File tree
746 files changed
lines changed- advanced_functionality
- autogluon-tabular
- container-training
- utils
- custom-training-containers
- basic-training-container/docker/code
- framework-container
- notebook/source_dir
- package
- src/custom_framework_training
- script-mode-container/docker/code
- script-mode-container-2/notebook/source_dir
- distributed_tensorflow_mask_rcnn
- container/resources
- container-optimized/resources
- container-optimized-script-mode/resources
- container-script-mode/resources
- container-serving/resources
- container-serving-optimized/resources
- fairseq_translation/fairseq
- fastai_oxford_pets/source
- inference_pipeline_sparkml_blazingtext_dbpedia
- inference_pipeline_sparkml_xgboost_abalone
- inference_pipeline_sparkml_xgboost_car_evaluation
- jax_bring_your_own
- training_scripts
- multi_model_bring_your_own/container
- multi_model_linear_learner_home_value
- multi_model_pytorch/code
- mxnet_mnist_byom
- pipe_bring_your_own
- pytorch_extending_our_containers
- container/cifar10
- utils
- scikit_bring_your_own/container/decision_trees
- tensorflow_bring_your_own
- container/cifar10
- utils
- tensorflow_iris_byom
- unity_ml_agents/src
- autopilot
- custom-feature-selection
- model-explainability
- aws_marketplace
- creating_marketplace_products
- container/decision_trees
- src
- using_algorithms
- amazon_demo_product/src
- autogluon/src
- automl/src
- using_model_packages
- amazon_demo_product/src
- auto_insurance/src
- creative-writing-using-gpt-2-text-generation/src
- data_quality_monitoring/src
- improving_industrial_workplace_safety/src
- aws_sagemaker_studio
- frameworks
- keras_pipe_mode_horovod
- source
- mxnet_gluon_sentiment
- mxnet_mnist
- mxnet_onnx_ei
- pytorch_cnn_cifar10
- source
- tensorflow_mnist
- getting_started
- introduction_to_amazon_algorithms/xgboost_abalone
- sagemaker-python-sdk/scikit_learn_iris
- sagemaker_debugger
- mnist_tensor_analysis
- src
- mnist_tensor_plot/scripts
- mxnet_realtime_analysis/scripts
- tensorflow_builtin_rule/src
- sagemaker_neo_compilation_jobs
- deploy_tensorflow_model_on_Inf1_instance
- gluoncv_ssd_mobilenet
- tools
- imageclassification_caltech
- pytorch_torchvision/code
- pytorch_vgg19_bn/code
- tensorflow_distributed_mnist
- sagemaker_studio_image_build
- tensorflow_bring_your_own
- cifar10
- utils
- xgboost_bring_your_own/xgboost
- contrib/inference_pipeline_custom_containers
- containers
- postprocessor/docker/code
- preprocessor/docker/code
- end_to_end
- model_package_src
- frameworks
- mxnet/code
- pytorch/code
- tensorflow/code
- utils
- ground_truth_labeling_jobs
- bring_your_own_model_for_sagemaker_labeling_workflows_with_active_learning
- container/news-classifier
- src
- ActiveLearning
- Bootstrap
- Labeling
- MetaData
- Output
- dependency/python
- tests
- ground_truth_object_detection_tutorial
- multi_modal_parallel_sagemaker_labeling_workflows_with_step_functions
- cloudformation
- src
- datalake/scripts
- lambda_src
- api_batch_create
- api_batch_metadata_post
- api_batch_show
- api_workforce_show
- labeling_job_state_change
- step_functions_copy_logs_and_send_batch_completed
- step_functions_send_second_level_sns_and_check_response
- step_functions_transformation
- step_functions_trigger_labeling_job
- step_functions_wait_for_metadata_supply
- lambda_test
- api_batch_create
- api_batch_show
- labeling_job_state_change
- step_function_batch_error
- step_functions_copy_logs_and_send_batch_completed
- step_functions_send_second_level_sns_and_check_response
- video_annotations_quality_assessment
- hyperparameter_tuning
- chainer_cifar10
- src
- keras_bring_your_own
- trainer
- mxnet_gluon_cifar10_random_search
- mxnet_mnist
- pytorch_mnist
- rapids_bring_your_own
- code
- workflows
- tensorflow2_mnist/code
- tensorflow_mnist
- introduction_to_amazon_algorithms
- blazingtext_word2vec_text8
- ipinsights_login
- lda_topic_modeling
- managed_spot_training_object_detection/tools
- ntm_synthetic
- object_detection_birds/tools
- object_detection_pascalvoc_coco/tools
- seq2seq_translation_en-de
- xgboost_abalone
- introduction_to_applying_machine_learning/gluon_recommender_system
- prep_data/image_data_guide
- training_pytorch
- training_tensorflow
- reinforcement_learning
- bandits_recsys_movielens_testbed
- src
- bandits_statlog_vw_customEnv
- sim_app
- src
- common
- sagemaker_rl
- orchestrator
- clients/ddb
- exceptions
- utils
- workflow
- datatypes
- manager
- tests/unit
- rl_cartpole_batch_coach/src
- rl_cartpole_coach/src
- rl_cartpole_ray/src
- rl_deepracer_robomaker_coach_gazebo
- src
- artifacts/rewards
- lib
- model_validator
- markov
- agent_ctrl
- agents
- architecture
- auth
- boto
- s3
- files
- checkpoint_files
- sqs
- cameras
- handlers
