数据更新: 2023-11-10 / 温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到
# | Repository | Description | Stars | Language | Updated |
1 | huggingface/transformers | 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX. | 101126 | Python | 2023-05-22 |
2 | ant-design/ant-design | An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library | 86269 | TypeScript | 2023-06-13 |
3 | PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin | 🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin | 82725 | Vue | 2023-05-12 |
4 | tonsky/FiraCode | Free monospaced font with programming ligatures | 70515 | Clojure | 2023-05-28 |
5 | fatedier/frp | A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. | 68356 | Go | 2023-06-04 |
6 | macrozheng/mall | mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。 | 66919 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
7 | mermaid-js/mermaid | Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown | 58455 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
8 | apache/echarts | Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser | 55479 | TypeScript | 2023-06-13 |
9 | 3b1b/manim | Animation engine for explanatory math videos | 51766 | Python | 2023-06-10 |
10 | supabase/supabase | The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta. | 50491 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
11 | serverless/serverless | ⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! – | 44750 | JavaScript | 2023-05-22 |
12 | Textualize/rich | Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. | 43334 | Python | 2023-05-19 |
13 | iamkun/dayjs | ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API | 43121 | JavaScript | 2023-05-17 |
14 | dcloudio/uni-app | A cross-platform framework using Vue.js | 38128 | JavaScript | 2023-05-22 |
15 | agalwood/Motrix | A full-featured download manager. | 37963 | JavaScript | 2023-05-22 |
16 | go-gitea/gitea | Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, includes Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD | 37064 | Go | 2023-06-13 |
17 | jeecgboot/jeecg-boot | 🔥「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。 | 34671 | Java | 2023-05-19 |
18 | alvarotrigo/fullPage.js | fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple | 34625 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
19 | ant-design/ant-design-pro | 👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design like a Pro! | 34359 | TypeScript | 2023-06-08 |
20 | koajs/koa | Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions | 34101 | JavaScript | 2023-05-17 |
21 | pingcap/tidb | TiDB is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed, MySQL-Compatible database for elastic scale and real-time analytics. Try AI-powered Chat2Query free at : https://tidbcloud.com/free-trial | 34087 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
22 | bumptech/glide | An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling | 33661 | Java | 2023-06-11 |
23 | NervJS/taro | 开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。 https://taro.zone/ | 32946 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
24 | carbon-app/carbon | 🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code | 32785 | JavaScript | 2023-06-07 |
25 | alibaba/arthas | Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas | 32567 | Java | 2023-06-12 |
26 | Blankj/AndroidUtilCode | 🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating). | 32153 | Java | 2023-05-22 |
27 | acmesh-official/acme.sh | A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol | 31613 | Shell | 2023-05-21 |
28 | PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR | Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and de ... | 30480 | Python | 2023-05-22 |
29 | beego/beego | beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language. | 29760 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
30 | hpcaitech/ColossalAI | Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible | 29687 | Python | 2023-05-22 |
