A collection of the most popular and interesting ABAP-related repositories sorted by category or scope of use.
- eMail & Document Processing
- UI & Presentation
- Code & Data Visualization
- Code Templates & Generators
- Data Formatting
- Data Processing
- Testing
- Logging
- Packages & Versioning
- Code Inspector, Linter & Performance
- Api & Services
- Integration
- Adt & Eclipse
- Threading
- Generic Utilities
- Samples & Learning
- Games & Experiments
- Documentation & Informations
project | description | tags |
abap2xlsx | Generate your professional Excel spreadsheet from ABAP | excel |
zcl_docx | Best way to create Microsoft Word docx from abap | word |
zcl_pdf | A pure stand alone ABAP class for creating PDFs in SAP on any ABAP system | pdf |
xtt | ABAP template engine for Excel, Word, Html & Pdf | excel , word , pdf |
easyHtmlEmail | Easy to Generate & Maintain Email in SAP (ABAP + HTML/CSS) | email , html |
text2tab | TAB-delimited text parser for ABAP | text |
ABAP2XLSX_HELPER | abap2xlsx helper | excel |
ABAP_Sending_Email | ABAP Sending Email - Class Encapsulation | email |
ABAP-HTML-eMail | SAP ABAP send email using eMail Templates with or without CDS | email |
project | description | tags |
abap2UI5 | Development of UI5 Apps in pure ABAP | sapui5 |
falv | FALV - Fast ALV Grid | alv |
eui | Easy UI in SAP | alv , screens |
sapui5-deployer | ABAP deployment of SAPUI5 apps from Github | sapui5 |
abap-ui-toolbox | Tools for UI Development like Improved ALV Grid and GUI control framework | alv , gui |
mvp-salv-table-container-abap | ALV Grid report based on Model-View-Presenter pattern with dynpro screen and container | alv |
TALV | An ALV report framework based on ABAP | alv |
project | description | tags |
ABAP-Object-Visualizer | Visualize complex object hierarchies using debugger script | viewer |
Simple Data Explorer | Simple Data Explorer | viewer |
abap-markdown | ABAP Markdown | markdown |
ztoad | ABAP Open SQL Editor | viewer |
abap2yuml | A great tool for converting ABAP code into yUML dsl | uml |
ABAP-to-PlantUML | Create UML Class and Sequence Diagrams from ABAP Code | uml |
ZUML_DIAGRAM | The UML Diagram tool for ABAP using PlantUML | uml |
ABAPplantUML | plantUML tools for ABAP Dev | uml |
abap_debugger_data_view_extension | Extensions to abap debugger to be able to view itab and structure data in a abap-coding friendly way | debugger |
abap-db-browser | ABAP DB Browser (Tables, Views, CDS Views, Custom Queries, Joins, ...) | viewer |
abap_debugger_object_graph_extension | ABAP debugger extension to visualize objects as graphs | debugger |
abap-code-search-tools | ABAP Code Search | finder |
ABAP-2-CODE-CHARTA | Covert ABAP Metrics to Code Charta | viewer |
ZDDIC_FINDER | ABAP Dictionary object finder tool | finder |
scf | You are looking for a specific code snippet in your ABAP code. Then use the Source Code Finder to search for every occurrence of it. | search |
abapTableCompare | Compares two tables and reports which lines are unchanged, inserted, deleted or changed. | diff |
abapMermaid | Integrate Mermaid Diagrams in SAP GUI Containers | mermaid |
cdsfindanno | Find Annotation Samples in CDS Views | finder |
trlist | Transport Status List | transport |
abap-soql-query | ABAP Tool for SOQL Query | soql |
abap_file_browser | F4 file browser written in abap | viewer |
envysis | Environment Analysis for ABAP Workbench Objects (where-used list, etc.) | finder |
markdown_from_table_or_structure | 🏭 generate Markdown table from internal table or structure in ABAP | markdown |
abap2md | ABAP to Markdown | markdown |
MBT-Transport-Request | The ultimate enhancement for displaying of transport requests in SAP GUI | transport |
ZEX_HTML_EDITOR | A simple HTML Editor and Browser written in ABAP | html |
project | description | tags |
abap-ddic-creator | create table and data elements and domains by batching | object generation |
AbapGenerator | Generate ABAP Objects from Templates | template |
abap_mustache | Mustache template engine for ABAP | mustache |
