- add a RooFit compatibility layer and automatically convert losses, also inside minimizers (through
) - TF-PWA support for loss functions. Minimizer can directly minimize the loss function of a model.
- pyhf support for loss functions. Minimizer can directly minimize the loss function of a model.
- ComPWA support for loss functions and pdf. Minimizer can directly minimize the loss function of a model.
- added CMSShape PDF
- added Cruijff PDF
- added ErfExp PDF
- added Novosibirsk PDF
- added Tsallis PDF
- upgrade to zfit>=0.20, support Python 3.9-3.12
Minor bug fix in numerical convolution PDF
Upgrade to zfit >= 0.12, support Python 3.8-3.11
Compability with zfit >= 0.11, < 0.13
Compability with zfit >= 0.10, < 0.11
Added relativistic Breit-Wigner PDF
Many thanks to Simon Thor <simon11.thor@hotmail.se> for contributing the Relativistic BW
Upgrade to zfit >= 0.6
- added ARGUS pdf
- fix KDE with numerical integration
- zfit >= 5.2
- Colm Murphy <colm.murphy@ipmu.jp> for help in contributing the ARGUS PDF