This framework is built on top of JSON-RPC and Clack
. Comparing to JSON-RPC
it provides these key features:
- Automatic OpenRPC spec generation.
- Automatic
client building by OpenRPC
spec. This includes creation of Common Lisp classes and methods for makingRPC
requests and returning nativeCL
objects. - On both server and client sides your code looks very lispy, all
marshalling is done under the hood.
- Description: Open
server implementation for Common Lisp. - Licence:
- Author: Alexander Artemenko
- Homepage:
- Source control: GIT
- Depends on: alexandria, clack-cors, clack-prometheus, closer-mop, jsonrpc, lack-request, lambda-fiddle, local-time, log4cl, log4cl-extras, serapeum, str, websocket-driver, yason
Here is an example of openrpc-server ASDF
system allows to define
methods and data-structures they return.
Let's see how we can define an api
for usual PetShop example.
First, we will operate on usual Common Lisp class:
(defclass pet ()
((id :initarg :id
:type integer
:reader pet-id)
(name :initarg :name
:type string
:reader pet-name)
(tag :initarg :tag
:type string
:reader pet-tag)))
Now we can define an RPC
method to create a new pet:
(openrpc-server:define-rpc-method create-pet (name tag)
(:summary "Short method docstring.")
(:description "Lengthy description of the method.")
(:param name string "Pet's name"
:description "This is a long description of the parameter.")
(:param tag string "Old param, don't use it anymore." :deprecated t)
(:result pet)
(let* ((new-id (get-new-id))
(pet (make-instance 'pet
:id new-id
:name name
:tag tag)))
(setf (gethash new-id *pets*)
Here we should explicitly specify type for each parameter and result's type.
Pay attention, the result type is PET
. openrpc-server
system takes care on serializing
objects and you can retrieve an OpenRPC
spec for any type, using type-to-schema
CL-USER> (serapeum:toggle-pretty-print-hash-table)
CL-USER> (openrpc-server:type-to-schema 'pet)
"type" "object"
"properties" (SERAPEUM:DICT
"type" "integer"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"required" '("tag" "name" "id")
"x-cl-class" "PET"
"x-cl-package" "COMMON-LISP-USER"
This method is used to render response requests to /openrpc.json
handle of your api
There is also a second generic-function which transform class instance into simple datastructures according to a scheme. For example, here is how we can serialize our pet:
CL-USER> (openrpc-server:transform-result
(make-instance 'pet :name "Bobik"))
"name" "Bobik"
CL-USER> (openrpc-server:transform-result
(make-instance 'pet
:name "Bobik"
:tag "the dog"))
"name" "Bobik"
"tag" "the dog"
To return result as a list of objects of some kind, use (:result (list-of pet))
(openrpc-server:define-rpc-method list-pets ()
(:result (list-of pet))
Sometimes your system might operate on a lot of objects and you don't want to return all of them at once.
For this case, framework supports a keyset pagination. To use
it, your method should accept LIMIT
argument and PAGE-KEY
argument. And if there are more results, than
method should return as a second value the page key for retrieving the next page.
In this simplified example, we'll return (list 1 2 3)
for the first page, (list 4 5 6)
for the second and
(list 7 8)
for the third. Pay attention how VALUES
form is used for first two pages but omitted for the third:
(openrpc-server:define-rpc-method list-pets (&key (limit 3) page-key)
(:param limit integer)
(:param page-key integer)
(:result (paginated-list-of integer))
((null page-key)
(values (list 1 2 3)
((= page-key 3)
(values (list 4 5 6)
(list 7 8))))
Of cause, in the real world application, you should use PAGE-KEY
arguments in the WHERE
Framework is based on Clack. Use make-clack-app
to create an application suitable for serving with CLACK:CLACKUP
Then just start the web application as usual.
(clack:clackup (make-clack-app)
:address interface
:port port)
Also, you might use any Lack middlewares. For example, here is how "mount" middleware can be used
to make api
work on /api/
path, while the main application is working on other URL
(defparameter *app*
(lambda (env)
'(200 (:content-type "text/plain") ("Hello, World!"))))