FORMfactor | ABAP - Refactor FORMs to local classes | refactoring |
abap_bapi_bo_class_generator | ABAP BAPI Business Object Class Generator | object generation |
guidrasil | ABAP GUI designer for Prototyping and more | gui |
abap_gui_boilerplate | Boilerplate for ABAP simple application with HTML GUI screen | gui |
selection-criteria-as-class | handle selection criteria as global class to keep all criteria together | screen |
abap-tvarvc | TVARVC Helper | tvarvc |
abap_include_assembler | A tool to statically include includes into the main program | include |
zeegor | Simple Batch Programming in ABAP call transaction and Batch session(SM35). | batch |
AbapOOReports | ABAP Object Oriented Reporting | oop |
ABAP-GlobalToLocal | APack global ABAP classes in a single report - Simplifies distribution of complex codings | pack |
project | description | tags |
abap_fm_json | JSON adapter for ABAP Function Modules | json |
JSON2ABAPType | Creator of ABAP types on a base of JSON structure | json |
abap-file-formats | File formats that define and specify the file representation for ABAP development objects | json |
ajson | Yet another json parser serializer for ABAP | json |
zcl_mdp_json | MDP ABAP JSON library that can generate and parse any JSON string | json |
CommonRegexABAP | CommonRegex port for ABAP | regex |
abap-json-serialization | Fastest possible JSON serialization | json |
abap-json-encoder-decoder | One more JSON Encoder/Decoder in ABAP | json |
ZwdCSV | CSV Parser and Generator for ABAP | csv |
abap-tbox-csvman | ABAP CSV Manager - An easy-to-use and highly configurable tool to read and create CSV in ABAP | csv |
ABAP-HTML-Diff | Library to highlight the content difference between two HTML strings (htmldiff) | html |
abap-string-map | String map primitive implementation on abap | stringmap |
abap_Filehandler | Construction to handle Files in ABAP | files |
project | description | tags |
AES | ABAP Utilities for AES/Rijndael encryption, decryption | encryption |
abap_jwt_generator | ABAP JWT Generator | authentication |
blowfish-abap | Blowfish encryption in ABAP | encryption |
abap-data-validator | A data validation tool | validation |
IDoc-with-ABAP-OOP | IDoc-with-ABAP-OOP | idoc |
geohash-abap | Geohash utitlies in ABAP | encryption |
abapPGP | ABAP implementation of OpenPGP | encryption |
uid64 | UID-64 generator for ABAP | uuid |
GeoJson | ABAP Classes to create GeoJson strings | json |
abap-CSR | ABAP Charset Recognizer (ICU) | charset |
abapITABOperations | Advanced operations for internal tables in ABAP | tables |
project | description | tags |
mockup_loader | ABAP unit testing framework, prepare in Excel, reuse in abap code | mocking |
mockA | mockA is a free Mocking Framework for ABAP | mocking |
abapFaker | ABAP Faker: generate fake test data | mocking |
abap_db_preparator | Avoid breaking tests with database preparation | db prep |
regression_test | Create snapshots in ABAP | db prep |
abap-unit-tests-by-example | Different examples of ABAP unit tests | examples |
Cacamber | Behavior Driven Development framework for ABAP | BDD , TDD |
project | description | tags |
ABAP-Logger | ABAP Logging as painless as any other language | logger |
abap-fm-logger | A logger for function module (RFC) | logger |
abap-log-exporter | Exports SAP Netweaver logs to a log system of your choice. | logs |
abap-log | Logging library for ABAP | logger |
sap-usi-logging-api | An easy-to-use, object-oriented encapsulation around the SAP application log (Transaction SLG1) | logger |
simbal | Simple Business Application Log for ABAP | logger |
zcl_log_util | An another ABAP logging class allowing programs to focus on their functionality rather than being buried under lines of logging code | logger |
project | description | tags |
abapGit | Git client for ABAP | git |
abapTimeMachine | ABAP Time Machine provides a much needed way to look at past versions of code in a consistent way. It also provides a sort of git-blame for ABAP (shows the request and author that last modified each line of code) | versioning |
project | description | tags |
