diff --git a/docs/data-sources/backup_schedule.md b/docs/data-sources/backup_schedule.md
index 47bccee33..0961c2ff8 100644
--- a/docs/data-sources/backup_schedule.md
+++ b/docs/data-sources/backup_schedule.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Listing backup schedules by cluster or cluster group scope is supported only for
data "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "demo" {
scope {
cluster {
management_cluster_name = "MGMT_CLS_NAME"
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ data "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "demo" {
data "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "demo" {
scope {
cluster_group {
- cluster_group_name = "CG_NAME"
+ cluster_group_name = "CG_NAME"
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ data "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "demo" {
### Required
-- `name` (String) The name of the backup schedule
- `scope` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Search scope block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope))
### Optional
- `include_total_count` (Boolean) Whether to include total count of backups.
(Default: True)
+- `name` (String) The name of the backup schedule
- `query` (String) Define a query for listing backups
- `sort_by` (String) Sort backups by field.
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ data "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "demo" {
- `cluster` (Block List, Max: 1) Cluster scope block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster))
-- `cluster_group` (Block List, Max: 1) The schema for cluster group full name (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster_group))
+- `cluster_group` (Block List, Max: 1) Cluster group scope block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster_group))
### Nested Schema for `scope.cluster`
@@ -82,15 +82,20 @@ Optional:
- `cluster_name` (String) Cluster name
- `management_cluster_name` (String) Management cluster name
- `provisioner_name` (String) Cluster provisioner name
### Nested Schema for `scope.cluster_group`
-- `cluster_group_name` (String) Name of the cluster group
+- `cluster_group_name` (String) Cluster group name
@@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ Read-Only:
- `meta` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--meta))
- `name` (String)
- `scope` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--scope))
+- `selector` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--selector))
- `spec` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--spec))
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ Read-Only:
- `cluster` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--scope--cluster))
-- `cluster_group` (Block List, Max: 1) The schema for cluster group full name (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster_group))
+- `cluster_group` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--scope--cluster_group))
### Nested Schema for `schedules.scope.cluster`
@@ -133,12 +139,43 @@ Read-Only:
- `management_cluster_name` (String)
- `provisioner_name` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `scope.cluster_group`
+### Nested Schema for `schedules.scope.cluster_group`
+- `cluster_group_name` (String)
+### Nested Schema for `schedules.selector`
+- `excluded_names` (List of String)
+- `label_selector` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--selector--label_selector))
+- `names` (List of String)
+### Nested Schema for `schedules.selector.label_selector`
+- `match_expression` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--selector--label_selector--match_expression))
+- `match_labels` (Map of String)
+### Nested Schema for `schedules.selector.label_selector.match_labels`
+- `key` (String)
+- `operator` (String)
+- `values` (List of String)
-- `cluster_group_name` (String) Name of the cluster group
@@ -167,24 +204,24 @@ Read-Only:
- `csi_snapshot_timeout` (String)
- `default_volumes_to_fs_backup` (Boolean)
- `default_volumes_to_restic` (Boolean)
+- `excluded_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String)
+- `excluded_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String)
- `excluded_namespaces` (List of String)
- `excluded_resources` (List of String)
- `hooks` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--spec--template--hooks))
- `include_cluster_resources` (Boolean)
+- `included_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String)
+- `included_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String)
- `included_namespaces` (List of String)
- `included_resources` (List of String)
- `label_selector` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--spec--template--label_selector))
- `or_label_selector` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--schedules--spec--template--or_label_selector))
- `ordered_resources` (Map of String)
+- `snapshot_move_data` (Boolean)
- `snapshot_volumes` (Boolean)
- `storage_location` (String)
- `sys_excluded_namespaces` (List of String)
- `volume_snapshot_locations` (List of String)
-- `included_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String)
-- `excluded_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String)
-- `included_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String)
-- `excluded_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String)
-- `snapshot_move_data` (Boolean)
### Nested Schema for `schedules.spec.template.volume_snapshot_locations`
diff --git a/docs/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md b/docs/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md
index fd298cab8..1f90f0141 100644
--- a/docs/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md
+++ b/docs/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
Title: "Data Protection of a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster"
Description: |-
- An example of using Data Protection Feature for a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
+ An example of using Data Protection Feature for a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster/Cluster Group
# Enable Data Protection
The `tanzu-mission-control_enable_data_protection` resource enables users to activate and set up data protection for a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster.
