Releases: webability-go/xamboo
Xamboo v1.7.0
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic server ).
New in this version:
- global pluginprefix and hostname parameters added to the configuration .json files. Those parameters are needed when you run multiple instances of the xamboo based on the same directory/code, to compile and load all the .so plugins to avoid conflicts ( name as pluginprefix + "-" + hostame + "" + serial )
- Compiler enhanced to better log compiled code with elapsed time, library, output errors.
Xamboo v1.6.6
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic server ).
New in this version:
- Remove for now the client disconnection channel listener that was causing problems of stability.
Xamboo v1.6.5
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic 8 CPUs server ).
New in this version:
- Added a hook deferred function to host component, to recover any error on the request thread and also to detect client disconnection to log them.
Xamboo v1.6.4
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic server ).
New in this version:
- Added method RegisterModule to Datasource interface to avoid a bug when different applications are loaded with compiled modules optionally into them.
Xamboo v1.6.3
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic server ).
New in this version:
- Bug corrected in prot component: it was reading the form variables before the CMS and invalidating the keeporiginalbody page parameter of CMS.
- IP Blacklist added to the prot component
Xamboo v1.6.2
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic server ).
New in this version:
- New component "prot" added, to protect the code and query variables against SQL injection.
- In the CMS engines, the cached xtemplate is now cloned before injection into the engines to avoid racing problems between pages.
Xamboo v1.6.1
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic server ).
New in this version:
- The device resolution can now be replaced with the version of the programmer choice to call the correct templates. Add version=newversion into the cms configuration file.
For instance tablet=pc (use the pc version if a tablet has been detected)
Xamboo v1.6.0
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Static, Dynamic Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites and virtual hosts.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minifying of code, Compress and many other components, also personalized components.
- Contains many types of engines and personalized engines to distribute code.
- Auto Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
- Optimized for content distribution to portals with heavy load.
- Content-format agnostic: content can be HTML, XHTML, XML, SGML, javascript, JSON, PDF, images, videos, etc,
- No database dependency, although it is possible to use a database if wished.
- Can handle millions of pages per month (~500 pages per second in real environment, up to 3000 requests per second on tests, basic server ).
- Available under the liberal MIT license.
New in this version:
- Added constants PROTOCOL_HTTP and PROTOCOL_HTTPS into config.
- Internationalization of all messages, in english, french and spanish (partially translated).
- The Run function now accept the language as optional parameter for backyard compatibility. The language is a language.Tag type. Default language is EN.
- Loggers protocol names are now into Constants PROTOCOL_*.
- Bug corrected, the default version is now considered into the browser sub module of CMS for unknown devices (bots mainly).
Xamboo v1.5.5
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minify of code, GZip and many other components.
- Contains many types of engines and programmer engines to distribute code.
- Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
New in this version:
- Change of logstat function definition, for log:stat:call:app:logstat it is now func(host.HostWriter).
- The stat component sets the RequestStat en the HostWriter params.
- The cms component sets the Context en the HostWriter params.
- The HostWriter should contain the requeststat and the context object in the parameters, if needed.
- The loggers Hook function is now an interface{} that should be a func(host.HostWriter) compatible function.
- Reference manual (this document) modified to meet the changes.
Xamboo v1.5.4
Extremely fast databaseless CMS/API/APP and Web Server framework.
- Build Pages, RestAPIs, GraphAPIs, on multisites.
- Support Auth, SSL, Minify of code, GZip and many other components.
- Contains many types of engines and programmer engines to distribute code.
- Compile new pages and apps in GO without restarting the server (as plugin modules).
- Contains a CMS with advanced Meta language.
New in this version:
- deflate encoder implemented into compress component
- Manual enhanced with engines, pages, files.
- Error corrected in stat log assignment and set the correct Context object in the RequestStat object.