code-pal-for-abap | Highly configurable engine, fully integrated into the ABAP development framework ensuring Cloud’s built-in quality. | inspector |
abapOpenChecks | Open source checks for SAP Code Inspector / ABAP Test Cockpit | inspector |
abaplint | Standalone static analysis for ABAP | linter |
vscode-abaplint | Visual Studio Code abaplint extension | linter , vsc |
abaplint-sci-client | ABAP part for running abaplint on ABAP backend | linter |
vscode-abap | ABAP syntax highlighting for Visual Studio Code | vsc |
abap-metrics-provider | Let's you use predefined or custom metrics to monitor your abap stack with a monitoring tool of your choice | performance |
upDOWNci | Upload and download SAP Code Inspector variants in XML format - ABAP | inspector |
ypinc | ABAP perfomance primitives | performance |
project | description | tags |
ABAP-Swagger | Expose ABAP REST services with Swagger/openapi spec | api |
abap-openapi | ABAP OpenAPI Client and Server generator in ABAP | api |
abap-rest-api | Simple ABAP REST API | api |
abapMQ | ABAP MQTT client | mqtt |
MQBA | Message Queue Broker ABAP | mqtt |
abapMQDaemons | Deamons for abapMQ | mqtt |
abapNTLM | ABAP HTTP NTLM Client | ntlm |
abap-openapi-ui | OpenAPI / Swagger UI integration for SAP NetWeaver Gateway | api |
abap-http-agent | AHA - abap http agent, convenience wrapper over cl_http_client | http |
consume_rest_api_in_abap | Consuming REST APIs with (Cloud) ABAP | api |
consume_rest_api_in_abap | Fluentd client in ABAP | api |
abap_kafka_rest_proxy | ABAP to Confluent Kafka REST Proxy Connector | proxy |
project | description | tags |
vscode_abap_remote_fs | Remote filesystem for ABAP systems | vsc |
ABAP-SDK-for-Azure | ABAP Libraries for SAP native Integration with Azure Services | azure |
abap2gapps | ABAP API for Google Apps integration | google |
abap2gsheet | ABAP framework that abstract the Google Sheets API | google |
abap2oauth2 | ABAP API for OAuth2 authentication | authentication |
ABAPFire | ABAP Firebase Client | firebase |
aws-lambda-abap-runtime | AWS Lambda ABAP custom runtime | aws |
proUBC | Open-source implementation of the PRVD Stack baseline middleware pattern for SAP, using ABAP | baseline |
abap-prometheus | Prometheus.io Client for ABAP | prometheus |
ABAP_DeepL_client | ABAP client for DeepL | deepl |
ABAP_ChatGPT_client | ABAP client for ChatGPT | ChatGPT |
project | description | tags |
abap-adt-api | Abap Developer Tools client | adt |
ABAPFavories | ABAP Favorites Eclipse Plugin | adt |
ABAPQuickFix | ABAPQuickFix | adt |
eclipse-abap-keywordcolors | Customized ABAP keyword colors for eclipse | adt |
abap-search-tools | ABAP Search and Analysis tools (Backend for ADT Plugin) | adt |
abap-search-tools-ui | Eclipse Plugin for ABAP Search and Analysis Tools | eclipse |
abap-tags-backend | ADT Backend for ABAP Tags Plugin | adt |
ABAP-Project-Extensions | ABAP-Project-Extensions | adt |
abapCI | Continuous Integration for ABAP | CI , adt |
abap-cleaner | ABAP cleaner applies 55+ cleanup rules to ABAP code at a single keystroke | adt , clean-code |
project | description | tags |
zconcurrency_api | ABAP Development Utilities | concurrency |
zthread | Simple Thread implementation for ABAP. Based on JAVA Thread, its Runnable interface with some additional callback capabilities | concurrency |
promise | ABAP Promise + Async/Await implementation | async |
abap-threads | abap threading utils | threading |
ABAPParallelizationService | Parallelization Framework for ABAP Systems | concurrency |
ABAP-Simple-Async-Framework | Simple Async Framework | async |
project | description | tags |
abap-dev-utilities | ABAP Development Utilities | tools |
abaK | ABAP constants done right | constants |
open-table-maintenance | Multi target low footprint ABAP table maintenance | table maintenance |
zapcommander | Filecommander (Norton-Commander-Clone) for SAP-Systems (ABAP) | commander |
Customers | Wrapper for CMD_EI_API classes | customers |
ABAP-Commons | Providing reusable ABAP components | tools |
Featuretoggle | A simple, lightweight feature toggle framework for ABAP | toggle |
