.ulaw | LOWER |
311 | _male/lunch.ulaw | LUNCH |
061 | _male/m.ulaw | M |
084 | _male/machine.ulaw | MACHINE |
312 | _male/maintain.ulaw | MAINTAIN |
965 | _male/manual.ulaw | MANUAL |
313 | _male/march.ulaw | MARCH |
299 | _male/mark.ulaw | MARK |
314 | _male/marker.ulaw | MARKER |
315 | _male/may.ulaw | MAY |
316 | _male/mayday.ulaw | MAYDAY |
920 | _male/me.ulaw | ME |
317 | _male/mean.ulaw | MEAN |
970 | _male/measure.ulaw | MEASURE |
290 | _male/meet.ulaw | MEET |
035 | _male/meeting.ulaw | MEETING |
680 | _male/mega.ulaw | MEGA |
164 | _male/message.ulaw | MESSAGE |
625 | _male/messages.ulaw | MESSAGES |
620 | _male/meter.ulaw | METER |
931 | _male/micro.ulaw | MICRO |
661 | _male/mike.ulaw | MIKE |
176 | _male/mile.ulaw | MILE |
322 | _male/miles.ulaw | MILES |
971 | _male/mill.ulaw | MILL |
825 | _male/milli.ulaw | MILLI- |
323 | _male/million.ulaw | MILLION |
612 | _male/minus.ulaw | MINUS |
179 | _male/minute.ulaw | MINUTE |
645 | _male/minutes.ulaw | MINUTES |
324 | _male/mist.ulaw | MIST |
958 | _male/mobile.ulaw | MOBILE |
180 | _male/mode.ulaw | MODE |
326 | _male/moderate.ulaw | MODERATE |
327 | _male/monday.ulaw | MONDAY |
328 | _male/month.ulaw | MONTH |
187 | _male/more.ulaw | MORE |
330 | _male/more_than.ulaw | MORE THAN |
195 | _male/moron.ulaw | MORON |
972 | _male/motor.ulaw | MOTOR |
973 | _male/move.ulaw | MOVE |
332 | _male/much.ulaw | MUCH |
199 | _male/my.ulaw | MY |
602 | _male/n.ulaw | N |
333 | _male/near.ulaw | NEAR |
334 | _male/negative.ulaw | NEGATIVE |
205 | _male/net.ulaw | NET |
335 | _male/new.ulaw | NEW |
336 | _male/next.ulaw | NEXT |
337 | _male/night.ulaw | NIGHT |
009 | _male/nine.ulaw | NINE |
019 | _male/nineteen.ulaw | NINETEEN |
200 | _male/nineteenth.ulaw | NINETEENTH |
201 | _male/ninth.ulaw | NINTH |
342 | _male/no.ulaw | NO |
202 | _male/node.ulaw | NODE |
772 | _male/north.ulaw | NORTH |
695 | _male/not.ulaw | NOT |
662 | _male/november.ulaw | NOVEMBER |
734 | _male/number.ulaw | NUMBER |
063 | _male/o.ulaw | O |
345 | _male/o_clock.ulaw | O' CLOCK |
203 | _male/o_k.ulaw | O.K. |
204 | _male/obscure.ulaw | OBSCURE |
344 | _male/obscured.ulaw | OBSCURED |
346 | _male/october.ulaw | OCTOBER |
694 | _male/of.ulaw | OF |
614 | _male/off.ulaw | OFF |
348 | _male/ohio.ulaw | OHIO |
206 | _male/ohm.ulaw | OHM |
933 | _male/ohms.ulaw | OHMS |
350 | _male/oil.ulaw | OIL |
613 | _male/on.ulaw | ON |
001 | _male/one.ulaw | ONE |
904 | _male/open.ulaw | OPEN |
207 | _male/operate.ulaw | OPERATE |
352 | _male/operation.ulaw | OPERATION |
630 | _male/operator.ulaw | OPERATOR |
663 | _male/oscar.ulaw | OSCAR |
353 | _male/other.ulaw | OTHER |
740 | _male/out.ulaw | OUT |
355 | _male/outer.ulaw | OUTER |
773 | _male/over.ulaw | OVER |
356 | _male/overcast.ulaw | OVERCAST |
701 | _male/p.ulaw | P |
358 | _male/p_m.ulaw | P.M. |
208 | _male/pair.ulaw | PAIR |
671 | _male/papa.ulaw | PAPA |
209 | _male/partial.ulaw | PARTIAL |
361 | _male/partially.ulaw | PARTIALLY |
