Releases: wp-cli/php-cli-tools
Releases · wp-cli/php-cli-tools
Version 0.10.2
- Fixed passing an empty array to cli\Table.
- Fixed incorrect lengths for colorized strings in cli\Table.
Version 0.10.1
- Fix: cli\safe_str_pad() properly accommodates accented characters / languages with their own Unicode characters.
Version 0.10.0
- cli\prompt() includes an option to hide input (useful for passwords, etc.).
- cli\Table auto-wraps contents of a cell based on TTY width.
- SHELL_PIPE environment variable can be defined for determining whether TTY is piped.
- Fix: Add fallback for mb_strlen when PHP mbstring extension isn't enabled (bug introduced in v0.9.5)
- Fix: cli\Colors::length now returns correct lengths for for colorized strings
Version 0.9.5
- Character encoding safe strlen() and str_pad() for cli\Color.
- Initial unit tests.