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Logic Gates

Luke18033 edited this page May 25, 2016 · 16 revisions

Logic Gates are an item in the BEE2 created by BenVlodgi and Rantis. There are currently four types of Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT and XOR. These are available in visible and invisible versions. The visible version was created by HMW.


Logic Gates are used to allow more complex input combinations in a chamber. All three types of logic gates will accept inputs and outputs, something not used in any standard PeTI items. The item has a Button Type proprty to choose which gate is used.

Invisible Logic Gates

AND Gate

A standard AND gate. Will activate the output when all inputs are active. This logic gate can be selected using the "Weighted" Button Type option.

The AND Gate is also useful when you need to create an arranged antiline to items that have messy/missing connection points like the case of the Light Bridge, which lacks a central connection, by connecting and placing the AND Gate on the Item, and then connecting any kind of Button to the Gate, then setting the item´s connection to "None" and then only leaving the antline generated by the AND Gate and the Button connection visible.

OR Gate

A standard OR gate. Will activate the output when any number of inputs are activated. This logic gate can be selected using the "Cube" Button Type option.

NOT Gate

A standard NOT gate. This gate is supposed to activate the output when all inputs are off, but this doesn't usually work. This logic gate can be selected using the "Sphere" Button Type option.

Visible HMW Logic Gates

These meet almost the same function as BenVlodgi´s ones, but the difference is that these are visible in-game. They re useful when you need to place an AND/OR Gate, and a visible puzzle connection is a priority. The HMW version has the XOR Gate instead of the buggy NOT Gate. AND, OR and XOR Gates can be inverted by setting the "Start reversed" property on.

XOR Gate:

A standard XOR (Exclusive OR) gate. Will activate the output when an odd number of inputs are active. This logic gate can be selected using the "Sphere" Button Type option on Visible Logic Gates.



Invisible Logic Gates in the pallette.

Visible HMW Logic Gates in the pallette.

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