774 | _male/pass.ulaw | PASS |
974 | _male/passed.ulaw | PASSED |
966 | _male/patch.ulaw | PATCH |
362 | _male/path.ulaw | PATH |
364 | _male/per.ulaw | PER |
675 | _male/percent.ulaw | PERCENT |
914 | _male/phone.ulaw | PHONE |
932 | _male/pico.ulaw | PICO |
113 | _male/pilot.ulaw | PILOT |
967 | _male/please.ulaw | PLEASE |
611 | _male/plus.ulaw | PLUS |
674 | _male/point.ulaw | POINT |
968 | _male/police.ulaw | POLICE |
126 | _male/port.ulaw | PORT |
780 | _male/position.ulaw | POSITION |
714 | _male/power.ulaw | POWER |
796 | _male/practice.ulaw | PRACTICE |
500 | _male/prefix_fif.ulaw | FIF- |
300 | _male/prefix_thir.ulaw | THIR- |
781 | _male/press.ulaw | PRESS |
935 | _male/pressure.ulaw | PRESSURE |
366 | _male/private.ulaw | PRIVATE |
975 | _male/probe.ulaw | PROBE |
159 | _male/program.ulaw | PROGRAM |
367 | _male/programming.ulaw | PROGRAMMING |
980 | _male/pull.ulaw | PULL |
977 | _male/push.ulaw | PUSH |
700 | _male/q.ulaw | Q |
670 | _male/quebec.ulaw | QUEBEC |
702 | _male/r.ulaw | R |
976 | _male/radio.ulaw | RADIO |
374 | _male/rain.ulaw | RAIN |
375 | _male/raise.ulaw | RAISE |
981 | _male/range.ulaw | RANGE |
376 | _male/rate.ulaw | RATE |
783 | _male/ready.ulaw | READY |
377 | _male/rear.ulaw | REAR |
378 | _male/receive.ulaw | RECEIVE |
744 | _male/red.ulaw | RED |
381 | _male/release.ulaw | RELEASE |
382 | _male/remark.ulaw | REMARK |
910 | _male/remote.ulaw | REMOTE |
745 | _male/repair.ulaw | REPAIR |
982 | _male/repeat.ulaw | REPEAT |
080 | _male/repeater.ulaw | REPEATER |
383 | _male/rich.ulaw | RICH |
384 | _male/rig.ulaw | RIG |
665 | _male/right.ulaw | RIGHT |
160 | _male/rival.ulaw | RIVAL |
385 | _male/road.ulaw | ROAD |
386 | _male/roger.ulaw | ROGER |
672 | _male/romeo.ulaw | ROMER |
239 | _male/root.ulaw | ROOT |
388 | _male/route.ulaw | ROUTE |
240 | _male/run.ulaw | RUN |
390 | _male/runway.ulaw | RUNWAY |
073 | _male/s.ulaw | S |
784 | _male/safe.ulaw | SAFE |
391 | _male/sand.ulaw | SAND |
392 | _male/santa_clara.ulaw | SANTA CLARA |
393 | _male/saturday.ulaw | SATURDAY |
246 | _male/scatter.ulaw | SCATTER |
394 | _male/scattered.ulaw | SCATTERED |
395 | _male/second.ulaw | SECOND |
635 | _male/seconds.ulaw | SECONDS |
247 | _male/secure.ulaw | SECURE |
396 | _male/security.ulaw | SECURITY |
397 | _male/select.ulaw | SELECT |
398 | _male/september.ulaw | SEPTEMBER |
410 | _male/sequence.ulaw | SEQUENCE |
723 | _male/service.ulaw | SERVICE |
885 | _male/set.ulaw | SET |
007 | _male/seven.ulaw | SEVEN |
017 | _male/seventeen.ulaw | SEVENTEEN |
249 | _male/seventeenth.ulaw | SEVENTEENTH |
280 | _male/seventh.ulaw | SEVENTH |
413 | _male/severe.ulaw | SEVERE |
289 | _male/sex.ulaw | SEX |
414 | _male/sexy.ulaw | SEXY |
301 | _male/shop.ulaw | SHOP |
415 | _male/short.ulaw | SHORT |
302 | _male/shower.ulaw | SHOWER |
416 | _male/showers.ulaw | SHOWERS |
765 | _male/shut.ulaw | SHUT |
417 | _male/side.ulaw | SIDE |
