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app_rpt ultra :: the ultimate experience for your radio system


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app_rpt__ultra was designed to be the ultimate controller experience for Asterisk AllStarLink app_rpt! Built on the history and capabilities of standalone repeater controllers from the 1980s-2000s, this platform was designed to combine the art and technology of today with yesteryear. Some of the features included were takeaways and inspirations from controllers similar to Advanced Computer Controls, Link Communications, Computer Automation Technology and FF Systems.

How does it work?

All of the frameworks were written in Bash (Bourne again shell) using scripts that are called by app_rpt. The intent was to modify as little as possible so frameworks were relatively immutable and could survive any code updates to Asterisk and app_rpt. Most scripts are called either from within Asterisk or from local cron jobs.

Key Features

  • Management of repeater states or personalities;
  • Rotating identifier and tail messages;
  • An advanced message editor with the ability to program messages, courtesy tones and telemetry via DTMF;
  • A vocabulary of 877 words and sound effects with dozens of pre-defined phrases1;
  • Weather alerting system, powered by NOAA NWS alerts;
  • Reporting weather conditions, powered by Weather Underground2;
  • Full integration with Asterisk AllStarLink app_rpt without any code modification!


System Requirements


Only AllStarLink 3 is supported; functionality for previous versions of app_rpt have been removed.

Download Codebase

mkdir -p /usr/src
cd /usr/src
git clone
cd app_rpt__ultra

Create local directory to store app_rpt__ultra

mkdir -p /opt/app_rpt /opt/asterisk /etc/asterisk/custom

Remove local sound directories to make way for the vocabulary bank

rm -rf /var/lib/asterisk/sounds /usr/share/asterisk/sounds

Copy provided sounds to /opt/app_rpt/sounds

cp -Rf app_rpt/sounds/* /opt/app_rpt/sounds/

Copy executable scripts to /opt/app_rpt/bin

cp -Rf app_rpt/bin/* /opt/app_rpt/bin/

Create symbolic links for the vocabulary bank

ln -s /opt/app_rpt/sounds /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
ln -s /opt/app_rpt/sounds /usr/share/asterisk/sounds

System Changes

Install local software

You will need jq, a JSON parser, for successful execution of all scripts within the suite.

apt install jq -y

Modify the asterisk account

app_rpt__ultra will require required unfettered use of Asterisk's native local account, asterisk, and requires an interactive shell with sudo access.

usermod -s /bin/bash -G sudo,dialout,audio,plugdev asterisk


The dialout, audio, and plugdev groups are important for stable operation in ASL3. Should you remove access to those groups, USB audio and control interfaces running under the asterisk account will not work!

Ensure sudo has access without passwords

Modify /etc/sudoers to ensure NOPASSWD is added to the sudo rule:

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command without a password

Ensure permissions are properly set

chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk /opt/asterisk /opt/app_rpt /usr/src/app_rpt__ultra

Configure crontab for asterisk user

sudo su - asterisk
crontab -e

Use the following for your crontab:

# apt_rpt__ultra crontab
0 0 * * *      /opt/app_rpt/bin/      # Produce today's date for readback
0 0 * * *      /opt/app_rpt/bin/      # Purge old recordings
*/15 * * * *   /opt/app_rpt/bin/   # Produce current weather conditions
* * * * *      /opt/app_rpt/bin/      # Produce the current time for readback
* * * * *      /opt/app_rpt/bin/        # Manage all system IDs
* * * * *      /opt/app_rpt/bin/      # Manage all tail messages
* * * * *      /opt/app_rpt/bin/    # Poll for (severe) weather alerts

Copy configuration templates


  1. Replace %MYNODE% to match your AllStarLink node number (we used 1999 as an example)
  2. Replace all instances of %MYCALL% within the file with your call sign (we used MYC4LL as an example)
  3. Be sure to check your duplex and rxchannel values to ensure they align with desired operation (i.e. usbradio.conf or simpleusb.conf)
  4. Do not change the idrecording=voice_id parameter in rpt.conf; this is overwritten by, which you will learn more about later.

Copy configuration templates:

cp asterisk/rpt.conf /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf
cp asterisk/extensions_custom.conf /etc/asterisk/custom/extensions.conf
cp config.ini /opt/app_rpt/config.ini

In order to start with the basics, you can do a sed replacement:

sed -i s/%MYNODE%/1999/g /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf /opt/app_rpt/config.ini
sed -i s/%MYCALL%/MYC4LL/g /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf

Setup temporary voice identifier from vocabulary bank

Let us assume our voice ID will say "THIS IS M Y C 4 L L REPEATER" We can achieve this by concatenating several files together to produce our ID, as follows:

cd /opt/app_rpt/sounds/_male
cat this_is.ulaw m.ulaw y.ulaw c.ulaw 4.ulaw l.ulaw l.ulaw repeater.ulaw \
> /opt/app_rpt/sounds/voice_id.ulaw

The message is written and can be tested through manual invocation by using:

sudo asterisk -rx "rpt localplay 1999 voice_id"

Wrapping up

Set permissions unilaterally, again, just for good measure

sudo chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk /opt/app_rpt /opt/asterisk

Set the initial date for readback

sudo su - asterisk

Restart Asterisk

sudo systemctl restart asterisk


Now that you've set up the basics and have legal IDs, it's time to dive deeper into the general operation and behavior of app_rpt__ultra. You have configured cron jobs that are now managing general operations of your system, and by periodically dispatching scripts to do our bidding.

Script Operations


All scripts reference /opt/app_rpt/config.ini for both runtime and master configuration data. Should you make any edits to scripts within /opt/app_rpt/bin, please be cognizant of any changes that may need to be carried over to config.ini accordingly!


This script basically the magic and the heart of it all. The purpose of is to manage all of your system's personalities, or states, and effectively do so on demand or when conditions are met.

States can be invoked in any number of ways:

  • through the command line;
  • through the internal scheduler;
  • or using DTMF commands.


