is a cli tool which provides shortcuts for the commanly used git commands.
use gl
for the git log
command to view the recent commit
Install it globally using the command
npm i -g @xniva/git-shortcuts
shortcut command | actual git command | action |
gl |
git log |
Show the list of commits for the current branch |
gs |
git status |
Show the status of the changes |
gb |
git branch --show-current |
Show the name of the current branch |
gcm |
git checkout master |
Swicth to the master branch |
gf |
git fetch |
Fetch from the remote |
gpm |
git pull origin master |
Pull the changes from the remote master branch |
gmm |
git merge origin master |
Merge the changes from the remote master to the current branch |
gph |
git push origin HEAD |
Push the current branch and its changes to remote |
gsr |
git reset --soft HEAD~1 |
Remove the last commit and preserve the changes |
ghr |
git reset --hard HEAD~1 |
Completely delete the changes of the last commit |
glp |
git show-branch --no-name HEAD |
Print the last commit message |
glc |
git show-branch --no-name HEAD |
Copy and Print the last commit message |
gsf |
gcm && gpm && git merge --no-commit --no-ff origin/${featureBranch} |
List the changes of a feature branch w.r.t master - for review |
gma |
git merge --abort |
Abort the merge |
grb |
git reset --${hardOrSoft} origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) |
Reset the current branch to its remote equivalent |
Add a .env file in the directory where you are using the shortcuts and add the following line to set the master branch name
MASTER_BRANCH_NAME=main // or any other branch name