Please observe the following ground-rules when making contributions:
- All contributions must be made by opening a pull request into
. - Please add a description to the pull request describing what features you're implementing or issues you are solving and how. Add background information whenever possible.
- Please link all issues and other GitHub items that are related to the changes that you're making.
- Commit summaries must use the imperative, i.e. "Fix typo" instead of "Fixed typo" or "Fixes typo".
- Avoid force pushes when a pull request is in review.
- A pull request may only be merged when it has received at least one approval from a member of zeitgeistpm and GitHub Actions have passed successfully. Whenever possible, the author should execute the merge.
- Comments in a review should be resolved by the author.
- Please use squash and merge to merge pull requests. Feel free to remove trivial items like "Fix typo", etc. from the commit summary.
- Don't modify
under normal circumstances. Changes toRuntimeVersion
are made in a specific PR at the end of the release cycle. - Summarize any interface changes in docs/ and format the
file using
prettier -w docs/
Labels are used to denote status (s:*
) and priority (p:*
) of pull requests.
- Every pull request may not have more than one status label.
- Pull requests should be marked with the
label until they are ready for review.
- Pull requests that are ready for review should be marked with
- If a reviewer requests changes, they should use the
- Once a pull request is approved (see Rules above), it should be marked with
- Priority labels are placed by zeitgeistpm members.
The t:*
labels are used to specify types of issues. Their use is placed at the
discretion of zeitgeistpm members.
If the changes made in a PR require a change to the substrate RuntimeVersion
mark the PR with the following labels according to
- Refer to the style guide.