- domain_randomizations
- visual
- environments
- exploration_policies
- filters/observation
- gazebo_tracker
- trackers
- gazebo_utils
- log_handler
- memories
- metrics
- multi_agent_coach
- agents
- architectures
- tensorflow_components/heads
- reset
- rules
- samples
- sensors
- state_machine
- track_geom
- spline
- virtual_event
- visual_effects
- effects
- visualizations
- rl_game_server_autopilot
- ap-server
- game-env/minecraft-server-image
- sagemaker/src
- rl_hvac_coach_energyplus/src
- eplus
- envs
- rl_hvac_ray_energyplus/source
- custom
- eplus
- envs
- rl_knapsack_coach_custom/src
- rl_managed_spot_cartpole_coach/src
- rl_mountain_car_coach_gymEnv/src
- rl_network_compression_ray_custom/src
- tensorflow_resnet
- compressor
- core
- layers
- dataset
- rl_portfolio_management_coach_customEnv/src
- rl_predictive_autoscaling_coach_customEnv/src
- rl_resource_allocation_ray_customEnv/src
- rl_roboschool_ray/src
- rl_roboschool_stable_baselines/src
- rl_stock_trading_coach_customEnv/src
- rl_tic_tac_toe_coach_customEnv
- common
- sagemaker_rl
- src
- rl_traveling_salesman_vehicle_routing_coach/src
- rl_unity_ray/src
- sagemaker-debugger
- build_your_own_container_with_debugger/docker
- mnist_tensor_analysis
- src
- mnist_tensor_plot/scripts
- model_specific_realtime_analysis
- autoencoder_mnist/src
- bert_attention_head_view
- entry_point
- utils
- cnn_class_activation_maps/entry_point
- mxnet_realtime_analysis/scripts
- mxnet_spot_training
- pytorch_custom_container/scripts
- pytorch_iterative_model_pruning
- custom_rule
- src
- pytorch_profiling/entry_point
- tensorflow2
- tensorflow2_keras_custom_container/src
- tensorflow2_zero_code_change/src
- tensorflow_action_on_rule/src
- tensorflow_builtin_rule/src
- tensorflow_keras_custom_rule
- rules
- src
- tensorflow_nlp_sentiment_analysis/tf-sentiment-script-mode
- tensorflow_profiling
- demo
- entry_point
- xgboost_builtin_rules
- xgboost_realtime_analysis
- sagemaker-experiments
- mnist-handwritten-digits-classification-experiment
- track-an-airflow-workflow/code
- sagemaker-fundamentals
- create-endpoint/container/src
- create-training-job
- container
- local_test
- container_hyperparameter_injection
- local_test
- container_kms
- local_test
- execution-role
- sagemaker-pipelines/tabular/customizing_build_train_deploy_project/modelbuild/pipelines/customer_churn
- sagemaker-python-sdk
- chainer_cifar10
- src
- chainer_mnist
- chainer_sentiment_analysis
- src
- dgl_gcmc
- dgl_gcn
- dgl_gcn_tox21
- dgl_kge
- dataloader
- models
- mxnet
- pytorch
- keras_script_mode_pipe_mode_horovod
- source_dir
- managed_spot_training_mxnet
- managed_spot_training_tensorflow_estimator
- mxnet_gluon_mnist
- mxnet_gluon_sentiment
- mxnet_horovod_fasterrcnn/source
- mxnet_horovod_maskrcnn/source
- mxnet_horovod_mnist/code
- mxnet_mnist
- mxnet_onnx_eia
- mxnet_onnx_export
- mxnet_onnx_superresolution
- pytorch_cnn_cifar10
- source
- pytorch_horovod_mnist/code
- pytorch_mnist
- code
- scikit_learn_inference_pipeline
- scikit_learn_iris
- tensorboard_keras/source_dir
- tensorflow-eager-script-mode/train_model
- tensorflow_moving_from_framework_mode_to_script_mode
- tensorflow_script_mode_horovod
- tensorflow_script_mode_pipe_mode
- tensorflow_script_mode_training_and_serving
- tensorflow_serving_container
- tensorflow_serving_using_elastic_inference_with_your_own_model
- sagemaker_batch_transform
- pytorch_mnist_batch_transform
- tensorflow_cifar-10_with_inference_script
- code
- tensorflow_open-images_jpg/code
- tensorflow_open-images_tfrecord/code
- working_with_tfrecords
- dnn-classifier
- tfrecord-transformer-container/app
- sagemaker_model_monitor
- introduction
- tensorflow
- visualization
- sagemaker_neo_compilation_jobs
- deploy_mxnet_model_on_Inf1_instance
- deploy_pytorch_model_on_Inf1_instance
- deploy_tensorflow_model_on_Inf1_instance
- gluoncv_ssd_mobilenet
- tools
- gluoncv_yolo_darknet
- tools
- imageclassification_caltech
- mxnet_mnist
- pytorch_torchvision/code
- pytorch_vgg19_bn/code
- tensorflow_distributed_mnist
- sagemaker_processing/feature_transformation_with_sagemaker_processing/container/program
- scientific_details_of_algorithms
- lda_topic_modeling
- streaming_median
- step-functions-data-science-sdk
- automate_model_retraining_workflow/code
- training_pipeline_pytorch_mnist
- training/distributed_training
- pytorch
- data_parallel
- maskrcnn
- mnist/code
- model_parallel
- bert/bert_example
- mnist/utils
- tensorflow
- data_parallel/mnist/code
- model_parallel/mnist/utils
- use-cases
- computer_vision
- customer_churn
- predmaint
- retail_recommend
- data_wrangler_assets
- model_package_src
- utils
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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