31 | THUDM/ChatGLM-6B | ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model 开源双语对话语言模型 | 28503 | Python | 2023-06-08 |
32 | Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi | 网易云音乐 Node.js API service | 28256 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
33 | alibaba/easyexcel | 快速、简洁、解决大文件内存溢出的java处理Excel工具 | 28035 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
34 | sequelize/sequelize | Feature-rich ORM for modern Node.js and TypeScript, it supports PostgreSQL (with JSON and JSONB support), MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Snowflake, Oracle DB (v6), DB2 and DB2 for IBM i. | 28010 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
35 | yewstack/yew | Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps | 27802 | Rust | 2023-06-13 |
36 | sharkdp/fd | A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find' | 27795 | Rust | 2023-06-12 |
37 | lyswhut/lx-music-desktop | 一个基于 electron 的音乐软件 | 27721 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
38 | fastify/fastify | Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js | 27602 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
39 | zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor | 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件,并支持任务栏显示,支持更换皮肤。 | 27595 | C++ | 2023-05-13 |
40 | halo-dev/halo | 强大易用的开源建站工具。 | 27569 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
41 | layui/layui | 一套遵循原生态开发模式的 Web UI 组件库,采用自身轻量级模块化规范,易上手,可以更简单快速地构建网页界面。 | 27500 | JavaScript | 2023-06-12 |
42 | Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web | One-Click to deploy well-designed ChatGPT web UI on Vercel. 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT 网页服务。 | 27450 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
43 | alibaba/druid | 阿里云计算平台DataWorks(https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/137663.html) 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池 | 26953 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
44 | alist-org/alist | 🗂️A file list program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。 | 26721 | Go | 2023-06-13 |
45 | alibaba/nacos | an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications. | 26684 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
46 | dromara/hutool | 🍬A set of tools that keep Java sweet. | 26455 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
47 | YMFE/yapi | YApi 是一个可本地部署的、打通前后端及QA的、可视化的接口管理平台 | 26152 | JavaScript | 2023-05-13 |
48 | alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba | Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a one-stop solution for application development for the distributed solutions of Alibaba middleware. | 25809 | Java | 2023-06-12 |
49 | alibaba/fastjson | FASTJSON 2.0.x has been released, faster and more secure, recommend you upgrade. | 25346 | Java | 2023-05-20 |
50 | DIYgod/RSSHub | 🍰 Everything is RSSible | 24872 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
51 | tj/commander.js | node.js command-line interfaces made easy | 24795 | JavaScript | 2023-06-07 |
52 | zeromicro/go-zero | A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity. | 24579 | Go | 2023-06-13 |
53 | Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web | 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页 | 24173 | Vue | 2023-06-11 |
54 | seata/seata | 🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution. | 23836 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
55 | CymChad/BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper | BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter | 23602 | Java | 2023-06-12 |
56 | taichi-dev/taichi | Productive & portable high-performance programming in Python. | 23269 | C++ | 2023-06-13 |
57 | ramda/ramda | 🐏 Practical functional Javascript | 23045 | JavaScript | 2023-05-16 |
58 | colinhacks/zod | TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference | 22214 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
