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All games FAQ

wyozi edited this page Jul 9, 2016 · 14 revisions

How to save tables to the map?

How to change chip value?
For DarkRP the serverside concommand is casinokit_chiprate_darkrp_money2chips. That is the amount of money that one chip costs. The default value is 0.1 (ie. one chip is worth 10 darkrp money)

How to remove/disable a currency?
The simplest way at the moment is removing the relevant file in addons\casinokit\lua\casinokit\custom\currencies folder.

The table/entity is invisible
Some anti-proppush and prop ghosting addons make the table invisible. It can be solved by grabbing the table with physgun (you need to aim at position between chairs and the dealer) and wiggling it around aggressively until it appears, adding it to a blacklist for ghosting, or switching to alternative anti-proppush addons.

For APAnti the easiest known workaround at this time is to fully disable ghosting with apa_antipush 0.

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