This document was generated by Gadget by providing a valid Go template. You can generate this document yourself by running the following in the /sink
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for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
fmt.Println("intentionally not implemented")
s := sink.NewNormalStructTest("Wilhelm", "Murdoch", 40)
fmt.Println(s.First, s.Last)
assert.True(t, true, true)
PrintVars prints out a value on each line.
AssignCollection assigns values to var collection.
collection = make(map[string]map[string]string)
collection["one"] = map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
collection["two"] = map[string]string{"merp": "flakes"}
PrintConst prints out a value on each line.
NewNormalStructTest returns a new instance of NormalStructTest.
return &NormalStructTest{
First: first,
Last: last,
Age: age,
EmbeddedStructTest: &EmbeddedStructTest{"SWE"},
GetPrivate is an accessor method that returns a dark secret.
return nst.private
GetOccupation is an accessor method that returns an occupation.
return nst.Occupation
GetFullName is an function that attempts to return a full name.
return fmt.Sprint(nst.First, nst.Last)
notExported is an example of a function that will not be exported.
return "I should not be exported!"
func NewGenericStructTest[T any](first, last string, age int) *GenericStructTest[T]
NewGenericStructTest returns a new instance of GenericStructTest.
return &GenericStructTest[T]{first, last, age, "hidden"}
GetPrivate is an accessor method that returns a dark secret.
return nst.private
GetFullName is an function that attempts to return a full name.
return fmt.Sprint(nst.First, nst.Last)