59 | envoyproxy/envoy | Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy | 22183 | C++ | 2023-06-13 |
60 | ossrs/srs | SRS is a simple, high-efficiency, real-time video server supporting RTMP, WebRTC, HLS, HTTP-FLV, SRT, MPEG-DASH, and GB28181. | 21853 | C++ | 2023-06-13 |
61 | celery/celery | Distributed Task Queue (development branch) | 21551 | Python | 2023-05-22 |
62 | zadam/trilium | Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes | 21316 | JavaScript | 2023-05-21 |
63 | huiyadanli/RevokeMsgPatcher | ![]() |
21129 | C# | 2023-05-13 |
64 | vnpy/vnpy | 基于Python的开源量化交易平台开发框架 | 21110 | Python | 2023-06-08 |
65 | alibaba/Sentinel | A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件) | 21083 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
66 | xinntao/Real-ESRGAN | Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration. | 21071 | Python | 2023-06-12 |
67 | jumpserver/jumpserver | JumpServer 是广受欢迎的开源堡垒机,是符合 4A 规范的专业运维安全审计系统。 | 20705 | Python | 2023-06-13 |
68 | PaddlePaddle/Paddle | PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署) | 20267 | Python | 2023-05-22 |
69 | SpaceVim/SpaceVim | A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc | 19858 | Vim script | 2023-05-21 |
70 | sebastianbergmann/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | 19138 | PHP | 2023-06-11 |
71 | microsoft/vcpkg | C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS | 18888 | CMake | 2023-06-13 |
72 | CarGuo/GSYVideoPlayer | 视频播放器(IJKplayer、ExoPlayer、MediaPlayer),HTTPS,支持弹幕,外挂字幕,支持滤镜、水印、gif截图,片头广告、中间广告,多个同时播放,支持基本的拖动,声音、亮度调节,支持边播边缓存,支持视频自带rotation的旋转(90,270之类),重力旋转与手动旋转的同步支持,支持列表播放 ,列表全屏动画,视频加载速度,列表小窗口支持拖动,动画效果,调整比例,多分辨率切 ... | 18565 | Java | 2023-05-19 |
73 | eggjs/egg | 🥚 Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa | 18557 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
74 | grpc/grpc-go | The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC | 18304 | Go | 2023-06-12 |
75 | jhao104/proxy_pool | Python爬虫代理IP池(proxy pool) | 17871 | Python | 2023-05-15 |
76 | vbenjs/vue-vben-admin | A modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast! | 17870 | Vue | 2023-05-22 |
77 | the1812/Bilibili-Evolved | 强大的哔哩哔哩增强脚本 | 17603 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
78 | alibaba/ice | 🚀 ice.js: The Progressive App Framework Based On React(基于 React 的渐进式应用框架) | 17555 | TypeScript | 2023-05-19 |
79 | Tencent/ncnn | ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform | 17186 | C++ | 2023-05-22 |
80 | flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin | 基于vite+vue3+gin搭建的开发基础平台(支持TS,JS混用),集成jwt鉴权,权限管理,动态路由,显隐可控组件,分页封装,多点登录拦截,资源权限,上传下载,代码生成器,表单生成器,chatGPT自动查表等开发必备功能。 | 17135 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
81 | openai-translator/openai-translator | 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API. | 16835 | TypeScript | 2023-06-12 |
82 | Tencent/mars | Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat. | 16797 | C++ | 2023-06-13 |
83 | dibingfa/flash-linux0.11-talk | 你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码 | 16306 | HTML | 2023-06-11 |
84 | Jack-Cherish/python-spider | 🌈Python3网络爬虫实战:淘宝、京东、网易云、B站、12306、抖音、笔趣阁、漫画小说下载、音乐电影下载等 | 16236 | Python | 2023-06-11 |
85 | sharkdp/hyperfine | A command-line benchmarking tool | 16090 | Rust | 2023-06-04 |
86 | tw93/Pake | 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 很简单的用 Rust 打包网页生成很小的桌面 App | 16020 | Rust | 2023-06-10 |
87 | Tencent/MMKV | An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX. | 15892 | C++ | 2023-06-13 |
88 | Tencent/APIJSON | 🏆 零代码、全功能、强安全 ORM 库 🚀 后端接口和文档零代码,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构。 🏆 A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library 🚀 provides APIs and Docs without writing any code. | 15404 | Java | 2023-06-11 |
89 | qax-os/excelize | Go language library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX) spreadsheets | 15292 | Go | 2023-06-11 |
90 | umijs/qiankun | 📦 🚀 Blazing fast, simple and complete solution for micro frontends. | 14417 | TypeScript | 2023-05-16 |
