#agn #disk #reverberation-mapping #ztf
- 94 type 1 AGN at
$z$ < 0.8. - interpolated cross-correlation function & JAVELIN.
- main findings:
- disk size larger than disk model.
- CE size scales with continuum luminosity.
- black hole mass might biased.
#agn #disk #lsst #reverberation-mapping #strategy
Kovacevic_2022_The LSST era of supermassive black holes accretion-disk reverberation mapping
- main findings:
- 0 <
$z$ < 7, >1000 quasars. - cadence:
$\leq$ 5 days.
- 0 <
#agn #ngc5548 #reddening #BLR
- estimate broad-line and continuum reddenings of NGC 5548.
- UV-to-optical ratios rule out a steep SMC-like reddening curve for NGC 5548.
- interesting findings:
- the accretion disk size discrepancy is primarily due to the neglect of reddening? (also see Gaskell et al., 2017).
#agn #PKS0558-504 #reverberation-mapping #disk #time-lag
Buitrago_2022_Revisiting the Continuum Reverberation Lags in the AGN PKS 0558−504.pdf
- Gliozzi et al., 2013 having interchanged the order of the driving and responding light curves when measuring the lags.
- new findings:
- short-wavelength continuum variations leading the longer one.
#agn #luminosity
- AGN subclass
- strong activity at large scales ($\sim$1 kpc), weaker at small scales (< 10 pc).
- strong change in the mass accretion rate of central engine.
- declining or fading AGN, cross-matching the SDSS type-1 AGN catalog,
$z < 0.4$ - [Oiii]$\lambda5007$ emission line -> NLR emission.
- 57 of 7653 AGNs,
$L_{bol}$ (from MIR) one order of magnitude fainter than from [Oiii]$\lambda5007$ emission line.
#agn #black-hole-mass #X-ray #variability
Akylas_2022_Black hole mass estimation using X-ray variability measurements in Seyfert galaxies
- estimate the black hole mass via X-ray, i.e., the normalised excess variance from X-ray.
- minimum requirements of light-curve duration and X-ray S/N.
$\sim3$ for S/N and 80-100 ks for duration.
- NuSTAR, normalised excess variance (
$\sigma^2_{NXV}$ ) in 3-10 and 10-20 keV. - lineaer relationship, 0.4-0.25 dex uncertainty.
#agn #dwarf-galaxy #imbh #variability #DAVOS
- forward Monte Carlo model for forecasting the population of AGNs in dwarf galaxies via optical variability.
- LSST, hourly cadence can constrain the IMBH mass.
#agn #ngc5548 #variability
Daniel Kynoch_2022_Multiple locations of near-infrared coronal lines in NGC 5548
- variability of near-infrared coronal lines.
- one-year long spectroscopic monitoring, weekly cadence.
- emission line fluxes and profile shapes.
- coronal lines broader than the low-ionisation forbidden lines and blueshifted.
- [S Viiii] and [Si Vi] coronal line profiles: broad wings, not seen in narrow cores.
- at least two coronal line region in AGN.
- ![[Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 12.00.12 PM.png]]
#microlensing #lightcurve #method
Krol_2022_Gravitational Microlensing Events in the Optical Lightcurve of Active Galaxy S5 0716+714
#radio-quiet #agn
Looking at Radio-Quiet AGN with Radio Polarimetry
- radio emission mechanism in radio-quasars (RQQS) is and open question.
- low-power radio jets, winds, sf and coronal emission.
- radio polarization and emission-line can help to distinguish between these scenarios
- anti-correlation between polarized radio emission and [O iii] emission
#grizli #slitless-spectroscopy #agn-group #jwst
- Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy (WFSS), SFGs (without the need for target pre-selection).
- GLASS-JWST-ERS program
$z \sim3.4$
- constrain [Oiii]$\lambda5007$ EW (76 sample) SFGs.
- strong correlation between the measured H$\beta$ and [Oiii]$\lambda5007$ EWs,
- high
$\lambda5007$ EW require massive stars in young stellar pop, generate the high energy photons.
- high
#agn-group #X-ray #variability #rms-spectra #agn #XMM-Newton
- X-ray short-term (1-100 ks timescale) variability for 78 seyferts, 426 deep XMM-Newton observations.
- time-averaged spectra and rms spectra for entire sample
- common shape of the rms spectra is concave-down where the rms peaks at
$\sim$ 1 keV
- common shape of the rms spectra is concave-down where the rms peaks at
#agn #dwarf-galaxy #variability #DAVOS #DES #catalog
- 706 AGNs,
$z<1.5$ , three of DES deep fields (E2, C3 and X3),$\sim$ 4.64 deg$^2$. - DES ight curves, mean cadence of 7 days, a 6 year baseline, single-epoch imaging depth of up to
$g\sim24.5$ . - SED fitting for stellar mass estimation:
- 26 candidate dwarf AGNs (host stellar mass
$M_\star<10^{9.5}M_\odot$ ). - 15 candidates with short-timescale variability
$\sim0.4$ .
- 26 candidate dwarf AGNs (host stellar mass