673 | _male/sierra.ulaw | SIERRA |
418 | _male/sight.ulaw | SIGHT |
006 | _male/six.ulaw | SIX |
016 | _male/sixteen.ulaw | SIXTEEN |
303 | _male/sixteenth.ulaw | SIXTEENTH |
304 | _male/sixth.ulaw | SIXTH |
423 | _male/sleet.ulaw | SLEET |
424 | _male/slope.ulaw | SLOPE |
983 | _male/slow.ulaw | SLOW |
795 | _male/smoke.ulaw | SMOKE |
425 | _male/snow.ulaw | SNOW |
790 | _male/south.ulaw | SOUTH |
984 | _male/speed.ulaw | SPEED |
427 | _male/spray.ulaw | SPRAY |
428 | _male/squawk.ulaw | SQUAWK |
431 | _male/stall.ulaw | STALL |
305 | _male/star.ulaw | STAR |
730 | _male/start.ulaw | START |
731 | _male/stop.ulaw | STOP |
433 | _male/storm.ulaw | STORM |
193 | _male/suffix_ed.ulaw | -ED |
210 | _male/suffix_er.ulaw | -ER |
948 | _male/suffix_ing.ulaw | -ING |
306 | _male/suffix_ly.ulaw | -LY |
915 | _male/suffix_s.ulaw | -S |
099 | _male/suffix_teen.ulaw | -TEEN |
441 | _male/suffix_th.ulaw | -TH |
060 | _male/suffix_ty.ulaw | -TY |
307 | _male/suffix_y.ulaw | -Y |
434 | _male/sunday.ulaw | SUNDAY |
308 | _male/swap.ulaw | SWAP |
725 | _male/switch.ulaw | SWITCH |
997 | _male/system.ulaw | SYSTEM |
081 | _male/t.ulaw | T |
681 | _male/tango.ulaw | TANGO |
435 | _male/tank.ulaw | TANK |
436 | _male/target.ulaw | TARGET |
437 | _male/taxi.ulaw | TAXI |
438 | _male/telephone.ulaw | TELEPHONE |
724 | _male/temperature.ulaw | TEMPERATURE |
010 | _male/ten.ulaw | TEN |
309 | _male/tenth.ulaw | TENTH |
318 | _male/tenths.ulaw | TENTHS |
440 | _male/terminal.ulaw | TERMINAL |
792 | _male/test.ulaw | TEST |
319 | _male/than.ulaw | THAN |
320 | _male/thank.ulaw | THANK |
978 | _male/thank_you.ulaw | THANK YOU |
442 | _male/that.ulaw | THAT |
024 | _male/the.ulaw | THE |
443 | _male/the_long.ulaw | THE (long) |
444 | _male/the_short.ulaw | THE (short) |
447 | _male/third.ulaw | THIRD |
013 | _male/thirteen.ulaw | THIRTEEN |
321 | _male/thirteenth.ulaw | THIRTEENTH |
451 | _male/this.ulaw | THIS |
065 | _male/this_is.ulaw | THIS IS |
644 | _male/thousand.ulaw | THOUSAND |
325 | _male/thousandth.ulaw | THOUSANDTH |
329 | _male/thousandths.ulaw | THOUSANDTHS |
003 | _male/three.ulaw | THREE |
331 | _male/thunderstorm.ulaw | THUNDERSTORM |
452 | _male/thunderstorms.ulaw | THUNDERSTORMS |
453 | _male/thursday.ulaw | THURSDAY |
338 | _male/til.ulaw | 'TIL |
044 | _male/time.ulaw | TIME |
339 | _male/time_out.ulaw | TIME OUT |
732 | _male/timer.ulaw | TIMER |
455 | _male/to.ulaw | TO |
456 | _male/today.ulaw | TODAY |
055 | _male/tomorrow.ulaw | TOMORROW |
045 | _male/tonight.ulaw | TONIGHT |
985 | _male/tool.ulaw | TOOL |
457 | _male/tornado.ulaw | TORNADO |
458 | _male/touchdown.ulaw | TOUCHDOWN |
460 | _male/tower.ulaw | TOWER |
461 | _male/traffic.ulaw | TRAFFIC |
340 | _male/transceive.ulaw | TRANSCEIVE |
341 | _male/transceiver.ulaw | TRANSCEIVER |
462 | _male/transmit.ulaw | TRANSMIT |
463 | _male/trim.ulaw | TRIM |
464 | _male/tuesday.ulaw | TUESDAY |
465 | _male/turbulance.ulaw | TURBULANCE |
