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Logic Gates

Lautaro edited this page May 25, 2016 · 16 revisions

Logic Gates are an item in the BEE2 created by Rantis and BenVlodgi. There are currently four main types of Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT and XOR. There are also: Visible and invisible versions. The visible one was created by "HMW".


Logic Gates are used to allowing more complex input combinations in a chamber.

The invisible Logic Gates

AND Gate:

The AND Gate is useful when you need to create an "Arranged Antline" to items that have messy // missing connection points like the case of the "Light Bridge" wich lacks a central connection, by connecting and placing the AND Gate on the Item, and then connecting any kind of Button to the Gate, then setting the item´s connection to "None" and then only leaving visible the Antline generated by the AND Gate and the Button connection. This Gate only activates when all inputs are active

OR Gate:

The OR Gate is useful when you need an "Item" to become enabled by any of the inputs, this is possible by connecting one or multiple imputs to the OR Gate and then conecting the OR Gate to the desired "Items". It is recommended to set the visibility of the OR Gate connection to "NONE" to prevent antlines get generated. In the case of a "Visible OR Gate" is needed, it is recommend to use the Visible HMW Logic Gates.

NOT Gate:

The NOT Gate was supposed to meet the funtion of deactivates when any input activates. It is unsure how this Gate works, sometimes they acts very buggy, not meeting the funtion it was supposed to meet. But TeamSpen210 has maded a definitive item called "SR Latch" that meets this funtion with a 100% of efficience. If you want a complex system in where a "Light Bridge" needs to be activated when the player falls into an "X" zone, and then deactivates when the player cross around the end of the light bridge, then SR Latch will meet this funtion.

The Visible HMW Logic Gates

They meets the same funtion of the Vlodgi´s ones, but with the difference that these are visible In-game. They re useful when you need to place an AND // OR Gate, and a visible puzzle objetive is a priority.


The Visible Logic Gates:


The Visible HMW Logic Gates:


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