Learn how to add chat, feeds, and file-sharing to your site built in HubSpot CMS using Weavy, including pages published as private so you can add community features for your signed-in users.
The repository is segmented into three sections - chat, feeds, and file-sharing. First, you'll be able to get acquainted with the features you can add to your HubSpot CMS by following our onboarding wizards. Second, you'll dive deeper into integrating HubSpot CMS and Weavy to handle signed-in users.
The features from Weavy come to life when you add them to pages in your HubSpot CMS with audience access, creating real-time community features for your users, not just content.
Each folder (chat, feeds, file-sharing) contains two folders containing HubSpot CMS modules;
- Onboarding: Getting started with the feature (chat, feeds, or file-sharing) using our onboarding wizard, rendering the feature with a static user.
- Authentication: Create a proper integration between HubSpot CMS and Weavy for access tokens to create a real-time community experience for your signed-in users.
The serverless function for authentication is needed to integrate HubSpot CMS and Weavy to get access tokens for your signed-in users and can be used by all Weavy features.
- Check out our Weavy Docs
- Make sure to join our incredible community and connect with fellow enthusiasts and the Weavy team on Discord
- HubSpot CMS Developer