91 | chuzhixin/vue-admin-better | 🚀🚀🚀vue admin,vue3 admin,vue3.0 admin,vue后台管理,vue-admin,vue3.0-admin,admin,vue-admin,vue-element-admin,ant-design,vue-admin-beautiful-pro,vab admin pro,vab admin plus,vue admin plus,vue admin pro | 14248 | Vue | 2023-05-21 |
92 | alibaba/ARouter | 💪 A framework for assisting in the renovation of Android componentization (帮助 Android App 进行组件化改造的路由框架) | 14190 | Java | 2023-05-17 |
93 | vulhub/vulhub | Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose | 14055 | Dockerfile | 2023-05-19 |
94 | baidu/amis | 前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种页面。 | 13907 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
95 | dream-num/Luckysheet | Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source. | 13735 | JavaScript | 2023-05-22 |
96 | txthinking/brook | A cross-platform network tool. 一个跨平台网络工具. | 13662 | Go | 2023-05-14 |
97 | ent/ent | An entity framework for Go | 13512 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
98 | alibaba/DataX | DataX是阿里云DataWorks数据集成的开源版本。 | 13469 | Java | 2023-05-18 |
99 | zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat | Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library. 使用ChatGPT搭建微信聊天机器人,基于GPT3.5/4.0 API实现,支持个人微信、公众号、企业微信部署,能处理文本、语音和图片,访问操作系统和互联网。 | 13398 | Python | 2023-06-12 |
100 | myliang/x-spreadsheet | The project has been migrated to @wolf-table/table https://github.com/wolf-table/table | 13306 | JavaScript | 2023-06-13 |
101 | tusen-ai/naive-ui | A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast. | 12896 | TypeScript | 2023-06-13 |
102 | dotnetcore/FastGithub | github加速神器,解决github打不开、用户头像无法加载、releases无法上传下载、git-clone、git-pull、git-push失败等问题 | 12739 | C# | 2023-05-12 |
103 | xx025/carrot | Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点,当前100+站点 | 12127 | - | 2023-06-13 |
104 | cloudwu/skynet | A lightweight online game framework | 12012 | C | 2023-05-16 |
105 | dmlc/dgl | Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks. | 11865 | Python | 2023-06-13 |
106 | PaddlePaddle/PaddleHub | Awesome pre-trained models toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. (400+ models including Image, Text, Audio, Video and Cross-Modal with Easy Inference & Serving) | 11831 | Python | 2023-06-06 |
107 | emqx/emqx | The most scalable open-source MQTT broker for IoT, IIoT, and connected vehicles | 11768 | Erlang | 2023-06-13 |
108 | pagehelper/Mybatis-PageHelper | Mybatis通用分页插件 | 11722 | Java | 2023-06-03 |
109 | jina-ai/clip-as-service | 🏄 Embed/reason/rank images and sentences with CLIP models | 11657 | Python | 2023-06-13 |
110 | dataease/dataease | 人人可用的开源数据可视化分析工具。 | 11474 | Java | 2023-06-12 |
111 | go-admin-team/go-admin | 基于Gin + Vue + Element UI & Arco Design & Ant Design 的前后端分离权限管理系统脚手架(包含了:多租户的支持,基础用户管理功能,jwt鉴权,代码生成器,RBAC资源控制,表单构建,定时任务等)3分钟构建自己的中后台项目;项目文档》:https://www.go-admin.pro V2 Demo: https://vue2.go-admin.d ... | 9273 | Go | 2023-06-10 |
112 | didi/cube-ui | 🔶 A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue | 9047 | JavaScript | 2023-06-07 |
113 | sunnyyoung/WeChatTweak-macOS | A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨 | 8998 | Objective-C | 2023-06-11 |
114 | pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture | A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind. | 8890 | Swift | 2023-06-11 |
115 | hrydgard/ppsspp | A PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux, written in C++. Want to contribute? Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/5NJB6dD or just send pull requests / issues. For discussion use the for ... | 8736 | C++ | 2023-05-22 |
116 | debezium/debezium | Change data capture for a variety of databases. Please log issues at https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DBZ. | 8579 | Java | 2023-06-13 |
117 | chaitin/xray | 一款完善的安全评估工具,支持常见 web 安全问题扫描和自定义 poc 使用之前务必先阅读文档 | 8529 | Vue | 2023-05-24 |
118 | Tencent/xLua | xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc. | 8488 | C | 2023-06-13 |