Several states, or personalities, have been pre-programmed to suit your general day-to-day needs:

State Name Purpose Behaviors
default Default Mode This is the default power-up state that generally cleans up any modifications from other states, and puts your system back to a pre-defined running state.
This reads values set to default in config.ini and performs a number of sed replacements, and reloads Asterisk.
standard Standard Mode This is an alternate to the default power-up state and an ideal area for a general static operating state, especially if you don't intend to leverage daytime or nighttime modes with the scheduler.
daytime Daytime Mode Fit for daytime operations, this is a great place to set all of your behaviors when both system users and control operators are somewhat attentive.
nighttime Nighttime Mode This scenario is ideal for locking a few things down, adjusting timers, and preparing your system for nighttime operations when the repeater is largely unattended.
net Net Mode This adds a lot of brevity, changes courtesy tones, relaxes a few timers, and suppresses telemetry and messaging.
tactical Tactical Mode Similar to net mode, but ideal for tactical operations with adjusted timers and a distinct courtesy tone.
weatheralert Weather Alert This announces "weather alert" as a tail message, relaxes timers, but maintains normal operations.
severeweather Severe Weather Mode This changes the courtesy tone, announces "severe weather alert" for a tail message with aggressive timing, suppresses time-out timers, and sends a two-tone page alerting of severe weather.
stealth Stealth Mode With the exception of required CW ID, this suppresses all telemetry including voice synthesis, courtesy tones, eliminates hang/tail timers, and disables the scheduler.
litzalert Long Tone Zero (LiTZ) Alert This generates two-tone pages and announcements when the LiTZ command is executed to garner the attention of control operators who may lend assistance.
clock Grandfather Clock This emulates the CAT-1000 grandfather clock and can be called through the scheduler at the top of every hour.

CRONTAB: every minute

This script makes calls into Asterisk to determine current repeater and identifier states, and based upon config.ini and pre-defined behaviors in will determine what identifiers it plays, and when.

Variables Values Description & Behaviors (config.ini)
SPECIALID 0 or 1 (boolean) Override all IDs with the Special ID?
ROTATEIIDS 0 or 1 (boolean) Whether Initial IDs are rotated or not?
ROTATEPIDS 0 or 1 (boolean) Whether Pending IDs are rotated or not?
INITIALID { 1 .. 3 } (fixed range integer) Selection of a specific Initial ID.
PENDINGID { 1 .. 5 } (fixed range integer) Selection of a specific Pending ID.

CRONTAB: every minute

This follows behavior and adjusts tail messages based upon operational condition and weather conditions. By default, it will rotate in messages for current time and local temperature, if Weather Underground is configured.

Variables Values Description & Behaviors (config.ini)
ENABLETAIL 0 or 1 (boolean) Whether the tail messages are enabled or not?
ENABLETIME 0 or 1 (boolean) Whether periodic time announcements are given in tail messages or not?
ENABLETEMP 0 or 1 (boolean) Whether periodic temperature readings are given in tail messages or not?2
ROTATETMSG 0 or 1 (boolean) Whether to rotate tail messages or not?
TAILMSG { 1 .. 9 } (fixed range integer) Selection of a specific tail message.

CRONTAB: every minute

This monitors NOAA National Weather Service alerts, if configured for your NWS zone, and will trigger to change to a weather alert or severe weather alert, if enabled.

Variables Values Description & Behaviors (config.ini)
NWSZONE XXX000 The default value is invalid and should be replaced with your local NWS zone.
NWS Public Forecast Zones
NWSFILE /opt/app_rpt/lib/nwsalerts.out Explicit file path where weather alerting data is kept for parsing by jq.
SEVEREWEATHER { 0 .. 3 } (fixed range integer) 0: disables the feature
1: indicates a severe weather alert
2: indicates a weather alert
3: deactivated; conditions are normal
RTWXALERT tails/weather_alert Relative file path of tail message to be played for routine weather alert.
SVWXALERT tails/severe_weather_alert Relative file path of tail message to be played for severe weather alert.

CRONTAB: every 15 minutes

This polls Weather Underground2 to poll for weather station data in your region. Several conditions, such as temperature, humdity, wind speed and direction, et al., are generated which can be called by invocation.

Variables Values Description & Behaviors (config.ini)
FETCHLOCAL 0 or 1 (boolean) Whether to pull data from a local system (i.e. hub system that collates your weather data).
The default is 0.
WUAPIKEY empty Should be populated with your Weather Underground API key.2
WUSTATION empty ID of a Weather Underground station that provides you with local weather data.2
WUOUTPUT /opt/app_rpt/lib/wunderground.out Explicit file path where raw JSON data is kept for parsing by jq.

CRONTAB: midnight daily

This purges old recordings after they have aged by the defined period in the script.

Variables Values Description & Behaviors (config.ini)
RETENTION integer The number of days to keep recordings.
The default is 60 days and recordings are stored in /opt/asterisk with status logs.

CRONTAB: midnight daily

This generates a new date message at midnight daily for playback by invocation.
There are no configurable options.

CRONTAB: every minute

This generates time messages every minute for playback either in tail messages or by invocation.
There are no configurable options.

Message Management

This reads back messages stored in the message table listed below.


  • We want to hear the current temperature outside: 70
  • We want to hear Repeaterism #16 because it's cute: 84
  • We want to check to make sure our Special ID is as we programmed it: 10



This script can write messages into slots using the vocabulary and character tables listed below.


  1. Slot 00 is special and is for the Forced CW ID, which overwrites the values in the idtalkover parameter.
  2. Slots 01 through 50 are customizable through the message writer, while slots 51 through 99 are pre-programmed and cannot be overwritten by this tool.
  3. Character D delimits the slot from the message, and * delimits each character or vocabulary word.


  • We want to write CW ID into slot 00 with "MYC4LL": 00D61*93*23*04*53*53
  • We want to write a voice message into slot 04 for the Anxious ID that reads back "M Y C 4 L L REPEATER": 04D061*093*023*004*053*053*080


Add into your rpt.conf for full DTMF versatility to write messages over the air!

Courtesy Tone Management


This is an invaluable script to write courtesy tones into various positions. Special care was given to ensure three usable types could be written: voice messages, tone stanzas, and CW characters. Please refer to the examples below to understand how these are constructed.


