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PowerToysRun Plugin Template

This is a template for Visual Studio to create a PowerToys Run plugin.

Same content but with dotnet so you don't need to open Visual Studio: PowerToysRun-DotentPluginTemplate.

How to customize


  • 7z (from 7zip or NanaZip) available in PATH.


  1. Clone or fork the repo.
  2. Make your desired change (like changing indent_style and end_of_line in .editorconfig).
  3. run ./scripts/build.ps1 compress -copy in PowerShell.

How to use


  • gsudo
    Or if you're using Windows later than Windows 11 24H2, change sudo {...} in debug.ps1 to sudo powershell {...}.


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Move the zip to ~\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ProjectTemplates.
  3. Change $ptPath in debug.ps1 to your PowerToys install location, i.e. $env:LOCALAPPDATA\PowerToys for user scope install.
  4. Open Visual Studio 2022 and select the template named PowerToys Run Plugin Template.
  5. Follow TODOs in Main.cs.


  • debug.ps1 - move debug files to destination.
  • release.ps1 - create release on github with github cli.

How to debug

  1. Build the project.
  2. Run debug.ps1.
  3. Attach to the process PowerToys.PowerLauncher.


Check ProcessKiller.

Template structure

│   MyPlugin.sln
    │   debug.ps1
    │   .editorconfig
    │   MyPlugin.csproj
    │   Main.cs
    │   plugin.json
    │   release.ps1
    │       Icon.dark.png
    │       Icon.light.png

Update the template

Visual Studio 2022 caches the templates, so you can't simply replace the zip file.

  1. Remove previous versions of the template.
  2. Start Visual Studio 2022 then select Create a new project, this loads the templates.
  3. Close Visual Studio 2022 or click Back.
  4. Move the new zip to ~\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ProjectTemplates.

Help improve this template

If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

Useful links