All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed quickorder listing counter
- Autocomplete not working with French language
- Changed the checkoutUrl prop to admin app settings
- Fixed the message in the status column of the SKU table, specifically inactive skus
- Fixed the return from skuFromRefIds and improve the return from getSkuSellerInfo
- Fixed the return from skuFromRefIds and improve the return from getSkuSellerInfo
- Add a cart url prop so the store can control the redirect via theme
- Fixes validation of SKU codes in the quickorder and styles of the ReviewBlock component
- Adjust autocomplete list to show product name rather than just the product sku name
- Set default value true for alwaysShowAddToCart
- Added prop alwaysShowAddToCart to hide or show the add to cart button when there was an invalid SKU
- Define product result limit for category component
- Bug fixed on UI adding to cart flow
- [ENGINEERS-989] - Added verify the excel file testcase in cypress
- Arabic translation.
- Indonesian translation.
- Fixed XLSX package version
- [ENGINEERS-875] & [ENGINEERS-876] - Added more cypress tests
- Added cypress tests
- Added dispatch workflow for cypress
- Map of null of seller's array of a not found item
- Yarn packages versions mismatch
- Text that contains partial availability error will not show Add To Cart button
- GitHub reusable workflow uptaded to v2
- Partial availability error message in
when full item quantity entered is not available in selected seller
- Run checkout simulation with item quantity input in
blocks - Check for SKU match in full
list fromproductSuggestions
query results
- Added collection restriction for both text area and upload area
- Added message util in react admi
- Error logging
- GraphQL directive withSegment
- TextArea description from
Sku's Code
toSKU Reference ID
- Get sales channel from segment instead of orderForm
- Fixed checkout simulation error by filtering out sellers unavailable in orderForm's sales channel
- Added error message when query for SKU info fails in ReviewBlock
- Added the unit tests
- Fix miniumn quantity selected in autocomplete block to equal unit multiplier
- Filter sellers without stock from options in ReviewBlock component
- Change
to seller level information instead of item level
- Fix Spanish translations that were previously using English
- Make empty state message in TextArea block translatable
- Restrict Category block quantity input to numbers
- Replace the autocomplete search query with the intelligent search autocomplete
- Documentation on
- Added a CSS handle for autocomplete button.
- Update tooling
- Fixed the issue that the autocomplete block quantity button was starting with 0 instead of 1.
- Adding an option as a prop to make the columns of the review block hideable
- Fixed a bug where the upload block was not updating the order form automatically.
- Added missing translation keys
- Fixed a bug where changing seller would not update specific status for that seller
- Fixed a bug where the copy/paste and upload blocks would not show updated results
- Making the message "Unit Multiplier Of" in autocomplete block as an translatable message.
- Changing the validate button in TextArea and Upload blocks to only be shown if the user has written something or sent a file, respectively
- Arabic translation
- Adding a minimum quantity to one by one quantity input
- Fixing the issue that when adding items in the cart, it doesn't go back to the list page in text area and upload blocks
- Adding the proper Korean translations to each message in messages folder. (This was translated by an korean customer)
- Fixed typo
- Ability to run SonarCloud external PR after checking the code by adding a label to it
- Sellers API
- Code linting
- Restricting the Quick Order Upload to accept only .xls and .xlsx files
- Widened the quickorder table
- Fixed a bug where the add to cart button will spin forever when given a faulty item SKU
- Displayed the unit modifier value for all items that have it
- Thumb to category module
- Reference code to category module
- New CSS handles to all the modules
- Thumb size for the selected item on the One-by-One module
- Default
- Ignore duplicated refId
- Allow the app to access all the orderForms to properly run the simulation
- Unmapped status message
- New status message to translation
- Extra error messages at the preview for
Copy n Paste
components - Validate items before sending to the Cart and ignore items with error
- New terms of use
- Doc review and update
- Romanian translation
- Products on subcategories not being loaded
- New metadada folder structure
- License files
- Localization file
- Categories loading
- Default Seller
- Removed dependency on
- Updated billingOptions
- Dependencies update
- Updated app store assets
- Missing keys loading categories
- Toast messages
- APP's icon update
- Documentation
to themanifest.json
- New boolean property
to the blocks, default value is true - New CSS Handles
- New Clear button to the selected product at the Autocomplete component
- Responsive layout to the
- Document
now makes use offlex-layout
to host all the components by default
- New blocks structure
- New interfaces for blocks
- Blocks default structure for
- Spinner while validatin screen is loading VTEX SKU IDs based on a list of Reference Code
- Sellers selection and auto-selection
- Validation screen lost index after removing an item
- Documentation
- Single app configuration
- Site Editor Compatibility
- Billing Options
- Translations for Site Editor
- Doc update
- Changing to major to remove the billing option
- Sellers listing not loaded
- Removed billingOption from the manifest
- Link to the cart on the Toaster success message
- Feedback message from the checkout
- Seller selector if the store have more than one
- Seller always being set as
- Download a spreadsheet model for the Upload component
- CSS Handle
- Dynamic text for the download link (can be updated from Site Editor)
- Loading spinner to the Categories component
- Custom labels for the components
- Change the Types for ID and Quantity to
to adapt to the new Graphql requirements of the dependencyvtex.checkout-resources
- New interface option to add items using spreadsheet file
- New CSS Handles for upload component
- Doc update
- Translation keys for the editor at the admin
- New interface option to add items from categories
- New CSS Handles for category component
- Translation keys pattern
- Doc update
- Doc update
- App's title to only Quickorder (visible at the Admin)
- Autocomplete's layout adjustments (responsive)
- Toast message when user needs to select one SKU
- Merging validated items with the current list
- Preventing app to "re-check" an item's refid if it was already checked
- Initial release with Copy/Paste and One by One modules.
- Add css handles in components parents div to manipulate styles easily.
- Add css handles to selected sku on AutoComplete block.