Delineator Type Description
A vocabulary Uses a voice vocabulary word or sound effect
B CW characters Uses a CW character
C tone telemetry This is the standard sine wave tonal format


Slot(s) Type Description
00..95 standard Standard courtesy tones
96 remotemon Issued when system is in remote monitoring mode
97 remotetx Issued when system is in remote transmit mode
98 cmdmode Issued when command mode is in operation
99 functcomplete Issued when a function is complete



  1. Slot 00 is special; while it can be overwritten, it is intended to be silent.
  2. Slots 01 through 95 are customizable for general use and playback.
  3. Slots 96 through 99 have special purposes, as listed be careful!
  4. Character D is a delimter that allows multiple tone stanzas to be strung together, while * is a single parameter delimter.
  • We want to write the word "BATTERY" to courtesy tone 47: 47A142
  • We want to put CW character "N" (#62 from the CW table) in for our net courtesy tone in slot 54: 54B62
  • We want the "bumblebee" courtesy tone (a sequential 330, 500 and 660 Hz sequence) to reside in slot 36 with 100 millisecond tone lengths and an amplitude of 2048: 36C330*0*100*2048*2048D500*0*100*2048D660*0*100*2048
  • We want the "piano chord" courtesy tone (a chorded 660 and 880 Hz sequence) to reside in slot 12 with a 150 millisecond duration and amplitude of 4096: 12C660*880*150*4096


Add into your rpt.conf for full DTMF versatility to write complex courtesy tones from your radio's keypad!


This script lends the ability to select from 95 different courtesy tones to suit your needs.


Types Values Description
linkunkeyct { 00 .. 95 } Issued when link unkeys
remotect { 00 .. 95 } Issued when remote is activated
unlinkedct { 00 .. 95 } Issued when system is unlinked altogether


  • We want to change linkunkeyct to courtesy tone 24: linkunkeyct 24
  • We want to change unlinkedct to courtesy tone 78: unlinkedct 78


Add into your rpt.conf for ability to change courtesy tones remotely!

Message Tables

CW Characters



- % / :
10 11 12 14


A B C ;
21 22 23 24


, D E F +
30 31 32 33 34


' G H I "
40 41 42 43 44


( J K L )
50 51 52 53 54


. M N O @
60 61 62 63 64


Q P R S =
70 71 72 73 74


_ T U V $
80 81 82 83 84


W X Y Z &
91 92 93 90 94




0 1 2 3 4
00 01 02 03 04
5 6 7 8 9
05 06 07 08 09




Slot Character
00 0
01 1
02 2
03 3
04 4
05 5
06 6
07 7
08 8
09 9
10 -
11 %
12 /
14 :
20 ?
21 A
22 B
23 C
24 ;
30 ,
31 D
32 E
33 F
34 +
40 '
41 G
42 H
43 I
44 "
50 (
51 J
52 K
53 L
54 )
60 .
61 M
62 N
63 O
64 @
70 Q
71 P
72 R
73 S
74 =
80 _
81 T
82 U
83 V
84 $
90 Z
91 W
92 X
93 Y
94 &