990 | _male/turn.ulaw | TURN |
343 | _male/twelfth.ulaw | TWELFTH |
012 | _male/twelve.ulaw | TWELVE |
351 | _male/twentieth.ulaw | TWENTIETH |
020 | _male/twenty.ulaw | TWENTY |
002 | _male/two.ulaw | TWO |
082 | _male/u.ulaw | U |
775 | _male/under.ulaw | UNDER |
682 | _male/uniform.ulaw | UNIFORM |
715 | _male/unit.ulaw | UNIT |
467 | _male/unlimited.ulaw | UNLIMITED |
468 | _male/until.ulaw | UNTIL |
650 | _male/up.ulaw | UP |
470 | _male/use_noun.ulaw | USE (noun) |
471 | _male/use_verb.ulaw | USE (verb) |
083 | _male/v.ulaw | V |
986 | _male/valley.ulaw | VALLEY |
357 | _male/value.ulaw | VALUE |
941 | _male/valve.ulaw | VALVE |
473 | _male/variable.ulaw | VARIABLE |
475 | _male/verify.ulaw | VERIFY |
683 | _male/victor.ulaw | VICTOR |
476 | _male/visibility.ulaw | VISIBILITY |
360 | _male/volt.ulaw | VOLT |
750 | _male/volts.ulaw | VOLTS |
091 | _male/w.ulaw | W |
054 | _male/wait.ulaw | WAIT |
477 | _male/wake.ulaw | WAKE |
478 | _male/wake_up.ulaw | WAKE UP |
363 | _male/warn.ulaw | WARN |
480 | _male/warning.ulaw | WARNING |
481 | _male/watch.ulaw | WATCH |
365 | _male/watt.ulaw | WATT |
815 | _male/watts.ulaw | WATTS |
482 | _male/way.ulaw | WAY |
095 | _male/weather.ulaw | WEATHER |
484 | _male/wednesday.ulaw | WEDNESDAY |
913 | _male/welcome.ulaw | WELCOME |
793 | _male/west.ulaw | WEST |
691 | _male/whiskey.ulaw | WHISKEY |
912 | _male/will.ulaw | WILL |
368 | _male/win.ulaw | WIN |
487 | _male/wind.ulaw | WIND |
490 | _male/with.ulaw | WITH |
369 | _male/write.ulaw | WRITE |
491 | _male/wrong.ulaw | WRONG |
692 | _male/x-ray.ulaw | X-RAY |
092 | _male/x.ulaw | X |
093 | _male/y.ulaw | Y |
693 | _male/yankee.ulaw | YANKEE |
794 | _male/yellow.ulaw | YELLOW |
492 | _male/yesterday.ulaw | YESTERDAY |
370 | _male/you.ulaw | YOU |
987 | _male/your.ulaw | YOUR |
090 | _male/z.ulaw | Z |
988 | _male/zed.ulaw | ZED |
000 | _male/zero.ulaw | ZERO |
494 | _male/zone.ulaw | ZONE |
690 | _male/zulu.ulaw | ZULU |
979 | _sndfx/shortpause.ulaw | sound effect |
034 | _sndfx/longpause.ulaw | sound effect |
860 | _sndfx/tic.ulaw | sound effect |
870 | _sndfx/toc.ulaw | sound effect |
873 | _sndfx/laser.ulaw | sound effect |
881 | _sndfx/whistle.ulaw | sound effect |
882 | _sndfx/phaser.ulaw | sound effect |
883 | _sndfx/train.ulaw | sound effect |
891 | _sndfx/explosion.ulaw | sound effect |
892 | _sndfx/crowd.ulaw | sound effect |
Slot | Path | Description | Contents |
00 | Forced CW ID | Forced CW ID | empty |
01 | ids/initial_id_1 | Initial ID #1 | empty |
02 | ids/initial_id_2 | Initial ID #2 | empty |
03 | ids/initial_id_3 | Initial ID #3 | empty |
04 | ids/anxious_id | Anxious ID | empty |
05 | ids/pending_id_1 | Pending ID #1 | empty |
06 | ids/pending_id_2 | Pending ID #2 | empty |
07 | ids/pending_id_3 | Pending ID #3 | empty |
08 | ids/pending_id_4 | Pending ID #4 | empty |
09 | ids/pending_id_5 | Pending ID #5 | empty |
10 | ids/special_id | Special ID | empty |
