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Miljenko Cvjetko moljac edited this page May 11, 2017 · 4 revisions


Xamarin.Auth is a cross platform library that helps developers authenticate users via OAuth protocol (OAuth1 and OAuth2).

OAuth flow (process) is setup in 4 major steps:

  1. Server side setup for OAuth service provider (Google, Facebook)

  2. Client side initialization of Authenticator object
    This step prepares all relevant OAuth Data in Authenticator object (client_id, redirect_url, client_secret, OAuth provider's endpoints etc)

  3. Creating and optionally customising UI

  4. Presenting/Lunching UI and authenticating user

    1. Detecting/Fetching/Intercepting URL change - redirect_url and

      This substep is step needed for NativeUI and requires that custom scheme registration together for redirect_url intercepting mechanism. This step is actually App Linking (Deep Linking) concept in mobile applications.

    2. Parsing OAuth data from redirect_url

      In order to obtain OAuth data returned redirect_url must be parsed and the best way is to let Xamarin.Auth do it automatically by parsing redirect_url

    3. Triggering Events based on OAuth data

      Parsing subsytem of the Authenticator will parse OAuth data and raise appropriate events based on returned data

  5. Using identity

    1. Using protected resources (making calls)

    2. Saving account info

    3. Retrieving account info

Those steps and (substeps) which will be used in detailed documentation ./

0 Server Side

Server side setup of the particular OAuth provider like Google, Facebook or Microsoft Live is the source of misunderstandings and errors. This setup differs from provider to provider, especially nomenclature (naming).

In general there are 2 common types of "apps", "projects" or "credentials":

  1. Server or Web Application

    Server (Fitbit naming) or Web (Google and Facebook terms) application is considered to be secure, i.e. client_secret is secure and can be stored and not easily accessed/retrieved by malicious user.

    Server/Web app uses http[s] schemes for redirect_url, because it loads real web page (url-authority can be localhost or real hostname like

    Xamarin.Auth prior to version 1.4.0 used to support only http[s] url-scheme with real
    url-authority (existing host, no localhost) and arbitrary url-path.

  2. Native or Installed (mobile or desktop) apps

    This group is usually divided into Android, iOS, Chrome (javascript) and other (.net)
    subtypes. Each subtype can have different setup. In most cases developer must submit
    for Android package id with SHA1 key and for iOS BundleID. Custom schemes can be predefined (generated) by provider (Google or Facebook) or defined by user (Fitbit). Generated schemes
    are usually based on data submitted (package id, bundle id).

    Xamarin Components Team is working on the doc with minimal info for common used providers and how to setup server side.

    Xamarin.Auth implements requirements for native/installed apps since nuget version 1.4.0, but the API was broken (GetUI() returned System.Object, so cast was necessary).

Server side setup details will be explained in separate document


1 Client Side Initialization

Client (mobile) application initialization is based on Oauth Grant (flow) in use which is determined by OAuth provider and it's server side setup.

Initialization is performed thorugh Authenticator constructors for:

OAuth2 Implicit Grant flow

With parameters:

*   clientId        
*   scope       
*   authorizeUrl        
*   redirectUrl     

[TODO Link to code]

OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant flow

With parameters:

*   clientId   	
*   clientSecret	
*	scope       
*   authorizeUrl  	      
*   redirectUrl 	
*   accessTokenUrl	

[TODO Link to code]

More about OAuth can be found here: ./details/

1.1 Create and configure an Authenticator

Let's authenticate a user to access Facebook which uses OAuth2 Implicit flow:

using Xamarin.Auth;
// ...
OAuth2Authenticator auth = new OAuth2Authenticator 
        clientId: "App ID from",
        scope: "",
        authorizeUrl: new Uri (""),
        redirectUrl: new Uri (""),
        // switch for new Native UI API
        //      true = Android Custom Tabs and/or iOS Safari View Controller
        //      false = Embedded Browsers used (Android WebView, iOS UIWebView)
        //  default = false  (not using NEW native UI)
        isUsingNativeUI: use_native_ui

[TODO Link to code]

Facebook uses OAuth 2.0 authentication, so we create an OAuth2Authenticator. Authenticators are responsible for managing the user interface and communicating with authentication services.

Authenticators take a variety of parameters; in this case, the application's ID, its authorization scope, and Facebook's various service locations are required.

