Automower Custom Component for Home Assistant. This is based off the work of yeah/jan's automower custom component.
Add the following to your configuration.yaml file:
username: !secret husqvarna_username
password: !secret husqvarna_password
And add these secrets to your secrets.yaml
husqvarna_password: yourpassword
This component will create a vacuum entity and a device_tracker entity for your automowers. The vacuum entity can be used to control the automower and view it's current status. Calling the vacuum.return_to_base service will park the automower until further notice, vacuum.stop will stop the mower in it's current location, and calling vacuum.start_pause service will resume your current schedule.
The device_tracker.entity can be used to return the current GPS coordinates of your mower. Home Assistant by default will not show device_trackers if they are in your home zone but you can follow the directions to add a Google Maps card and then adding the following to your camera config
- platform: generic
name: Automower Location
still_image_url:{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.latitude }},{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.longitude }}&zoom=19&size=500x500&maptype=satellite&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:P%7C{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.latitude }},{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.longitude }}&key=YOURAPIKEY
limit_refetch_to_url_change: true