Word Vocabulary

Slot Path Word
801 _female/1.ulaw 1
802 _female/2.ulaw 2
803 _female/3.ulaw 3
804 _female/4.ulaw 4
805 _female/5.ulaw 5
806 _female/6.ulaw 6
807 _female/7.ulaw 7
808 _female/8.ulaw 8
809 _female/9.ulaw 9
810 _female/10.ulaw 10
811 _female/11.ulaw 11
812 _female/12.ulaw 12
813 _female/13.ulaw 13
814 _female/14.ulaw 14
854 _female/15.ulaw 15
864 _female/16.ulaw 16
874 _female/17.ulaw 17
884 _female/18.ulaw 18
894 _female/19.ulaw 19
820 _female/20.ulaw 20
816 _female/21.ulaw 21
817 _female/22.ulaw 22
818 _female/23.ulaw 23
819 _female/24.ulaw 24
826 _female/25.ulaw 25
827 _female/26.ulaw 26
828 _female/27.ulaw 27
829 _female/28.ulaw 28
835 _female/29.ulaw 29
830 _female/30.ulaw 30
836 _female/31.ulaw 31
837 _female/32.ulaw 32
838 _female/33.ulaw 33
839 _female/34.ulaw 34
846 _female/35.ulaw 35
847 _female/36.ulaw 36
848 _female/37.ulaw 37
849 _female/38.ulaw 38
851 _female/39.ulaw 39
840 _female/40.ulaw 40
852 _female/41.ulaw 41
853 _female/42.ulaw 42
856 _female/43.ulaw 43
857 _female/44.ulaw 44
858 _female/45.ulaw 45
859 _female/46.ulaw 46
890 _female/47.ulaw 47
866 _female/48.ulaw 48
867 _female/49.ulaw 49
850 _female/50.ulaw 50
868 _female/51.ulaw 51
869 _female/52.ulaw 52
896 _female/53.ulaw 53
871 _female/54.ulaw 54
872 _female/55.ulaw 55
897 _female/56.ulaw 56
876 _female/57.ulaw 57
877 _female/58.ulaw 58
878 _female/59.ulaw 59
879 _female/00.ulaw 00
880 _female/01.ulaw 01
898 _female/02.ulaw 02
899 _female/03.ulaw 03
901 _female/04.ulaw 04
902 _female/05.ulaw 05
886 _female/06.ulaw 06
887 _female/07.ulaw 07
888 _female/08.ulaw 08
889 _female/09.ulaw 09
832 _female/a_m.ulaw A.M.
842 _female/afternoon.ulaw AFTERNOON
843 _female/evening.ulaw EVENING
834 _female/good.ulaw GOOD
862 _female/good_afternoon.ulaw GOOD AFTERNOON
863 _female/good_evening.ulaw GOOD EVENING
861 _female/good_morning.ulaw GOOD MORNING
823 _female/is.ulaw IS
841 _female/morning.ulaw MORNING
824 _female/o_clock.ulaw O'CLOCK
800 _female/oh.ulaw OH
833 _female/p_m.ulaw P.M.
821 _female/the.ulaw THE
844 _female/the_time_is.ulaw THE TIME IS
822 _female/time.ulaw TIME
021 _male/a.ulaw A
111 _male/a_c.ulaw A.C.
110 _male/a_m.ulaw A.M.
992 _male/abort.ulaw ABORT
855 _male/about.ulaw ABOUT
112 _male/above.ulaw ABOVE
114 _male/acknowledge.ulaw ACKNOWLEDGE
115 _male/action.ulaw ACTION
944 _male/adjust.ulaw ADJUST
119 _male/advance.ulaw ADVANCE
916 _male/advanced.ulaw ADVANCED
116 _male/advise.ulaw ADVISE
117 _male/aerial.ulaw AERIAL
118 _male/affirmative.ulaw AFFIRMATIVE
120 _male/air.ulaw AIR
040 _male/alert.ulaw ALERT
685 _male/all.ulaw ALL
134 _male/allstarlink.ulaw ALLSTARLINK
124 _male/aloft.ulaw ALOFT
621 _male/alpha.ulaw ALPHA
125 _male/alternate.ulaw ALTERNATE
127 _male/altitude.ulaw ALTITUDE
121 _male/am.ulaw A.M.
917 _male/amateur.ulaw AMATEUR
122 _male/amp.ulaw AMP
831 _male/amps.ulaw AMPS
074 _male/and.ulaw AND
128 _male/answer.ulaw ANSWER
131 _male/april.ulaw APRIL
713 _male/area.ulaw AREA
130 _male/ares.ulaw ARES
132 _male/arrival.ulaw ARRIVAL
123 _male/arrive.ulaw ARRIVE
133 _male/as.ulaw AS
742 _male/at.ulaw AT
135 _male/august.ulaw AUGUST
918 _male/auto.ulaw AUTO
741 _male/automatic.ulaw AUTOMATIC
129 _male/automation.ulaw AUTOMATION
136 _male/autopilot.ulaw AUTOPILOT
137 _male/auxiliary.ulaw AUXILIARY
022 _male/b.ulaw B
138 _male/band.ulaw BAND
139 _male/bang.ulaw BANG
140 _male/bank.ulaw BANK
141 _male/base.ulaw BASE
142 _male/battery.ulaw BATTERY
143 _male/below.ulaw BELOW
660 _male/between.ulaw BETWEEN
144 _male/blowing.ulaw BLOWING
145 _male/board.ulaw BOARD
146 _male/boost.ulaw BOOST
147 _male/bozo.ulaw BOZO
148 _male/brake.ulaw BRAKE
622 _male/bravo.ulaw BRAVO
743 _male/break.ulaw BREAK
150 _male/broke.ulaw BROKE
151 _male/broken.ulaw BROKEN
993 _male/button.ulaw BUTTON
152 _male/by.ulaw BY
023 _male/c.ulaw C
153 _male/cabin.ulaw CABIN
735 _male/calibrate.ulaw CALIBRATE
751 _male/call.ulaw CALL
155 _male/calling.ulaw CALLING
156 _male/calm.ulaw CALM
664 _male/cancel.ulaw CANCEL
711 _male/caution.ulaw CAUTION
158 _male/ceiling.ulaw CEILING
161 _male/center.ulaw CENTER
875 _male/change.ulaw CHANGE
623 _male/charlie.ulaw CHARLIE
865 _male/check.ulaw CHECK
720 _male/circuit.ulaw CIRCUIT
163 _male/clear.ulaw CLEAR
165 _male/climb.ulaw CLIMB
945 _male/clock.ulaw CLOCK
166 _male/closed.ulaw CLOSED
926 _male/club.ulaw CLUB
075 _male/code.ulaw CODE
167 _male/come.ulaw COME
169 _male/command.ulaw COMMAND
721 _male/complete.ulaw COMPLETE
927 _male/computer.ulaw COMPUTER
168 _male/condition.ulaw CONDITION
170 _male/congratulations.ulaw CONGRATULATIONS
940 _male/connect.ulaw CONNECT
154 _male/connected.ulaw CONNECTED
171 _male/contact.ulaw CONTACT
624 _male/control.ulaw CONTROL
172 _male/converging.ulaw CONVERGING
173 _male/count.ulaw COUNT
157 _male/county.ulaw COUNTY
