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Commit 2e1c8ea

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1 parent 31f32a1 commit 2e1c8ea

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@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ paleocar,An R package implementing functions to perform spatio-temporal paleocli
The Southwestern Taphonomic Protocol,A set of analyses to control for variable taphonomic impacts on archaeological faunal datasets.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10.5281/zenodo.4301001,bocinsky,,,,,,Packages and libraries,R,Schemas and ontologies,API interfaces and web scrapers,,,,,
tdar,"R package that allows programmatic access to the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR), a service of Digital Antiquity.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bocinsky,,,,,,Packages and libraries,R,API interfaces and web scrapers,,,,,,
The ABM in Archaeology Bibliography,A selected yet comprehensive list of literature and resources on Agent Based Models (ABM) in Archaeology.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,izaromanowska,ArchoLen,,,,,Lists and datasets,,Bibliography,,,,,,
ABM tutorials,A collection of tutorial on agent-based modelling for archaeologists.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,izaromanowska,,,,,,Lists and datasets,,Educational resources and practical guides,,,,,,
ABM tutorials,A collection of tutorial on agent-based modelling for archaeologists.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,izaromanowska,,,,,,Lists and datasets,,Educational resources and practical guides,Simulation,,,,,
SPARTAAS,Statistical pattern recognition and dating using archaeological artefacts assemblages.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Lise Bellanger,Philippe Husi,Arthur Coulon,Bruno Desachy,Benjamin Martineau,,Packages and libraries,R,Statistical analysis,,,,,,
Bonify,Access and visualize 3D models of faunal remains.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,garynobles,Canan Cakirlar,Nynke de Boer,,,,Standalone software,,3D modelling,Zooarchaeology,,,,,
Alligator,A Web tool for converting CAs with dating information to relative time intervals as RDF.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,florianthiery,Allard Mees,,,,,Standalone software,,Statistical analysis,Schemas and ontologies,,,,,
@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ p3k14c-data-scrubbing,Scrubbing program for the global archaeological radiocarbo
IsoDataVis,"Data visualization guidelines for stable isotopes graphs, with examples",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,stantis,,,,,,Guides,,Stable isotope analysis,Educational resources and practical guides,Diagrams and visualizations,,,,
Isotope-Visualisation,Resources relevant to visualisation of isotopic results,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,EstherPlomp,,,,,,Lists and datasets,,Stable isotope analysis,Diagrams and visualizations,Educational resources and practical guides,,,,
archaeological-SNA-R-demo,A quick demo of archaeological social network analysis in R,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,deanthebox,,,,,,Guides,,Educational resources and practical guides,Network analysis,,,,,
ABMA,Code repository and website for Agent-Based Modeling for Archaeology.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SantaFeInstitute,,,,,,Guides,,Educational resources and practical guides,Simulation,,,,,
Analysing Stable Isotope Data,"Tutorial on how to visualise, analyse and interpret stable isotope data",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Brian Hayden,,,,,,Guides,,Educational resources and practical guides,Stable isotope analysis,Diagrams and visualizations,,,"Need to add more author columns and revise the way these columns are parsed. Additional authors not currently represented include: Doug Rocks-Macqueen, Laura van der Knaap, Annemarie Jutte, , Ronald Visser, Jeroen Linssen, Tom Brughmans, Iza Romanowska, Kenneth Aitchison, Karsten Lambers.",
ABMA,Code repository and website for Agent-Based Modeling for Archaeology.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SantaFeInstitute,,,,,,Guides,,Educational resources and practical guides,Simulation,,,,,
Analysing Stable Isotope Data,"Tutorial on how to visualise, analyse and interpret stable isotope data",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Brian Hayden,,,,,,Guides,,Educational resources and practical guides,Stable isotope analysis,Diagrams and visualizations,,,,
Plotting Dental Inventory with ggplot2,tutorial on an intuitive way to visualise a dental inventory in a sample,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bbartholdy,,,,,,Guides,,Educational resources and practical guides,Stable isotope analysis,Diagrams and visualizations,,,,
IsoMapNL,Data and script to generate a map of the Netherlands for isotopic analyses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,EstherPlomp,,,,,,Guides,,Educational resources and practical guides,Stable isotope analysis,Diagrams and visualizations,,,,
rock-art-transfer-learning,Reconstructing rock art chronology with transfer learning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,keeeal,,,,,,Packages and libraries,Python,Shape recognition,Chronological modelling,Iconography,,,,
@@ -493,3 +493,4 @@ WeedEco,Classification of unknown cases (e.g. archaeobotanical data or other mod
CropPro,"Data organisation, classification and visualisation of archaeobotanical data to understand crop processing stage.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CropPro-package,,,,,,Packages and libraries,R,Palaeobotany,Data management,,,,,
ruby-radiocarbon,Ruby gem for fast radiocarbon calibration.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,joeroe,,,,,,Packages and libraries,Ruby,"Radiocarbon dating, calibration and sequencing",,,,,,
dendroNetwork,Enables researchers to easily construct a network of dendrochronological series based on the similarity and find patterns of matching tree-ring material.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ropensci,RonaldVisser,,,,,Packages and libraries,R,Dendrochronology,Chronological modelling,,,,,
ABMA_tutorials,A set of interactive tutorials to build agent-based models and how to use them in your work as archaeologist. These tutorials are both suitable for beginners and people who want to brush up their modelling skills.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ABMArchaeologists,RonaldVisser,drocks13,,,,Standalone software,NetLogo,Educational resources and practical guides,Simulation,,,,"Need to add more author columns and revise the way these columns are parsed. Additional authors not currently represented include: Doug Rocks-Macqueen, Laura van der Knaap, Annemarie Jutte, , Ronald Visser, Jeroen Linssen, Tom Brughmans, Iza Romanowska, Kenneth Aitchison, Karsten Lambers.",

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