Warning: This code may be messy and could contain bugs. This code is just for reference.
Download the dataset from Stanford PURL and extract the files. Ensure you have the S1~10.mat
files available.
Navigate to the data
directory and run the following script to generate .npy
cd data
python preprocess_v2.py
This will create S1~10.npy
Navigate to the training
directory and execute the experiment scripts:
cd training
python exp1.py
python exp2.py
These scripts reproduce the experiments described in the paper.
Navigate to the explainer
directory and run the following scripts in order:
Generate XAI Input Data
cd explainer python genXaiInput_all.py
Run GNN Explainer
python GNNexplainer_all.py
Plot Explainability Results
python plotXai.py
This process will generate and visualize explainability results.