174 _male/course.ulaw COURSE
950 _male/crane.ulaw CRANE
175 _male/crosswind.ulaw CROSSWIND
149 _male/current.ulaw CURRENT
162 _male/cycle.ulaw CYCLE
031 _male/d.ulaw D
177 _male/d_c.ulaw D.C.
712 _male/danger.ulaw DANGER
178 _male/day.ulaw DAY
952 _male/days.ulaw DAYS
928 _male/dayton.ulaw DAYTON
181 _male/december.ulaw DECEMBER
184 _male/decode.ulaw DECODE
182 _male/decrease.ulaw DECREASE
183 _male/decreasing.ulaw DECREASING
189 _male/degree.ulaw DEGREE
722 _male/degrees.ulaw DEGREES
631 _male/delta.ulaw DELTA
185 _male/departure.ulaw DEPARTURE
953 _male/device.ulaw DEVICE
936 _male/dial.ulaw DIAL
186 _male/dinner.ulaw DINNER
752 _male/direction.ulaw DIRECTION
194 _male/disconnected.ulaw DISCONNECTED
954 _male/display.ulaw DISPLAY
955 _male/door.ulaw DOOR
654 _male/down.ulaw DOWN
188 _male/downwind.ulaw DOWNWIND
190 _male/drive.ulaw DRIVE
191 _male/drizzle.ulaw DRIZZLE
192 _male/dust.ulaw DUST
032 _male/e.ulaw E
754 _male/east.ulaw EAST
632 _male/echo.ulaw ECHO
197 _male/echolink.ulaw ECHOLINK
008 _male/eight.ulaw EIGHT
018 _male/eighteen.ulaw EIGHTEEN
242 _male/eighteenth.ulaw EIGHTEENTH
243 _male/eighth.ulaw EIGHTH
943 _male/electrician.ulaw ELECTRICIAN
196 _male/elevation.ulaw ELEVATION
011 _male/eleven.ulaw ELEVEN
219 _male/eleventh.ulaw ELEVENTH
937 _male/emergency.ulaw EMERGENCY
220 _male/encode.ulaw ENCODE
198 _male/engine.ulaw ENGINE
995 _male/enter.ulaw ENTER
893 _male/equal.ulaw EQUAL
211 _male/error.ulaw ERROR
212 _male/estimated.ulaw ESTIMATED
213 _male/evacuate.ulaw EVACUATE
214 _male/evacuation.ulaw EVACUATION
761 _male/exit.ulaw EXIT
215 _male/expect.ulaw EXPECT
033 _male/f.ulaw F
755 _male/fail.ulaw FAIL
216 _male/failure.ulaw FAILURE
930 _male/farad.ulaw FARAD
217 _male/farenheit.ulaw FARENHEIT
925 _male/fast.ulaw FAST
218 _male/february.ulaw FEBRUARY
448 _male/feet.ulaw FEET
015 _male/fifteen.ulaw FIFTEEN
232 _male/fifteenth.ulaw FIFTEENTH
233 _male/fifth.ulaw FIFTH
223 _male/filed.ulaw FILED
224 _male/final.ulaw FINAL
634 _male/fire.ulaw FIRE
225 _male/first.ulaw FIRST
005 _male/five.ulaw FIVE
227 _male/flaps.ulaw FLAPS
228 _male/flight.ulaw FLIGHT
960 _male/flow.ulaw FLOW
230 _male/fog.ulaw FOG
231 _male/for.ulaw FOR
004 _male/four.ulaw FOUR
014 _male/fourteen.ulaw FOURTEEN
279 _male/fourteenth.ulaw FOURTEENTH
234 _male/fourth.ulaw FOURTH
633 _male/foxtrot.ulaw FOXTROT
235 _male/freedom.ulaw FREEDOM
236 _male/freezing.ulaw FREEZING
610 _male/frequency.ulaw FREQUENCY
237 _male/friday.ulaw FRIDAY
064 _male/from.ulaw FROM
238 _male/front.ulaw FRONT
241 _male/full.ulaw FULL
041 _male/g.ulaw G
991 _male/gallons.ulaw GALLONS
845 _male/gate.ulaw GATE
244 _male/gear.ulaw GEAR
962 _male/get.ulaw GET
245 _male/glide.ulaw GLIDE
895 _male/go.ulaw GO
641 _male/golf.ulaw GOLF
762 _male/green.ulaw GREEN
347 _male/grouch.ulaw GROUCH
349 _male/grouchy.ulaw GROUCHY
248 _male/ground.ulaw GROUND
961 _male/gauge.ulaw GAUGE
250 _male/gusting_to.ulaw GUSTING TO
042 _male/h.ulaw H
251 _male/hail.ulaw HAIL
252 _male/half.ulaw HALF
938 _male/ham.ulaw HAM
946 _male/hamfest.ulaw HAMFEST
947 _male/hamvention.ulaw HAMVENTION
253 _male/have.ulaw HAVE
254 _male/hazardous.ulaw HAZARDOUS
255 _male/haze.ulaw HAZE
257 _male/heavy.ulaw HEAVY
258 _male/help.ulaw HELP
260 _male/henry.ulaw HENRY
684 _male/hertz.ulaw HERTZ
763 _male/high.ulaw HIGH
963 _male/hold.ulaw HOLD
615 _male/home.ulaw HOME
642 _male/hotel.ulaw HOTEL
261 _male/hour.ulaw HOUR
655 _male/hours.ulaw HOURS
640 _male/hundred.ulaw HUNDRED
221 _male/hundredth.ulaw HUNDREDTH
222 _male/hundredths.ulaw HUNDREDTHS
043 _male/i.ulaw I
262 _male/ice.ulaw ICE
263 _male/icing.ulaw ICING
264 _male/identify.ulaw IDENTIFY
266 _male/ignite.ulaw IGNITE
267 _male/ignition.ulaw IGNITION
268 _male/immediately.ulaw IMMEDIATELY
270 _male/in.ulaw IN
271 _male/inbound.ulaw INBOUND
964 _male/inch.ulaw INCH
272 _male/increase.ulaw INCREASE
229 _male/increasing.ulaw INCREASING
274 _male/increasing_to.ulaw INCREASING TO
643 _male/india.ulaw INDIA
275 _male/indicated.ulaw INDICATED
276 _male/inflight.ulaw INFLIGHT
996 _male/information.ulaw INFORMATION
277 _male/inner.ulaw INNER
256 _male/inspect.ulaw INSPECT
785 _male/inspector.ulaw INSPECTOR
764 _male/intruder.ulaw INTRUDER
733 _male/is.ulaw IS
281 _male/it.ulaw IT
051 _male/j.ulaw J
282 _male/january.ulaw JANUARY
651 _male/juliet.ulaw JULIET
283 _male/july.ulaw JULY
284 _male/june.ulaw JUNE
259 _male/just.ulaw JUST
052 _male/k.ulaw K
285 _male/key.ulaw KEY
652 _male/kilo.ulaw KILO
265 _male/kit.ulaw KIT
286 _male/knots.ulaw KNOTS
269 _male/knowledge.ulaw KNOWLEDGE
053 _male/l.ulaw L
287 _male/land.ulaw LAND
288 _male/landing.ulaw LANDING
956 _male/late.ulaw LATE
291 _male/launch.ulaw LAUNCH
292 _male/lean.ulaw LEAN
770 _male/left.ulaw LEFT
293 _male/leg.ulaw LEG
273 _male/less.ulaw LESS
294 _male/less_than.ulaw LESS THAN