(lambda (app)
(funcall (lack.util:find-middleware :mount)
The key feature of the framework, is an automatic OpenRPC spec
When you have your api
up and running, spec will be available on /openrpc.json
For our example project it will looks like:
"methods": [
"name": "",
"params": [],
"result": {
"name": "OpenRPC Schema",
"schema": {
"$ref": ""
"name": "list-pets",
"params": [
"name": "page-key",
"schema": {
"type": "integer"
"name": "limit",
"schema": {
"type": "integer"
"result": {
"name": "list-pets-result",
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"items": {
"type": "array",
class openrpc-server/api:api
variable openrpc-server/api:*current-api*
Points to a current api
object when processing any RPC
macro openrpc-server/api:define-api
(NAME &KEY (TITLE "Default API") (VERSION "0.1.0"))
reader openrpc-server/api:api-methods
(api) (= (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
Returns a hash-table containing meta-information about all api
Returned hash-table has key strings having methods names and internal
objects of class method-info
as values. I'm not sure if we need to
export functions to manipulate with method info objects manually.
Use openrpc-server/method:define-rpc-method
macro to add or update RPC
reader openrpc-server/api:api-title
(api) (:TITLE = "Default API")
Returns a title of the api
reader openrpc-server/api:api-version
(api) (:version = "0.1.0")
Returns a version of the api
macro openrpc-server/method:define-rpc-method
name args &body body
Macro to define RPC
All arguments should have corresponding (:param arg type) form in the BODY
Also, there should be one (:result type) form in the BODY
generic-function openrpc-server/interface:type-to-schema
This method is called for all types for which primitive-type-p
returns NIL
It should return as hash-table with JSON-SCHEMA
corresponding to type. Keys of the dictionary should
be strings. It is convenient to use Serapeum's DICT
macro for building the result.
generic-function openrpc-server/interface:transform-result
Prepares object for serialization before responding to RPC
Result should be list, hash-map or a value of primitive type.
generic-function openrpc-server/interface:primitive-type-p
Should return t for type if it's name matched to simple types supported by JSON-SCHEMA.
Argument TYPE
is a symbol.
generic-function openrpc-server/interface:make-info
Returns a basic information about API
for info section of OpenRPC
function openrpc-server/errors:return-error
message &key (code -1) (error-class 'jsonrpc/errors:jsonrpc-callback-error)
Raises an error to interrupt processing and return status to the caller.
generic-function openrpc-server/clack:make-clack-app
api &key http websocket indent-json
Should return an app suitable for passing to clackup.
You can define a method to redefine application.
But to add middlewares it is more convenient to define a method for
generic-function openrpc-server/clack:app-middlewares
Should return an plist of middlewared to be applied to the Clack application.
Keys should be a keyword with middleware name. And value is a function accepting a Clack application as a single argument and returning a new application.
Middlewares are applied to the app from left to right. This makes it possible to define an :around method which will inject or replace a middleware or original app.
Default method defines two middlewares with keys :CORS
(Prometheus middleware works on SBCL
but not on CCL
To wrap these middlewares, add your middlewares to the end of the list.
To add your middleware inside the stack - push it to the front.
function openrpc-server/clack:debug-on
function openrpc-server/clack:debug-off
generic-function openrpc-server/interface:slots-to-exclude
You can define a method for this generic function to exclude some slots from being shown in the JSON
Pay attention that this generic-function is called with class not with objects to be serialized.
We need this because at the moment of generation api
methods and OpenRPC
spec we know nothing about
objects except their classes.
Methods of this function should return a list of strings. Given slots will be excluded from the spec and will not be serialized. Strings are compared in case-insensitive mode.
- Description: Open
client implementation for Common Lisp. - Licence:
- Author: Alexander Artemenko
- Homepage:
- Source control: GIT
- Depends on: alexandria, closer-mop, dexador, jsonrpc, kebab, log4cl, serapeum, str, usocket, yason
system provides a way to build CL
classes and methods for working with JSON-RPC
All you need is to give it an URL
and all code will be created in compile-time as a result of macro-expansion.