119 | brightmart/nlp_chinese_corpus | 大规模中文自然语言处理语料 Large Scale Chinese Corpus for NLP | 8396 | - | 2023-06-02 |
120 | hoochanlon/hamulete | 🏔️ChatGPT、软件程序各类镜像,国立台湾大学、国立新加坡大学、早稻田大学、东京大学、中国与香港重点高校及科研机构,社科、经济、系统工程类学术论文等知识库。 | 8395 | Python | 2023-06-11 |
121 | sass/node-sass | 🌈 Node.js bindings to libsass | 8376 | C++ | 2023-05-22 |
122 | Mrs4s/go-cqhttp | cqhttp的golang实现,轻量、原生跨平台. | 8351 | Go | 2023-05-16 |
123 | swaggo/swag | Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go. | 8303 | Go | 2023-06-09 |
124 | quickwit-oss/tantivy | Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust | 8241 | Rust | 2023-06-13 |
125 | asweigart/pyautogui | A cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings. Used to programmatically control the mouse & keyboard. | 8201 | Python | 2023-05-28 |
126 | zhoutaoo/SpringCloud | 基于SpringCloud2.1的微服务开发脚手架,整合了spring-security-oauth2、nacos、feign、sentinel、springcloud-gateway等。服务治理方面引入elasticsearch、skywalking、springboot-admin、zipkin等,让项目开发快速进入业务开发,而不需过多时间花费在架构搭建上。持续更新中 | 8150 | Java | 2023-05-17 |
127 | prowler-cloud/prowler | Prowler is an Open Source Security tool for AWS, Azure and GCP to perform Cloud Security best practices assessments, audits, incident response, compliance, continuous monitoring, hardening and forensi ... | 8126 | Python | 2023-05-22 |
128 | hs-web/hsweb-framework | hsweb (haʊs wɛb) 是一个基于spring-boot 2.x开发 ,首个使用全响应式编程的企业级后台管理系统基础项目。 | 8068 | Java | 2023-06-12 |
129 | ripperhe/Bob | Bob 是一款 macOS 平台的翻译和 OCR 软件。 | 8043 | - | 2023-05-28 |
130 | kaina404/FlutterDouBan | 🔥🔥🔥Flutter豆瓣客户端,Awesome Flutter Project,全网最100%还原豆瓣客户端。首页、书影音、小组、市集及个人中心,一个不拉。( https://img.xuvip.top/douyademo.mp4) | 8013 | Dart | 2023-05-22 |
131 | NAStool/nas-tools | NAS媒体库管理工具 | 7995 | - | 2023-05-16 |
132 | thinkgem/jeesite | Java rapid development platform, based (Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Apache Shiro, MyBatis, Beetl, Bootstrap, AdminLTE), online code generation, including modules: Organization, role users, menu and butt ... | 7895 | JavaScript | 2023-05-28 |
133 | moonD4rk/HackBrowserData | Decrypt passwords/cookies/history/bookmarks from the browser. 一款可全平台运行的浏览器数据导出解密工具。 | 7865 | Go | 2023-06-10 |
134 | JeffreySu/WeiXinMPSDK | 微信全平台 SDK Senparc.Weixin for C#,支持 .NET Framework 及 .NET Core、.NET 6.0、.NET 7.0。已支持微信公众号、小程序、小游戏、微信支付、企业微信/企业号、开放平台、JSSDK、微信周边等全平台。 WeChat SDK for C#. | 7846 | C# | 2023-05-20 |
135 | xiaolincoder/CS-Base | 图解计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库,共 1000 张图 + 50 万字,破除晦涩难懂的计算机基础知识,让天下没有难懂的八股文!🚀 在线阅读:https://xiaolincoding.com | 7766 | - | 2023-05-21 |
136 | Richasy/Bili.Uwp | 适用于新系统UI的哔哩 | 7714 | C# | 2023-05-16 |
137 | alibaba/otter | 阿里巴巴分布式数据库同步系统(解决中美异地机房) | 7705 | Java | 2023-05-31 |
138 | alibaba/MNN | MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework, battle-tested by business-critical use cases in Alibaba | 7693 | C++ | 2023-06-08 |
139 | Tencent/libco | libco is a coroutine library which is widely used in wechat back-end service. It has been running on tens of thousands of machines since 2013. | 7668 | C++ | 2023-06-08 |
140 | smallnest/rpcx | Best microservices framework in Go, like alibaba Dubbo, but with more features, Scale easily. Try it. Test it. If you feel it's better, use it! 𝐉𝐚𝐯𝐚有𝐝𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨, 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠有𝐫𝐩𝐜𝐱! build for cloud! | 7633 | Go | 2023-05-15 |
141 | MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource | Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource | 7461 | - | 2023-05-22 |
142 | zfile-dev/zfile | 在线云盘、网盘、OneDrive、云存储、私有云、对象存储、h5ai、上传、下载 | 7379 | Java | 2023-05-16 |
143 | bchavez/Bogus | 📇 A simple fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js. | 7320 | C# | 2023-06-10 |
144 | wildfirechat/im-server | 即时通讯(IM)系统 | 7222 | Java | 2023-05-27 |
145 | shidenggui/easytrader | 提供同花顺客户端/国金/华泰客户端/雪球的基金、股票自动程序化交易以及自动打新,支持跟踪 joinquant /ricequant 模拟交易 和 实盘雪球组合, 量化交易组件 | 7196 | Python | 2023-05-29 |