11 | tails/tail_message_1 | Tail Message #1 | empty |
12 | tails/tail_message_2 | Tail Message #2 | empty |
13 | tails/tail_message_3 | Tail Message #3 | empty |
14 | tails/tail_message_4 | Tail Message #4 | empty |
15 | tails/tail_message_5 | Tail Message #5 | empty |
16 | tails/tail_message_6 | Tail Message #6 | empty |
17 | tails/tail_message_7 | Tail Message #7 | empty |
18 | tails/tail_message_8 | Tail Message #8 | empty |
19 | tails/tail_message_9 | Tail Message #9 | empty |
20 | custom/bulletin_board_1 | Bulletin Board #1 | empty |
21 | custom/bulletin_board_2 | Bulletin Board #2 | empty |
22 | custom/bulletin_board_3 | Bulletin Board #3 | empty |
23 | custom/bulletin_board_4 | Bulletin Board #4 | empty |
24 | custom/bulletin_board_5 | Bulletin Board #5 | empty |
25 | custom/demonstration_1 | Demonstration Msg. #1 | empty |
26 | custom/demonstration_2 | Demonstration Msg. #2 | empty |
27 | custom/demonstration_3 | Demonstration Msg. #3 | empty |
28 | custom/demonstration_4 | Demonstration Msg. #4 | empty |
29 | custom/demonstration_5 | Demonstration Msg. #5 | empty |
30 | custom/emergency_autodial_0 | Emergency Auto Dialer #0 | empty |
31 | custom/emergency_autodial_1 | Emergency Auto Dialer #1 | empty |
32 | custom/emergency_autodial_2 | Emergency Auto Dialer #2 | empty |
33 | custom/emergency_autodial_3 | Emergency Auto Dialer #3 | empty |
34 | custom/emergency_autodial_4 | Emergency Auto Dialer #4 | empty |
35 | custom/emergency_autodial_5 | Emergency Auto Dialer #5 | empty |
36 | custom/emergency_autodial_6 | Emergency Auto Dialer #6 | empty |
37 | custom/emergency_autodial_7 | Emergency Auto Dialer #7 | empty |
38 | custom/emergency_autodial_8 | Emergency Auto Dialer #8 | empty |
39 | custom/emergency_autodial_9 | Emergency Auto Dialer #9 | empty |
40 | custom/mailbox_0 | Mailbox #0 | empty |
41 | custom/mailbox_1 | Mailbox #1 | empty |
42 | custom/mailbox_2 | Mailbox #2 | empty |
43 | custom/mailbox_3 | Mailbox #3 | empty |
44 | custom/mailbox_4 | Mailbox #4 | empty |
45 | custom/mailbox_5 | Mailbox #5 | empty |
46 | custom/mailbox_6 | Mailbox #6 | empty |
47 | custom/mailbox_7 | Mailbox #7 | empty |
48 | custom/mailbox_8 | Mailbox #8 | empty |
49 | custom/mailbox_9 | Mailbox #9 | empty |
50 | rpt/litz_alert | Long Tone Zero (LiTZ) Alert | empty |
51 | tails/weather_alert | Weather Alert | "WEATHER ALERT" |
52 | tails/severe_weather_alert | Severe Weather Alert | "SEVERE WEATHER ALERT" |
53 | rpt/net_in_one_minute | Impending Net (1 minute) | "NET IN ONE MINUTE" |
54 | rpt/net_in_five_minutes | Impending Net (5 minutes) | "NET IN FIVE MINUTES" |
55 | rpt/net_in_ten_minutes | Impending Net (10 minutes) | "NET IN TEN MINUTES" |
56 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
57 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
58 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
59 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
60 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
