v0.11.0 (2024-06-18)
feat: Async tokenizer (#86)
feat: support async, wip
feat: fix and add tests, examples, update readme
fix: poetry lock
fix: anyio -> aiofiles
fix: try 3.8
fix: remove 3.7 from tests
fix: poetry lock
fix: add 3.7 back
fix: poetry lock
fix: poetry.lock
ci: pipenv
fix: pipenv
fix: pipenv
fix: pyproject
fix: lock
fix: version
fix: Removed aiofiles
ci: update python version,
fix: switch from aiofiles to anyio, remove redundant comments
chore: poetry lock
fix: disable initializing async classes directly, cr comments
test: fix import
ci: add asyncio-mode to test workflow
fix: to_thread -> run_in_executor
ci: add asyncio
fix: cr comments
fix: cr comments
Co-authored-by: asafg <asafg@ai21.com> (3006cda