146 | aidenybai/million | The Virtual DOM Replacement for React (up to 7️⃣0️⃣% faster!) | 7170 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
147 | onsi/ginkgo | A Modern Testing Framework for Go | 7167 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
148 | microsoft/azuredatastudio | Azure Data Studio is a data management and development tool with connectivity to popular cloud and on-premises databases. Azure Data Studio supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, with immediate capabilit ... | 7156 | TypeScript | 2023-06-13 |
149 | DouyinFE/semi-design | 🚀A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library. 🎨 Provide more than 2,739+ Design Tokens and powerful DSM tools, easy to build your own design system. Make Semi Design to Any De ... | 6977 | TypeScript | 2023-05-22 |
150 | renzifeng/ZFPlayer | Support customization of any player SDK and control layer(支持定制任何播放器SDK和控制层) | 6925 | Objective-C | 2023-06-06 |
151 | betaflight/betaflight | Open Source Flight Controller Firmware | 6923 | C | 2023-06-13 |
152 | lenve/VBlog | V部落,Vue+SpringBoot实现的多用户博客管理平台! | 6917 | Java | 2023-05-28 |
153 | dataabc/weiboSpider | 新浪微博爬虫,用python爬取新浪微博数据 | 6910 | Python | 2023-05-23 |
154 | jynew/jynew | JinYongLegend-like RPG Game Framework with full Modding support | 6850 | C# | 2023-05-14 |
155 | yujincheng08/BiliRoaming | 哔哩漫游,解除B站客户端番剧区域限制的Xposed模块,并且提供其他小功能。An Xposed module that unblocks bangumi area limit of BILIBILI with miscellaneous features. | 6836 | Kotlin | 2023-05-22 |
156 | ethers-io/ethers.js | Complete Ethereum library and wallet implementation in JavaScript. | 6782 | TypeScript | 2023-06-13 |
157 | idea4good/GuiLite | ✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms | 6778 | C++ | 2023-05-26 |
158 | Linzaer/Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB | 💎1MB lightweight face detection model (1MB轻量级人脸检测模型) | 6731 | Python | 2023-05-29 |
159 | YerongAI/Office-Tool | Office Tool Plus localization projects. | 6708 | - | 2023-06-06 |
160 | akfamily/akshare | AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings! 开源财经数据接口库 | 6654 | Python | 2023-06-13 |
161 | oldratlee/translations | 🐼 Chinese translations for classic IT resources | 6591 | - | 2023-06-05 |
162 | alibaba/flutter_boost | FlutterBoost is a Flutter plugin which enables hybrid integration of Flutter for your existing native apps with minimum efforts | 6517 | Dart | 2023-06-12 |
163 | shmilylty/OneForAll | OneForAll是一款功能强大的子域收集工具 | 6489 | Python | 2023-05-23 |
164 | zouzg/mybatis-generator-gui | mybatis-generator界面工具,让你生成代码更简单更快捷 | 6475 | Java | 2023-06-07 |
165 | 7kms/react-illustration-series | 图解react源码, 用大量配图的方式, 致力于将react原理表述清楚. | 6461 | TypeScript | 2023-06-02 |
166 | kallaway/100-days-of-code | Fork this template for the 100 days journal - to keep yourself accountable (multiple languages available) | 6444 | - | 2023-05-31 |
167 | mindoc-org/mindoc | Golang实现的基于beego框架的接口在线文档管理系统 | 6440 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
168 | lss233/chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot | 🚀 一键部署!真正的 AI 聊天机器人!支持ChatGPT、文心一言、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM、POE,多账号,人设调教,虚拟女仆、图片渲染、语音发送 支持 QQ、Telegram、Discord、微信 等平台 | 6429 | Python | 2023-05-22 |
169 | alibaba/transmittable-thread-local | 📌 TransmittableThreadLocal (TTL), the missing Java™ std lib(simple & 0-dependency) for framework/middleware, provide an enhanced InheritableThreadLocal that transmits values between threads even using ... | 6415 | Java | 2023-05-22 |
170 | ccfos/nightingale | An enterprise-level cloud-native observability solution, which can be used as drop-in replacement of Prometheus for alerting and Grafana for visualization. | 6414 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
171 | pymumu/smartdns | A local DNS server to obtain the fastest website IP for the best Internet experience, support DoT, DoH. 一个本地DNS服务器,获取最快的网站IP,获得最佳上网体验,支持DoH,DoT。 | 6359 | C | 2023-05-21 |
172 | goproxy/goproxy.cn | The most trusted Go module proxy in China. | 6357 | HTML | 2023-05-13 |
