#安装 apt-get install git
- 推送本地分支到远程仓库 git push (远程仓库名) (分支名) 例如:git push origin serverfix
- 删除远程分支 git push [远程名] :[远程分支] 例如:git push origin :serverfix
- 列出所有本地分析的信息 git branch -vv
- 版本控制包括空文件夹 默认Git会忽略空的文件夹,可以在空文件夹下放置.gitkeep文件
- 显示修改了哪些文件 git log --name-status
- cherry-pick git cherry-pick a3d6f12f4^..6e5ca1ee5(有^包括左区间,否则不包含)
- Temporarily ignore changes in a certain file
- git update-index --assume-unchanged
- Then when you want to track changes again
- git update-index --no-assume-unchanged
- error: cannot lock ref
- git remote show origin
- git remote prune origin
- git update-ref -d (refs/remote/..)
- show relationship between local branch and remote branch
- git branch -vv