61 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
62 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
63 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
64 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
65 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
66 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
67 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
68 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
69 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
70 | wx/temp | Weather: Temperature | temperature |
71 | wx/wind | Weather: Wind Conditions | wind conditions |
72 | wx/pressure | Weather: Barometric Pressure | barometric pressure |
73 | wx/humidity | Weather: Humidity | humidity |
74 | wx/windchill | Weather: Wind Chill | wind chill |
75 | wx/heatindex | Weather: Heat Index | heat index |
76 | wx/dewpt | Weather: Dew Point | dew point |
77 | wx/preciprate | Weather: Precipitation Rate | precipitation rate |
78 | wx/preciptotal | Weather: Precipitation Total | precipitation total |
79 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
80 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
81 | custom/rptrism01 | Repeaterism #1 | Short transmissions |
82 | custom/rptrism02 | Repeaterism #2 | Think before transmitting |
83 | custom/rptrism03 | Repeaterism #3 | Pause between conversation handovers |
84 | custom/rptrism16 | Repeaterism #16 (replaced #4) | Certain words, there are... OH, NO YOU DON'T! |
85 | custom/rptrism05 | Repeaterism #5 | Be courteous |
86 | custom/rptrism06 | Repeaterism #6 | Use simplex when possible |
87 | custom/rptrism07 | Repeaterism #7 | Use low power when possible |
88 | custom/rptrism08 | Repeaterism #8 | Support your local repeater club |
89 | custom/rptrism09 | Repeaterism #9 | Butting in is not nice |
90 | custom/rptrism10 | Repeaterism #10 | Blessed are those who listen |
91 | custom/rptrism11 | Repeaterism #11 | Watch what you say |
92 | custom/rptrism12 | Repeaterism #12 | One thought per transmission |
93 | custom/rptrism13 | Repeaterism #13 | State your purpose |
94 | custom/rptrism14 | Repeaterism #14 | When testing, say so, and be brief |
95 | custom/rptrism15 | Repeaterism #15 | Identify your station |
96 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
97 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
98 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
99 | rpt/empty | Not Used | "EMPTY" |
These are high fidelity recordings from a Texas Instruments TSP5220 speech synthesizer, sourced from an Advanced Computer Controls (ACC) RC-850 controller, version 3.8 (late serial number). Recordings were sourced using audio-in to a PC with Audacity; these are captured in μ-law companding algorithm 8-bit PCM format. ↩
Weather reporting requires account registration and use of an API key from Weather Underground. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4 ↩5