An example cli wallet used to demo the wallet lib.
- Install Bare
- Install Wallet indexer
- Install Fulcrum Electrum
- Install Test tools
all the available config items for config.json
"store_path" : "./data",
"network" : "regtest",
"electrum_host" : "ws://",
"electrum_port" : 8002,
"web3" : "ws://",
"web3_indexer" : "",
"web3_indexer_ws" : "",
"token_contract" : "0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3"
# Install parent dep
cd ../../
npm install
# install bare dependencies
cd ./example/bare
npm install
# Create config.json file. This stores your seed phrase
echo "{}" > config.json
# Run!
bare ./cli.js