295 _male/level.ulaw LEVEL
934 _male/light.ulaw LIGHT
653 _male/lima.ulaw LIMA
278 _male/limited.ulaw LIMITED
942 _male/line.ulaw LINE
998 _male/link.ulaw LINK
296 _male/list.ulaw LIST
297 _male/lock.ulaw LOCK
298 _male/long.ulaw LONG
957 _male/look.ulaw LOOK
771 _male/low.ulaw LOW
310 _male/lower.ulaw LOWER
311 _male/lunch.ulaw LUNCH
061 _male/m.ulaw M
084 _male/machine.ulaw MACHINE
312 _male/maintain.ulaw MAINTAIN
965 _male/manual.ulaw MANUAL
313 _male/march.ulaw MARCH
299 _male/mark.ulaw MARK
314 _male/marker.ulaw MARKER
315 _male/may.ulaw MAY
316 _male/mayday.ulaw MAYDAY
920 _male/me.ulaw ME
317 _male/mean.ulaw MEAN
970 _male/measure.ulaw MEASURE
290 _male/meet.ulaw MEET
035 _male/meeting.ulaw MEETING
680 _male/mega.ulaw MEGA
164 _male/message.ulaw MESSAGE
625 _male/messages.ulaw MESSAGES
620 _male/meter.ulaw METER
931 _male/micro.ulaw MICRO
661 _male/mike.ulaw MIKE
176 _male/mile.ulaw MILE
322 _male/miles.ulaw MILES
971 _male/mill.ulaw MILL
825 _male/milli.ulaw MILLI-
323 _male/million.ulaw MILLION
612 _male/minus.ulaw MINUS
179 _male/minute.ulaw MINUTE
645 _male/minutes.ulaw MINUTES
324 _male/mist.ulaw MIST
958 _male/mobile.ulaw MOBILE
180 _male/mode.ulaw MODE
326 _male/moderate.ulaw MODERATE
327 _male/monday.ulaw MONDAY
328 _male/month.ulaw MONTH
187 _male/more.ulaw MORE
330 _male/more_than.ulaw MORE THAN
195 _male/moron.ulaw MORON
972 _male/motor.ulaw MOTOR
973 _male/move.ulaw MOVE
332 _male/much.ulaw MUCH
199 _male/my.ulaw MY
602 _male/n.ulaw N
333 _male/near.ulaw NEAR
334 _male/negative.ulaw NEGATIVE
205 _male/net.ulaw NET
335 _male/new.ulaw NEW
336 _male/next.ulaw NEXT
337 _male/night.ulaw NIGHT
009 _male/nine.ulaw NINE
019 _male/nineteen.ulaw NINETEEN
200 _male/nineteenth.ulaw NINETEENTH
201 _male/ninth.ulaw NINTH
342 _male/no.ulaw NO
202 _male/node.ulaw NODE
772 _male/north.ulaw NORTH
695 _male/not.ulaw NOT
662 _male/november.ulaw NOVEMBER
734 _male/number.ulaw NUMBER
063 _male/o.ulaw O
345 _male/o_clock.ulaw O' CLOCK
203 _male/o_k.ulaw O.K.
204 _male/obscure.ulaw OBSCURE
344 _male/obscured.ulaw OBSCURED
346 _male/october.ulaw OCTOBER
694 _male/of.ulaw OF
614 _male/off.ulaw OFF
348 _male/ohio.ulaw OHIO
206 _male/ohm.ulaw OHM
933 _male/ohms.ulaw OHMS
350 _male/oil.ulaw OIL
613 _male/on.ulaw ON
001 _male/one.ulaw ONE
904 _male/open.ulaw OPEN
207 _male/operate.ulaw OPERATE
352 _male/operation.ulaw OPERATION
630 _male/operator.ulaw OPERATOR
663 _male/oscar.ulaw OSCAR
353 _male/other.ulaw OTHER
740 _male/out.ulaw OUT
355 _male/outer.ulaw OUTER
773 _male/over.ulaw OVER
356 _male/overcast.ulaw OVERCAST
701 _male/p.ulaw P
358 _male/p_m.ulaw P.M.
208 _male/pair.ulaw PAIR
671 _male/papa.ulaw PAPA
209 _male/partial.ulaw PARTIAL
361 _male/partially.ulaw PARTIALLY
774 _male/pass.ulaw PASS
974 _male/passed.ulaw PASSED
966 _male/patch.ulaw PATCH
362 _male/path.ulaw PATH
364 _male/per.ulaw PER
675 _male/percent.ulaw PERCENT
914 _male/phone.ulaw PHONE
932 _male/pico.ulaw PICO
113 _male/pilot.ulaw PILOT
967 _male/please.ulaw PLEASE
611 _male/plus.ulaw PLUS
674 _male/point.ulaw POINT
968 _male/police.ulaw POLICE
126 _male/port.ulaw PORT
780 _male/position.ulaw POSITION
714 _male/power.ulaw POWER
796 _male/practice.ulaw PRACTICE
500 _male/prefix_fif.ulaw FIF-
300 _male/prefix_thir.ulaw THIR-
781 _male/press.ulaw PRESS
935 _male/pressure.ulaw PRESSURE
366 _male/private.ulaw PRIVATE
975 _male/probe.ulaw PROBE
159 _male/program.ulaw PROGRAM
367 _male/programming.ulaw PROGRAMMING
980 _male/pull.ulaw PULL
977 _male/push.ulaw PUSH
700 _male/q.ulaw Q
670 _male/quebec.ulaw QUEBEC
702 _male/r.ulaw R
976 _male/radio.ulaw RADIO
374 _male/rain.ulaw RAIN
375 _male/raise.ulaw RAISE
981 _male/range.ulaw RANGE
376 _male/rate.ulaw RATE
783 _male/ready.ulaw READY
377 _male/rear.ulaw REAR
378 _male/receive.ulaw RECEIVE
744 _male/red.ulaw RED
381 _male/release.ulaw RELEASE
382 _male/remark.ulaw REMARK
910 _male/remote.ulaw REMOTE
745 _male/repair.ulaw REPAIR
982 _male/repeat.ulaw REPEAT
080 _male/repeater.ulaw REPEATER
383 _male/rich.ulaw RICH
384 _male/rig.ulaw RIG
665 _male/right.ulaw RIGHT
160 _male/rival.ulaw RIVAL
385 _male/road.ulaw ROAD
386 _male/roger.ulaw ROGER
672 _male/romeo.ulaw ROMER
239 _male/root.ulaw ROOT
388 _male/route.ulaw ROUTE
240 _male/run.ulaw RUN
390 _male/runway.ulaw RUNWAY
073 _male/s.ulaw S
784 _male/safe.ulaw SAFE
391 _male/sand.ulaw SAND
392 _male/santa_clara.ulaw SANTA CLARA
393 _male/saturday.ulaw SATURDAY
246 _male/scatter.ulaw SCATTER
394 _male/scattered.ulaw SCATTERED
395 _male/second.ulaw SECOND
635 _male/seconds.ulaw SECONDS
247 _male/secure.ulaw SECURE
396 _male/security.ulaw SECURITY
397 _male/select.ulaw SELECT
398 _male/september.ulaw SEPTEMBER
410 _male/sequence.ulaw SEQUENCE
723 _male/service.ulaw SERVICE
885 _male/set.ulaw SET