abap-feature-toggle | Feature toggle for ABAP | toggle |
zscv_search_cds_views | ABAP Search CDS Views Tool | cds |
abap_seltab_to_where | Convert ABAP range tables to SQL where clause | sql |
zcx_return3 | ABAP exception lclass for handling all kind of procedural error messages | sql |
elitechat | abap based instant messaging | chat |
zspool_pdf | Submitting a report to the spool and receiving PDF | pdf |
mime_editor | SMIM editor in ABAP | mime |
ABAP_TRANSLATION_HUB | Push Object List to Translation Hub and Pull Translations | translation |
abap_w3mi_poller | A tool to poll file change and upload changed files automatically as W3MI object | polling |
synchronize-SAP-GUI-favorites | simple tool to synchronize SAP GUI favorites between systems and clients | gui |
abap-reference | Samples and utilities for SAP development | tools |
ABAPCodeVault | Reusable code, module specific sample programs, useful FMs, classes and info for ABAP developers | tools |
abap-archiving-engine | ABAP Archiving Engine | archiving |
abap-tbox-splitter | ABAP utility class to easily split an internal table in different sub-tables | tools |
Vise_for_ABAP | Vise for ABAP | refactoring |
user-exit-scanner | Abap user-exit scanner | finder |
ABAP-Check-Translations | Report to check the translations elements in ABAP | translation |
ZFPM_TOOLS | FPM Tools for developers | fpm |
MBT-Command-Field | The world's first enhancement for the SAP® GUI command field | gui |
abapTechDocu | A tool for creating technical documentation | tools |
RESULT-for-ABAP | ABAP implementation of the Result-Pattern | designpatterns |
abap-tbox-stats | ABAP Statistical Tool | statistics |
abap-timestamps | Handle dates, times, and time stamps | dates |
project | description | tags |
abap-platform-rap-opensap | Samples for the openSAP course "Building Apps with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming model (RAP)." | abap RAP |
abap-platform-refscen-flight | SFlight is back! This is the Flight Reference Scenario for the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model. | abap RAP |
abap-platform-rap-workshops | This repository contains materials for workshops about the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP). | abap RAP |
abap-cheat-sheets | Explore ABAP syntax in a nutshell supported by executable demo examples | cheat-sheet |
ABAPDesignPattern | 23 Design Patterns in ABAP | oop |
ABAP-OOP-Library | ABAP Object-oriented programming Library | oop |
abap_oo_patterns | Example implementation of OO design patterns in ABAP | oop |
excrcism/abap | Exercism exercises in ABAP | exercises |
New-ABAP-Tips-Tricks | This repository contains new ABAP syntax for S/4HANA Development | language |
gladius | Learning and challenging with ABAP Unit Test Framework | testing |
DesignByContract | Design by Contract in ABAP | oop |
ABAP-Lift-Pass-Pricing-Kata | The Ski Lift Pass Pricing Kata for ABAP Devs | codekata |
ABAP-Meterdata-Manager | legacy code refactoring kata based in the utilities domai | codekata |
project | description | tags |
ABAP_conways_game_of_life | Implementation of Conways Game of Life in ABAP | game |
axage | ABAP teXt Adventure Game Engine | game |
abapdicer | Yahtzee roboter game | game |
ABAP_quiz_and_paint_game | some fun game for the SAP Community | game |
ABAP-MEMORY-GAME | Abap Memory Game | game |
ZwdHangman | Hangman for SAP | game |
con4abap | popular connect four game in ABAP | game |
z_doom | DOOM for SAP GUI | game |
ZICA_ML | Machine Learning Library | machine learning |
abap_ml | Classes and functionality to reproduce basic Machine Learning in ABAP. Starting from vector/matrix API | machine learning |
project | description | tags |
Eclipse_ADT_info_hub | collection of helpful information about ABAP Development Tools | info |
ABAP_starter | 🚀 very basic information to start working with ABAP | info |
abap-docs | Enhanced ABAP documentation | docs |
CleanABAP | Guideline to improve the ABAP code quality | language |
List being updated: feel free to contribute!