A list of programming tutorials in which learners build an application from scratch. These tutorials are divided into different primary programming languages. Some have intermix technologies and languages.
- Build an Interpreter (Chapter 14 on is written in C)
- Write a Shell in C
- Write a FUSE Filesystem
- Build Your Own Text Editor
- Build Your Own Lisp
- How to Program an NES Game in C
- Write an OS from scratch
- How to Write an Emulator (CHIP-8 interpreter)
- Beginning Game Programming with C++ and SDL
- Implementing a Key-Value Store
- Writing a minimal x86-64 JIT compiler in C++
- Build a Live Code-reloader Library for C++
- Write a hash table in C
- Let's Build a Simple Database
- Let's Write a Kernel
- Write a Bootloader in C
- Linux Container in 500 Lines of Code
- Write a C compiler
- Implementing a Language with LLVM
- Meta Crush Saga: a C++17 compile-time game
- High-Performance Matrix Multiplication
- Space Invaders from Scratch
- Tetris Tutorial in C++ Platform Independent
- Writing a Linux Debugger
Let's Code a TCP/IP Stack
Programming concurrent servers
- Creating 2D Breakout game clone in C++ with OpenGL
- Handmade Hero
- How to Make Minecraft in C++/OpenGL (video)
- Mining Twitter Data with Python
- Scrape a Website with Scrapy and MongoDB
- How To Scrape With Python and Selenium WebDriver
- Which Movie Should I Watch using BeautifulSoup
- Build a Microblog with Flask
- Create a Blog Web App In Django
- Choose Your Own Adventure Presentations
- Build a Todo List with Flask and RethinkDB
- Build a Todo List with Django and Test-Driven Development
- Build a RESTful Microservice in Python
- Microservices with Docker, Flask, and React
- Build A Simple Web App With Flask
- Build a RESTful API with Flask – The TDD Way
- Create A Django API in under 20 minutes
- Build a Reddit Bot
- How to Make a Reddit Bot - YouTube (video)
- Build a Facebook Messenger Bot
- Making a Reddit + Facebook Messenger Bot
- How To Create a Telegram Bot Using Python
- Create a Twitter Bot In Python
- Learn Python For Data Science by Doing Several Projects (video):
- Write Linear Regression From Scratch in Python (video)
- Step-By-Step Machine Learning In Python
- Predict Quality Of Wine
- Solving A Fruits Classification Problem
- Learn Unsupervised Learning with Python
- Build Your Own Neural Net from Scratch in Python
- Linear Regression in Python without sklearn
- Multivariate Linear Regression without sklearn
- Build A Document Scanner
- Build A Face Detector using OpenCV and Deep Learning
- Build a Face Recognition System using OpenCV, Python and Deep Learning
- Detect The Salient Features in an Image
- Build A Barcode Scanner
- Learn Face Clustering with Python
- Object Tracking with Camshift
- Semantic Segmentation with OpenCV and Deep Learning
- Text Detection in Images and Videos
- People Counter using OpenCV
- Tracking Multiple Objects with OpenCV
- Neural Style Transfer with OpenCV
- Using Convolutional Neural Nets to Detect Facial Keypoints
- Generate an Average Face using Python and OpenCV
- Break A Captcha System using CNNs
- Use pre-trained Inception model to provide image predictions
- Create your first CNN
- Build A Facial Recognition Pipeline
- Build An Image Caption Generator
- Make your Own Face Recognition System
- Train a Language Detection AI in 20 minutes
- Object Detection With Neural Networks
- Learn Twitter Sentiment Analysis -
- Part I - Data Cleaning
- Part II - EDA, Data Visualisation
- Part III - Zipf's Law, Data Visualisation
- Part IV - Feature Extraction(count vectoriser)
- Part V - Feature Extraction(Tfidf vectoriser)
- Part VI - Doc2Vec
- Part VII - Phrase Modeling + Doc2Vec
- Part VIII - Dimensionality Reduction
- Part IX - Neural Nets with Tfdif vectors
- Part X - Neural Nets with word2vec/doc2vec
- Part XI - CNN with Word2Vec
- Use Transfer Learning for custom image classification
- Learn to Code a simple Neural Network in 11 lines of Python
- Build a Neural Network using Gradient Descent Approach
- Train a Keras Model To Generate Colors
- Get Started with Keras on a Custom Dataset
- Use EigenFaces and FisherFaces on Faces94 dataset
- Build a Simple Interpreter
- Build a Simple Blockchain in Python
- Write a NoSQL Database in Python
- Building a Gas Pump Scanner with OpenCV/Python/iOS
- Build a Distributed Streaming System with Python and Kafka
- Writing a basic x86-64 JIT compiler from scratch in stock Python
- Making a low level (Linux) debugger
- Implementing a Search Engine
- Build the Game of Life
- Create terminal ASCII art