007 _male/seven.ulaw SEVEN
017 _male/seventeen.ulaw SEVENTEEN
249 _male/seventeenth.ulaw SEVENTEENTH
280 _male/seventh.ulaw SEVENTH
413 _male/severe.ulaw SEVERE
289 _male/sex.ulaw SEX
414 _male/sexy.ulaw SEXY
301 _male/shop.ulaw SHOP
415 _male/short.ulaw SHORT
302 _male/shower.ulaw SHOWER
416 _male/showers.ulaw SHOWERS
765 _male/shut.ulaw SHUT
417 _male/side.ulaw SIDE
673 _male/sierra.ulaw SIERRA
418 _male/sight.ulaw SIGHT
006 _male/six.ulaw SIX
016 _male/sixteen.ulaw SIXTEEN
303 _male/sixteenth.ulaw SIXTEENTH
304 _male/sixth.ulaw SIXTH
423 _male/sleet.ulaw SLEET
424 _male/slope.ulaw SLOPE
983 _male/slow.ulaw SLOW
795 _male/smoke.ulaw SMOKE
425 _male/snow.ulaw SNOW
790 _male/south.ulaw SOUTH
984 _male/speed.ulaw SPEED
427 _male/spray.ulaw SPRAY
428 _male/squawk.ulaw SQUAWK
431 _male/stall.ulaw STALL
305 _male/star.ulaw STAR
730 _male/start.ulaw START
731 _male/stop.ulaw STOP
433 _male/storm.ulaw STORM
193 _male/suffix_ed.ulaw -ED
210 _male/suffix_er.ulaw -ER
948 _male/suffix_ing.ulaw -ING
306 _male/suffix_ly.ulaw -LY
915 _male/suffix_s.ulaw -S
099 _male/suffix_teen.ulaw -TEEN
441 _male/suffix_th.ulaw -TH
060 _male/suffix_ty.ulaw -TY
307 _male/suffix_y.ulaw -Y
434 _male/sunday.ulaw SUNDAY
308 _male/swap.ulaw SWAP
725 _male/switch.ulaw SWITCH
997 _male/system.ulaw SYSTEM
081 _male/t.ulaw T
681 _male/tango.ulaw TANGO
435 _male/tank.ulaw TANK
436 _male/target.ulaw TARGET
437 _male/taxi.ulaw TAXI
438 _male/telephone.ulaw TELEPHONE
724 _male/temperature.ulaw TEMPERATURE
010 _male/ten.ulaw TEN
309 _male/tenth.ulaw TENTH
318 _male/tenths.ulaw TENTHS
440 _male/terminal.ulaw TERMINAL
792 _male/test.ulaw TEST
319 _male/than.ulaw THAN
320 _male/thank.ulaw THANK
978 _male/thank_you.ulaw THANK YOU
442 _male/that.ulaw THAT
024 _male/the.ulaw THE
443 _male/the_long.ulaw THE (long)
444 _male/the_short.ulaw THE (short)
447 _male/third.ulaw THIRD
013 _male/thirteen.ulaw THIRTEEN
321 _male/thirteenth.ulaw THIRTEENTH
451 _male/this.ulaw THIS
065 _male/this_is.ulaw THIS IS
644 _male/thousand.ulaw THOUSAND
325 _male/thousandth.ulaw THOUSANDTH
329 _male/thousandths.ulaw THOUSANDTHS
003 _male/three.ulaw THREE
331 _male/thunderstorm.ulaw THUNDERSTORM
452 _male/thunderstorms.ulaw THUNDERSTORMS
453 _male/thursday.ulaw THURSDAY
338 _male/til.ulaw 'TIL
044 _male/time.ulaw TIME
339 _male/time_out.ulaw TIME OUT
732 _male/timer.ulaw TIMER
455 _male/to.ulaw TO
456 _male/today.ulaw TODAY
055 _male/tomorrow.ulaw TOMORROW
045 _male/tonight.ulaw TONIGHT
985 _male/tool.ulaw TOOL
457 _male/tornado.ulaw TORNADO
458 _male/touchdown.ulaw TOUCHDOWN
460 _male/tower.ulaw TOWER
461 _male/traffic.ulaw TRAFFIC
340 _male/transceive.ulaw TRANSCEIVE
341 _male/transceiver.ulaw TRANSCEIVER
462 _male/transmit.ulaw TRANSMIT
463 _male/trim.ulaw TRIM
464 _male/tuesday.ulaw TUESDAY
465 _male/turbulance.ulaw TURBULANCE
990 _male/turn.ulaw TURN
343 _male/twelfth.ulaw TWELFTH
012 _male/twelve.ulaw TWELVE
351 _male/twentieth.ulaw TWENTIETH
020 _male/twenty.ulaw TWENTY
002 _male/two.ulaw TWO
082 _male/u.ulaw U
775 _male/under.ulaw UNDER
682 _male/uniform.ulaw UNIFORM
715 _male/unit.ulaw UNIT
467 _male/unlimited.ulaw UNLIMITED
468 _male/until.ulaw UNTIL
650 _male/up.ulaw UP
470 _male/use_noun.ulaw USE (noun)
471 _male/use_verb.ulaw USE (verb)
083 _male/v.ulaw V
986 _male/valley.ulaw VALLEY
357 _male/value.ulaw VALUE
941 _male/valve.ulaw VALVE
473 _male/variable.ulaw VARIABLE
475 _male/verify.ulaw VERIFY
683 _male/victor.ulaw VICTOR
476 _male/visibility.ulaw VISIBILITY
360 _male/volt.ulaw VOLT
750 _male/volts.ulaw VOLTS
091 _male/w.ulaw W
054 _male/wait.ulaw WAIT
477 _male/wake.ulaw WAKE
478 _male/wake_up.ulaw WAKE UP
363 _male/warn.ulaw WARN
480 _male/warning.ulaw WARNING
481 _male/watch.ulaw WATCH
365 _male/watt.ulaw WATT
815 _male/watts.ulaw WATTS
482 _male/way.ulaw WAY
095 _male/weather.ulaw WEATHER
484 _male/wednesday.ulaw WEDNESDAY
913 _male/welcome.ulaw WELCOME
793 _male/west.ulaw WEST
691 _male/whiskey.ulaw WHISKEY
912 _male/will.ulaw WILL
368 _male/win.ulaw WIN
487 _male/wind.ulaw WIND
490 _male/with.ulaw WITH
369 _male/write.ulaw WRITE
491 _male/wrong.ulaw WRONG
692 _male/x-ray.ulaw X-RAY
092 _male/x.ulaw X
093 _male/y.ulaw Y
693 _male/yankee.ulaw YANKEE
794 _male/yellow.ulaw YELLOW
492 _male/yesterday.ulaw YESTERDAY
370 _male/you.ulaw YOU
987 _male/your.ulaw YOUR
090 _male/z.ulaw Z
988 _male/zed.ulaw ZED
000 _male/zero.ulaw ZERO
494 _male/zone.ulaw ZONE
690 _male/zulu.ulaw ZULU
979 _sndfx/shortpause.ulaw sound effect
034 _sndfx/longpause.ulaw sound effect
860 _sndfx/tic.ulaw sound effect
870 _sndfx/toc.ulaw sound effect
873 _sndfx/laser.ulaw sound effect
881 _sndfx/whistle.ulaw sound effect
882 _sndfx/phaser.ulaw sound effect
883 _sndfx/train.ulaw sound effect
891 _sndfx/explosion.ulaw sound effect
892 _sndfx/crowd.ulaw sound effect