For example, this macro call:
(generate-client petshop
Will generate the whole bunch of classes and methods:
(defclass petshop (jsonrpc/client:client) nil)
(defun make-petshop () (make-instance 'petshop))
(defmethod describe-object ((openrpc-client/core::client petshop) stream)
(format stream "Supported RPC methods:~2%")
(format stream "- ~S~%" '(rpc-discover))
(format stream "- ~S~%"
'(list-pets &key (page-key nil page-key-given-p)
(limit nil limit-given-p)))
(format stream "- ~S~%" '(create-pet (name string) (tag string)))
(format stream "- ~S~%" '(get-pet (id integer))))
(defclass pet nil
((id :initform nil :initarg :id :reader pet-id)
(name :initform nil :initarg :name :reader pet-name)
(tag :initform nil :initarg :tag :reader pet-tag)))
(defmethod print-object ((openrpc-client/core::obj pet) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (openrpc-client/core::obj stream :type t)
(format stream " ~A=~S" 'id (pet-id openrpc-client/core::obj))
(format stream " ~A=~S" 'name (pet-name openrpc-client/core::obj))
(format stream " ~A=~S" 'tag (pet-tag openrpc-client/core::obj))))
(defmethod rpc-discover ((openrpc-client/core::client petshop))
(defmethod list-pets
((openrpc-client/core::client petshop)
&key (page-key nil page-key-given-p) (limit nil limit-given-p))
(defmethod create-pet
((openrpc-client/core::client petshop) (name string) (tag string))
(defmethod get-pet ((openrpc-client/core::client petshop) (id integer))
When client is generated, you need to make an instance of it and to connect it to the server:
(let ((cl (make-petshop)))
(jsonrpc:client-connect cl :url "http://localhost:8000/" :mode :http)
You can use any transport, supported by JSONRPC
method is defined for a client, so you might see which methods are supported right in the REPL
OPENRPC-EXAMPLE/CLIENT> (defvar *client* (make-test-client))
#<PETSHOP {1007AB2B13}>
OPENRPC-EXAMPLE/CLIENT> (describe *client*)
Supported RPC methods:
And then to call these methods as usually you do in Common Lisp. Pay attention, that
the library returns not JSON
dictionaries, but ready to use CL
class instances:
OPENRPC-EXAMPLE/CLIENT> (create-pet *client* "Bobik" "the dog")
#<PET ID=1 NAME="Bobik" TAG="the dog">
OPENRPC-EXAMPLE/CLIENT> (create-pet *client* "Murzik" "the cat")
#<PET ID=2 NAME="Murzik" TAG="the cat">
OPENRPC-EXAMPLE/CLIENT> (create-pet *client* "Homa" "the hamster")
#<PET ID=3 NAME="Homa" TAG="the hamster">
Now, pay attention how pagination does work.
OPENRPC-EXAMPLE/CLIENT> (list-pets *client* :limit 2)
(#<PET ID=1 NAME="Bobik" TAG="the dog">
#<PET ID=2 NAME="Murzik" TAG="the cat">)
This call has returned a list of objects as the first value and a closure, which can be called to retrive the next page. Let's retrieve it now!
OPENRPC-EXAMPLE/CLIENT> (funcall #v167:1)
(#<PET ID=3 NAME="Homa" TAG="the hamster">)
Now this is the last page and there is now a closure to retrieve the next page. Learn more how
to implement pagination on server-side in the Paginated Results
macro openrpc-client/core:generate-client
class-name url-or-path &key (export-symbols t)
Generates Common Lisp client by OpenRPC
is the name of a API
class. Also, a corresponding MAKE
- function
is created.
argument could be a string with HTTP
of a spec, or a pathname
if a spec should be read from the disc.
If you use this or find value in it, please consider contributing in one or more of the following ways:
- Sponsor project at Patreon or Boosty and make a contribution.
- Star it!
- Share posts about it in social networks!
- Fix an issue.
- Add a feature (post a proposal in an issue first!).
These people have contributed to OpenRPC
. I'm so grateful to them!