- fix the implementation so that the order of the options doesn't matter (f8eec3d)
- add lexer, parser, and interpreter (3768746)
- add Makefile (c331a63)
- add pairs, lists, type pair and type list (3babde3)
- add pre-commit hook (5b69409)
- add reference type, sequencing and while loop (d9a56dd)
- add supports for --lex and --parse flags so we can test lexing and parsing parts respectively (23b29c5)
- add unit as an expression: (), and a type: unit (373233e)
- change the grammer for the input of a function and let-binding (8fd7d42)
- extend the compiler to support the extended language grammar (6d42c97)
- finish parsing arguments and flags (cf746b6)
- now supports infix syntax of arithmetic operation (fe7011b)
- now supports let binding, function, function application and recursive function (cadf76a)
- now supports small step evaluation (de0fd70)
- support --step flag so it can print the intermediate step of evaluation (28ed1a1)
- support immutable struct (17f0238)
- Support include statment(include header files), defining a variable on stack (e2f5a2f)