1.2 Setup Authentication Event Handlers

To capture events and information in the OAuth flow simply subscribe to Authenticator events (add event handlers):


auth.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => 
    // UI presented, so it's up to us to dimiss it on Android
    // dismiss Activity with WebView or CustomTabs

    if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) 
        // Use eventArgs.Account to do wonderful things
    } else 
        // The user cancelled

[TODO Link to code]


auth.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => 
    // UI presented, so it's up to us to dimiss it on iOS
    // dismiss ViewController with UIWebView or SFSafariViewController
    this.DismissViewController (true, null);

    if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) 
        // Use eventArgs.Account to do wonderful things
    } else 
        // The user cancelled

[TODO Link to code]

2. Create Login UI and authenticate user

Creating/Launching UI is platform specific and while authenticators manage their own UI, it's up to user to initially present the authenticator's UI on the screen. This lets one control how the authentication UI is displayed - modally, in navigation controllers, in popovers, etc.

Before the UI is presented, user needs to start listening to the Completed event which fires when the user successfully authenticates or cancels. One can find out if the authentication succeeded by testing the IsAuthenticated property of eventArgs:

All the information gathered from a successful authentication is available in eventArgs.Account.

2.1 Creating Login UI

Now, the login UI can be obtained using GetUI() method and afterwards login screen is ready to be presented.

The GetUI() method returns:

  • UINavigationController on iOS, and
  • Intent on Android.
  • System.Type on WinRT (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1)
  • Syste.Uri on Windows Phone 8.x Silverlight


global::Android.Content.Intent ui_object = Auth1.GetUI(this);

[TODO Link to code]


UIKit.UIViewController ui_object = Auth1.GetUI();

[TODO Link to code]

2.2 Customizing the UI - Native UI [OPTIONAL]

Some users will want to customize appearance of the Native UI (Custom Tabs on Android and/or SFSafariViewController on iOS) there is extra step needed - cast to appropriate type, so the
API can be accessed (more in Details).

3 Present/Launch the Login UI

This step is platform specific and it is almost impossible to share it accross platforms.

On Android, user would write the following code to present the UI.

StartActivity (ui_object);  // ui_object is Android.Content.Intent
// or
StartActivity (auth.GetUI (this));

[TODO Link to code]

On iOS, one would present UI in following way (with differences fromold API)

PresentViewController(ui_object, true, null);
PresentViewController (auth.GetUI ());

[TODO Link to code]

On Windows [TODO]

4 Using identity

4.1 Making requests to protected resources

With obtained access_token (identity) user can now access protected ressources.

Since Facebook is an OAuth2 service, user can make requests with OAuth2Request providing the account retrieved from the Completed event. Assuming user is authenticated, it is possible
to grab the user's info:

OAuth2Request request = new OAuth2Request 
                                 new Uri (""), 
        t => 
            if (t.IsFaulted)
                Console.WriteLine ("Error: " + t.Exception.InnerException.Message);
                string json = t.Result.GetResponseText();
                Console.WriteLine (json);

[TODO Link to code]

4.2 Store the account

Xamarin.Auth securely stores Account objects so that users don't always have to reauthenticate the user. The AccountStore class is responsible for storing Account information, backed by the Keychain on iOS and a KeyStore on Android.

Creating AccountStore on Android:

// On Android:
AccountStore.Create (this).Save (eventArgs.Account, "Facebook");

[TODO Link to code]

Creating AccountStore on iOS:

// On iOS:
AccountStore.Create ().Save (eventArgs.Account, "Facebook");

[TODO Link to code]

Saved Accounts are uniquely identified using a key composed of the account's Username property and a "Service ID". The "Service ID" is any string that is used when fetching accounts from the store.

If an Account was previously saved, calling Save again will overwrite it. This is convenient for services that expire the credentials stored in the account object.

4.3 Retrieve stored accounts

Fetching all Account objects stored for a given service is possible with follwoing API:

Retrieving accounts on Android:

// On Android:
IEnumerable<Account> accounts = AccountStore.Create (this).FindAccountsForService ("Facebook");

[TODO Link to code]

Retrieving accounts on iOS:

// On iOS:
IEnumerable<Account> accounts = AccountStore.Create ().FindAccountsForService ("Facebook");

[TODO Link to code]

It's that easy.

Windows [TODO]

Extending Xamarin.Auth - Make customized Authenticator

Xamarin.Auth includes OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 authenticators, providing support for thousands of popular services. For services that use traditional username/password authentication, one can roll own authenticator by deriving from FormAuthenticator.

If user wants to authenticate against an ostensibly unsupported service, fear not – Xamarin.Auth is extensible! It's very easy to create own custom authenticators – just derive from any of the existing authenticators and start overriding methods.


Xamarin.Auth can be installed in binary form (compiled and packaged) or compiled from source.

Binary form is deployable as nuget from or Xamarin Component from component store:

  • nuget

Details: ./details/

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