Once enabled, users can create instant backups or schedule backups for later.
+**NOTE :** To resolve cluster and cluster group data protection conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
For more information regarding data protection, see [Data Protection][data-protection].
[data-protection]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Mission-Control/services/tanzumc-concepts/GUID-C16557BC-EB1B-4414-8E63-28AD92E0CAE5.html
@@ -26,7 +29,10 @@ For more information regarding target location, see [Target Location][target-loc
# Backup Schedule
-The `tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule` resource enables users to create and configure scheduled backups in a cluster.
+The `tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule` resource enables users to create and configure scheduled backups in a cluster/cluster-group.
+NOTE : To resolve cluster and cluster group backup schedule conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
Backups can be applied in 3 levels:
diff --git a/docs/resources/backup_schedule.md b/docs/resources/backup_schedule.md
index 5f18549b7..d54b4e897 100644
--- a/docs/resources/backup_schedule.md
+++ b/docs/resources/backup_schedule.md
@@ -17,13 +17,19 @@ For more information regarding scheduled backups, see [Scheduled Backups][backup
[backup-schedule]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Mission-Control/services/tanzumc-using/GUID-89926F80-050A-4F1C-9D04-D56D5F453995.html?hWord=N4IghgNiBcIEZgMYGsCuAHABAZ0QCwFMATVCAkAXyA
+**NOTE :** To resolve cluster and cluster group backup schedule conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
+For instance, in case cluster group/cluster data protection is disabled then use above command
+and remove cluster group/cluster backup schedule resource from terraform file.
# Entire Cluster Weekly Backup Schedule
## Example Usage
resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- name = "full-weekly"
+ name = "full-weekly"
scope {
cluster {
management_cluster_name = "MGMT_CLS_NAME"
@@ -58,13 +64,14 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
# Selected Namespaces Hourly Backup Schedule
## Example Usage
resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- name = "namespaces-hourly"
+ name = "namespaces-hourly"
scope {
cluster {
management_cluster_name = "MGMT_CLS_NAME"
@@ -73,7 +80,7 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- backup_scope = "SET_NAMESPACES"
+ backup_scope = "SET_NAMESPACES"
spec {
schedule {
@@ -149,7 +156,7 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- name = "label-based-no-storage"
+ name = "label-based-no-storage"
scope {
cluster {
management_cluster_name = "MGMT_CLS_NAME"
@@ -158,7 +165,7 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- backup_scope = "LABEL_SELECTOR"
+ backup_scope = "LABEL_SELECTOR"
spec {
@@ -188,330 +195,34 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
-## Import Backup Schedule
-The resource ID for importing an existing backup schedule should be comprised of a full cluster name and a backup schedule name separated by '/'.
-terraform import tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule.demo_backup MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME/PROVISIONER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME/BACKUP_SCHEDULE_NAME
-## Schema
-### Required
-- `backup_scope` (String) Scope for backup schedule.
-- `name` (String) The name of the backup schedule
-- `scope` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Scope block for Back up schedule (cluster/cluster group) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope))
-- `spec` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Backup schedule spec block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec))
-### Optional
-- `meta` (Block List, Max: 1) Metadata for the resource (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--meta))
-### Read-Only
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
-### Nested Schema for `scope`
-- `cluster` (Block List, Max: 1) Cluster scope block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster))
-### Nested Schema for `scope.cluster`
-- `cluster_name` (String) Cluster name
-- `management_cluster_name` (String) Management cluster name
-- `provisioner_name` (String) Cluster provisioner name
-### Nested Schema for `spec`
-- `schedule` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Schedule block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--schedule))
-- `paused` (Boolean) Paused specifies whether the schedule is paused or not. (Default: False)
-- `template` (Block List, Max: 1) Backup schedule template block, backup definition to be run on the provided schedule (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template))
-### Nested Schema for `spec.schedule`
-- `rate` (String) Cron expression of backup schedule rate/interval
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template`
-- `backup_ttl` (String) The backup retention period.
-- `csi_snapshot_timeout` (String) Specifies the time used to wait for CSI VolumeSnapshot status turns to ReadyToUse during creation, before returning error as timeout.
-The default value is 10 minute.
