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Dynamic Admission Controller To Inject Wallarm Sidecar Container

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Wallarm Sidecar Injection though Mutating Webhook

Based on "Kubernetes Mutating Webhook for Sidecar Injection"

This repository to show how to deploy MutatingAdmissionWebhook for wallarm-sidecar container injection


  • git
  • go version v1.12+
  • docker version 17.03+
  • kubectl version v1.11.3+
  • Access to a Kubernetes v1.11.3+ cluster with the API enabled. Verify that by the following command:
kubectl api-versions | grep

The result should be either


or both


  1. Build docker image
make build-image
  1. Push docker image into a registry
make push-image

NB: log in to docker registry is required


  1. Create namespace sidecar-injector in which the sidecar injector webhook is deployed
kubectl create ns sidecar-injector
  1. Create a signed cert/key pair and store it in a Kubernetes secret that will be consumed by sidecar injector deployment
./deployment/ \
    --service sidecar-injector-webhook-svc \
    --secret sidecar-injector-webhook-certs \
    --namespace sidecar-injector
  1. Patch the MutatingWebhookConfiguration by set caBundle with correct value from Kubernetes cluster
cat deployment/mutatingwebhook.yaml | \
    deployment/ > \
  1. Deploy resources:
kubectl create -f sidecar-deployment/injection-configmap.yaml
kubectl create -f sidecar-deployment/sidecar-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f sidecar-deployment/sidecar-service.yaml
kubectl create -f sidecar-deployment/mutatingwebhook-ca-bundle.yaml


  1. The sidecar inject webhook should be in running state
kubectl -n sidecar-injector get pod
  1. Create new namespace injection and label it with sidecar-injector=enabled:
kubectl create ns injection
kubectl label namespace injection sidecar-injection=enabled
kubectl get namespace -L sidecar-injection
default              Active   26m
injection            Active   13s   enabled
kube-public          Active   26m
kube-system          Active   26m
sidecar-injector     Active   17m
  1. Ensure a Node Token to be used. Change '<NODE_TOKEN>' to the relevant value from Wallarm UI
./deployment/ '<NODE_TOKEN>'
  1. Deploy dvwa app in Kubernetes cluster
kubectl create -f deployment/wallarm-nginx-configmap.yaml
kubectl create -f deployment/wallarm-secret-patched.yaml
kubectl create -f deployment/wallarm-deploy.yaml
kubectl create -f deployment/wallarm-service.yaml
kubectl create -f deployment/mutatingwebhook-ca-bundle.yaml
  1. Verify sidecar container is injected:
kubectl get pods -n injection
NAME                     READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
myapp-84886f8ff9-4gwpr   3/3     Running       0          17s

Troubleshooting guide

  1. Webhook is in running state
  2. The namespace in which application pod is deployed has the correct labels as configured in mutatingwebhookconfiguration
  3. Check the caBundle is patched to mutatingwebhookconfiguration object by checking if caBundle fields is empty
  4. Check the WALLARM_TOKEN is patched to wallarm-secret-patched.yaml
  5. The targetPort of the service has changed to 56245, the port of the wallarm-sidecar container
  6. Ensure that deployment and service have the annotation sidecar-injector-webhook.wallarm.injected/inject: "true"
  7. Make sure that proxy_pass http://localhost:80; defined in wallarm-nginx-configmap.yaml is appropriate for your App. App should be listening on the :80 port, if not you can easily change it to a suitable one, for instance proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
  8. If port 56245 is occupied in your App, it is feasible to alter to different one in the webhook.go:L200
  9. You might want to use your own docker hub to locate sidecar-container. In this case, you may use the docker-wallarm-node folder with all necessary information to fulfill it. When all is said and done you are meant to sustitute awallarm/wallarm-node-sidecar:slim in the injection-configmap.yaml to yours.

NB: wallarm-nginx-configmap.yaml still needs to be in the correct namespace distinct from webhook's one



Dynamic Admission Controller To Inject Wallarm Sidecar Container






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