Message Banks

Slot Path Description Contents
00 Forced CW ID Forced CW ID empty
01 ids/initial_id_1 Initial ID #1 empty
02 ids/initial_id_2 Initial ID #2 empty
03 ids/initial_id_3 Initial ID #3 empty
04 ids/anxious_id Anxious ID empty
05 ids/pending_id_1 Pending ID #1 empty
06 ids/pending_id_2 Pending ID #2 empty
07 ids/pending_id_3 Pending ID #3 empty
08 ids/pending_id_4 Pending ID #4 empty
09 ids/pending_id_5 Pending ID #5 empty
10 ids/special_id Special ID empty
11 tails/tail_message_1 Tail Message #1 empty
12 tails/tail_message_2 Tail Message #2 empty
13 tails/tail_message_3 Tail Message #3 empty
14 tails/tail_message_4 Tail Message #4 empty
15 tails/tail_message_5 Tail Message #5 empty
16 tails/tail_message_6 Tail Message #6 empty
17 tails/tail_message_7 Tail Message #7 empty
18 tails/tail_message_8 Tail Message #8 empty
19 tails/tail_message_9 Tail Message #9 empty
20 custom/bulletin_board_1 Bulletin Board #1 empty
21 custom/bulletin_board_2 Bulletin Board #2 empty
22 custom/bulletin_board_3 Bulletin Board #3 empty
23 custom/bulletin_board_4 Bulletin Board #4 empty
24 custom/bulletin_board_5 Bulletin Board #5 empty
25 custom/demonstration_1 Demonstration Msg. #1 empty
26 custom/demonstration_2 Demonstration Msg. #2 empty
27 custom/demonstration_3 Demonstration Msg. #3 empty
28 custom/demonstration_4 Demonstration Msg. #4 empty
29 custom/demonstration_5 Demonstration Msg. #5 empty
30 custom/emergency_autodial_0 Emergency Auto Dialer #0 empty
31 custom/emergency_autodial_1 Emergency Auto Dialer #1 empty
32 custom/emergency_autodial_2 Emergency Auto Dialer #2 empty
33 custom/emergency_autodial_3 Emergency Auto Dialer #3 empty
34 custom/emergency_autodial_4 Emergency Auto Dialer #4 empty
35 custom/emergency_autodial_5 Emergency Auto Dialer #5 empty
36 custom/emergency_autodial_6 Emergency Auto Dialer #6 empty
37 custom/emergency_autodial_7 Emergency Auto Dialer #7 empty
38 custom/emergency_autodial_8 Emergency Auto Dialer #8 empty
39 custom/emergency_autodial_9 Emergency Auto Dialer #9 empty
40 custom/mailbox_0 Mailbox #0 empty
41 custom/mailbox_1 Mailbox #1 empty
42 custom/mailbox_2 Mailbox #2 empty
43 custom/mailbox_3 Mailbox #3 empty
44 custom/mailbox_4 Mailbox #4 empty
45 custom/mailbox_5 Mailbox #5 empty
46 custom/mailbox_6 Mailbox #6 empty
47 custom/mailbox_7 Mailbox #7 empty
48 custom/mailbox_8 Mailbox #8 empty
49 custom/mailbox_9 Mailbox #9 empty
50 rpt/litz_alert Long Tone Zero (LiTZ) Alert empty
51 tails/weather_alert Weather Alert "WEATHER ALERT"
52 tails/severe_weather_alert Severe Weather Alert "SEVERE WEATHER ALERT"
53 rpt/net_in_one_minute Impending Net (1 minute) "NET IN ONE MINUTE"
54 rpt/net_in_five_minutes Impending Net (5 minutes) "NET IN FIVE MINUTES"
55 rpt/net_in_ten_minutes Impending Net (10 minutes) "NET IN TEN MINUTES"
56 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
57 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
58 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
59 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
60 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
61 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
62 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
63 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
64 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
65 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
66 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
67 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
68 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
69 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
70 wx/temp Weather: Temperature temperature
71 wx/wind Weather: Wind Conditions wind conditions
72 wx/pressure Weather: Barometric Pressure barometric pressure
73 wx/humidity Weather: Humidity humidity
74 wx/windchill Weather: Wind Chill wind chill
75 wx/heatindex Weather: Heat Index heat index
76 wx/dewpt Weather: Dew Point dew point
77 wx/preciprate Weather: Precipitation Rate precipitation rate
78 wx/preciptotal Weather: Precipitation Total precipitation total
79 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
80 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
81 custom/rptrism01 Repeaterism #1 Short transmissions
82 custom/rptrism02 Repeaterism #2 Think before transmitting
83 custom/rptrism03 Repeaterism #3 Pause between conversation handovers
84 custom/rptrism16 Repeaterism #16 (replaced #4) Certain words, there are... OH, NO YOU DON'T!
85 custom/rptrism05 Repeaterism #5 Be courteous
86 custom/rptrism06 Repeaterism #6 Use simplex when possible
87 custom/rptrism07 Repeaterism #7 Use low power when possible
88 custom/rptrism08 Repeaterism #8 Support your local repeater club
89 custom/rptrism09 Repeaterism #9 Butting in is not nice
90 custom/rptrism10 Repeaterism #10 Blessed are those who listen
91 custom/rptrism11 Repeaterism #11 Watch what you say
92 custom/rptrism12 Repeaterism #12 One thought per transmission
93 custom/rptrism13 Repeaterism #13 State your purpose
94 custom/rptrism14 Repeaterism #14 When testing, say so, and be brief
95 custom/rptrism15 Repeaterism #15 Identify your station
96 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
97 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
98 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"
99 rpt/empty Not Used "EMPTY"



  1. These are high fidelity recordings from a Texas Instruments TSP5220 speech synthesizer, sourced from an Advanced Computer Controls (ACC) RC-850 controller, version 3.8 (late serial number). Recordings were sourced using audio-in to a PC with Audacity; these are captured in μ-law companding algorithm 8-bit PCM format.

  2. Weather reporting requires account registration and use of an API key from Weather Underground. 2 3 4 5