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Topology Data Generation

You will need Python.

Created using: Python 3.7.6, Anaconda on Windows 10.

  1. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.

  2. Run with

    python <program> [options]

Data Generation

Can be run with the run command with <program> set to datagen.

python datagen <type> [options]

<type> is one of single or dataset.

General options for datagen are

Option Default Description
--cube_size 50 Size of the cavity-filled cube, cubed.
--shape_config ./Objects/config/Shape.yaml The path to the Shape config to use.
--random_walk_config ./Objects/config/RandomWalk.yaml The path to the RandomWalk config to use.

Single Data Generation

For generating one data sample.

python datagen single [options]

Options are

Option Default Description
--spheroid_num 0 Number of spheroid cavities in the cube.
--torus_num 0 Number of torus cavities in the cube.
--torusN_num 0 Number of n-holed torus cavities in the cube.
--island_num 0 Number of island cavities in the cube.
--tunnel_num 0 Number of tunnel cavities in the cube.
--octopus_num 0 Number of octopus cavities in the cube.
--draw False Draws the inverted form of the data in Matplotlib on creation.
--save False Saves the data in a NumPy array on creation.
--save_num Random number Saves the data with this name into the all_data/single folder.


python datagen single --spheroid_num 15 --tunnel_num 20 --draw --save --save_num 1

This will create a cube with 15 spheroid cavities and 20 tunnels. It will display the inverted cube in Matplotlib and then save the data in the all_data/single folder with the names 1_cube.npy, 1_inverted_cube.npy and 1_betti.yaml. These are the files for the full grid, the inverted grid and the labels for the data respectively.

Dataset Generation

For generating a set of many cubes. It takes an object type and generates x sub-datasets. For each sub-dataset, the number of cavities is constant.

python datagen dataset <object> [options]

Options are

Option Default Description
--min_objects 1 The number of object-shaped cavities in the sub-dataset with the smallest number of cavities.
--max_objects 5 The number of object-shaped cavities in the sub-dataset with the highest number of cavities.
--repeat 1000 Size of each sub-dataset.


python datagen data spheroid --min_objects 5 --max_objects 30 --repeat 500

This will create a dataset with 26 sub-datasets, where the first sub-dataset has cubes with 5 spheroid cavities, the second sub-dataset has cubes with 6 spheroid cavities, until the last sub-dataset which has cubes with 30 spheroid cavities. Each sub-dataset is of size 500. In total, the size of the dataset would be 13,000 cubes.

Data Augmentation

These methods change existing data in some way. They all have two arguments, the input_file and output_file. The first is the path to the data file to be changed and the second is the data path to save the new data to.

python augment <type> <input_file> <output_file>
Type Description
remove_internal Removes all internal voxels. These are the voxels that are surrounded by other voxels. This is useful for visualisation of the data, since it is not possible to see these voxels and they may cause unnecessary memory overhead.
subsample Subsamples the data such that around half of the data points are removed. Each point removed is not directly adjacent to another removed point, ignoring diagonals. This creates many small holes in the data which can improve performance of persistent homology software.
invert Inverts the grid. This is useful if you have a full grid that you would like to better visualise, or if you have an inverted grid that you would like to run persistent homology software on.
ripser_cpp_convert Converts the format of the grid from a NumPy array to a text file that lists the points. The text file can then be used in the original C++ version of Ripser, a persistent homology library.


For visualising the data. There are two methods. The first uses Matplotlib.

python visualise <input_file>

<input_file> is the path to the data file you would like to visualise.

The second method uses Blender (version 2.93.1).

  1. Download Blender and launch it.
  2. Open the file src/scripts/visualisation/ in the text editor in Blender.
  3. At the beginning of the file, edit the folder_path and data_path to point to the correct folders.
  4. Run the script.

Persistent Homology Libraries

For running data on persistent homology software. Gudhi is currently supported.

python homology <type> <input_file> <filtration_type> [options]
Argument Default Description
type Required run or load, for either running Gudhi on a dataset or loading Gudhi results to filter.
input_file Required File path of the data to input - data file or pickle file with Gudhi results.
filtration_type Required Either the Vietoris-Rips complex (vietoris-rips) or the Alpha complex (alpha).
--save False Saves the results of Gudhi in a pickle file.
--output_file None File path to save the Gudhi results to. Only required if --save is set.
--filtering False Set to filter the results of Gudhi and print the resulting homology.
--vr_threshold None If the Vietoris-Rips complex is chosen, this can be used to set the threshold/max_edge_length parameter.
--b_0 1.0 If filtering is set, this is the minimum lifetime that will be used when filtering Betti zero.
--b_1 1.0 If filtering is set, this is the minimum lifetime that will be used when filtering Betti one.
--b_2 1.0 If filtering is set, this is the minimum lifetime that will be used when filtering Betti two.


python homology gudhi run my_data.npy alpha --filtering --b0 2.5 --b1 0.8 --b2 1.5

This will run Gudhi with the Alpha complex on my_data.npy and filter it with minimum lifetimes of 2.5 for Betti zero, 0.8 for Betti one and 1.5 for Betti two.