173 | privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD | 致力于成为中文区命中率最高的广告过滤列表,实现精确的广告屏蔽和隐私保护。anti-AD现已支持AdGuardHome,dnsmasq, Surge,Pi-Hole,smartdns等网络组件。完全兼容常见的广告过滤工具所支持的各种广告过滤列表格式 | 6334 | - | 2023-05-21 |
174 | Vanessa219/vditor | ♏ 一款浏览器端的 Markdown 编辑器,支持所见即所得(富文本)、即时渲染(类似 Typora)和分屏预览模式。An In-browser Markdown editor, support WYSIWYG (Rich Text), Instant Rendering (Typora-like) and Split View modes. | 6290 | TypeScript | 2023-05-14 |
175 | toly1994328/FlutterUnit | 【Flutter 集录指南 App】The unity of flutter, The unity of coder. | 6231 | Dart | 2023-05-24 |
176 | xiaojieonly/Ehviewer_CN_SXJ | ehviewer,用爱发电,快乐前行 | 6211 | Java | 2023-05-17 |
177 | yoshiko2/Movie_Data_Capture | Local Movies Organizer | 6200 | Python | 2023-06-09 |
178 | bytedance/xgplayer | A HTML5 video player with a parser that saves traffic | 6139 | JavaScript | 2023-05-22 |
179 | didi/KnowStreaming | 一站式云原生实时流数据平台,通过0侵入、插件化构建企业级Kafka服务,极大降低操作、存储和管理实时流数据门槛 | 6137 | Java | 2023-06-06 |
180 | rescript-lang/rescript-compiler | The compiler for ReScript. | 6136 | OCaml | 2023-05-22 |
181 | alibaba/x-render | 🚴♀️ 阿里 - 很易用的中后台「表单 / 表格 / 图表」解决方案 | 6135 | TypeScript | 2023-06-13 |
182 | WasmEdge/WasmEdge | WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud native, edge, and decentralized applications. It powers serverless apps, embedded functions, microservices, sm ... | 5995 | C++ | 2023-05-22 |
183 | cloudwego/kitex | Go RPC framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services. | 5911 | Go | 2023-05-22 |
184 | gsdios/SDAutoLayout | One line of code to implement automatic layout. 一行代码搞定自动布局!支持Cell和Tableview高度自适应,Label和ScrollView内容自适应,致力于做最简单易用的AutoLayout库。The most easy way for autoLayout. Based on runtime. | 5911 | Objective-C | 2023-05-12 |
185 | kubeedge/kubeedge | Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework (project under CNCF) | 5871 | Go | 2023-06-13 |
186 | alphacep/vosk-api | Offline speech recognition API for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and servers with Python, Java, C# and Node | 5744 | Jupyter Notebook | 2023-06-01 |
187 | apernet/hysteria | Hysteria is a feature-packed proxy & relay tool optimized for lossy, unstable connections (e.g. satellite networks, congested public Wi-Fi, connecting to foreign servers from China) | 5704 | Go | 2023-06-12 |
188 | knownsec/404StarLink | 404StarLink - 推荐优质、有意义、有趣、坚持维护的安全开源项目 | 5680 | - | 2023-06-12 |
189 | pretzelhammer/rust-blog | Educational blog posts for Rust beginners | 5680 | Rust | 2023-05-11 |
190 | XINCGer/Unity3DTraining | 【Unity杂货铺】unity大杂烩~ | 5676 | C# | 2023-06-13 |
191 | nilaoda/BBDown | Bilibili Downloader. 一款命令行式哔哩哔哩下载器. | 5623 | C# | 2023-06-09 |
192 | lanyulei/ferry | 本系统是集工单统计、任务钩子、权限管理、灵活配置流程与模版等等于一身的开源工单系统,当然也可以称之为工作流引擎。 致力于减少跨部门之间的沟通,自动任务的执行,提升工作效率与工作质量,减少不必要的工作量与人为出错率。 | 5606 | JavaScript | 2023-05-30 |
193 | raphw/byte-buddy | Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine. | 5599 | Java | 2023-06-06 |
194 | yuuwill/1024app-android | 草榴官方客户端,小草客户端,Android | 5598 | - | 2023-05-31 |
195 | ithewei/libhv | 🔥 比libevent、libuv更易用的网络库。A c/c++ network library for developing TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket/MQTT client/server. | 5528 | C | 2023-06-08 |
196 | illuspas/Node-Media-Server | A Node.js implementation of RTMP/HTTP-FLV/WS-FLV/HLS/DASH/MP4 Media Server | 5443 | JavaScript | 2023-06-11 |
197 | xiaye13579/BBLL | 一个第三方哔哩哔哩TV和Pad客户端,A third-party bilibili client for TV & Pad。 | 5400 | - | 2023-05-31 |
198 | Mr-xn/Penetration_Testing_POC | 渗透测试有关的POC、EXP、脚本、提权、小工具等---About penetration-testing python-script poc getshell csrf xss cms php-getshell domainmod-xss csrf-webshell cobub-razor cve rce sql sql-poc poc-exp bypass oa-getshell cve-cm ... | 5381 | PowerShell | 2023-05-28 |
199 | garrettj403/SciencePlots | Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting | 5366 | Python | 2023-05-31 |
200 | Perfare/Il2CppDumper | Unity il2cpp reverse engineer | 5273 | C# | 2023-05-21 |
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