-Format is the time number and time sign, example: "50s" (50 seconds)
-- `default_volumes_to_fs_backup` (Boolean) Specifies whether all pod volumes should be backed up via file system backup by default.
-(Default: True)
-- `default_volumes_to_restic` (Boolean) Specifies whether restic should be used to take a backup of all pod volumes by default.
-(Default: False)
-- `excluded_namespaces` (List of String) The namespaces to be excluded in the backup.
-Can't be used if scope is SET_NAMESPACES.
-- `excluded_resources` (List of String) The name list for the resources to be excluded in backup.
-- `hooks` (Block List, Max: 1) Hooks block represent custom actions that should be executed at different phases of the backup. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks))
-- `include_cluster_resources` (Boolean) A flag which specifies whether cluster-scoped resources should be included for consideration in the backup.
-If set to true, all cluster-scoped resources will be backed up. If set to false, all cluster-scoped resources will be excluded from the backup.
-If unset, all cluster-scoped resources are included if and only if all namespaces are included and there are no excluded namespaces.
-Otherwise, only cluster-scoped resources associated with namespace-scoped resources included in the backup spec are backed up.
-For example, if a PersistentVolumeClaim is included in the backup, its associated PersistentVolume (which is cluster-scoped) would also be backed up.
-(Default: False)
-- `included_namespaces` (List of String) The namespace to be included for backup from.
-If empty, all namespaces are included.
-Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER.
-Required if scope is SET_NAMESPACES.
-- `included_resources` (List of String) The name list for the resources to be included into backup. If empty, all resources are included.
-- `label_selector` (Block List, Max: 1) The label selector to selectively adding individual objects to the backup schedule.
-If not specified, all objects are included.
-Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER or SET_NAMESPACES.
-Required if scope is LABEL_SELECTOR and Or Label Selectors are not defined (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--label_selector))
-- `or_label_selector` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selectors to filter with when adding individual objects to the backup.
-If multiple provided they will be joined by the OR operator.
-LabelSelector as well as OrLabelSelectors cannot co-exist in backup request, only one of them can be used.
-Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER or SET_NAMESPACES.
-Required if scope is LABEL_SELECTOR and Label Selector is not defined (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--or_label_selector))
-- `ordered_resources` (Map of String) Specifies the backup order of resources of specific Kind. The map key is the Kind name and value is a list of resource names separated by commas.
-Each resource name has format "namespace/resourcename".
-For cluster resources, simply use "resourcename".
-- `snapshot_volumes` (Boolean) A flag which specifies whether to take cloud snapshots of any PV's referenced in the set of objects included in the Backup.
-If set to true, snapshots will be taken, otherwise, snapshots will be skipped.
-If left unset, snapshots will be attempted if volume snapshots are configured for the cluster.
-- `storage_location` (String) The name of a BackupStorageLocation where the backup should be stored.
-- `volume_snapshot_locations` (List of String) A list containing names of VolumeSnapshotLocations associated with this backup.
-- `included_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of cluster-scoped resource type names to include in the backup.
-If set to "*", all cluster-scoped resource types are included. The default value is empty, which means only related cluster-scoped resources are included.
-- `excluded_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of cluster-scoped resource type names to exclude from the backup. If set to "*", all cluster-scoped resource types are excluded.
-- `included_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of namespace-scoped resource type names to include in the backup.
-The default value is "*".
-- `excluded_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of namespace-scoped resource type names to exclude from the backup.
-If set to "*", all namespace-scoped resource types are excluded.
-- `sys_excluded_namespaces` (List of String) System excluded namespaces for state.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks`
-- `resource` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) Resources are hooks that should be executed when backing up individual instances of a resource. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource))
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource`
-- `name` (String) The name of the hook resource.
-- `excluded_namespaces` (List of String) Specifies the namespaces to which this hook spec does not apply.
-- `included_namespaces` (List of String) Specifies the namespaces to which this hook spec applies.
-If empty, it applies to all namespaces.
-- `label_selector` (Block List, Max: 1) The label selector to selectively adding individual objects to the hook resource.
-If not specified, all objects are included. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--label_selector))
-- `post_hook` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of backup hooks to execute after storing the item in the backup.
-These are executed after all "additional items" from item actions are processed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--post_hook))
-- `pre_hook` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of backup hooks to execute after storing the item in the backup.
-These are executed after all "additional items" from item actions are processed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--pre_hook))
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.label_selector`
-- `match_expression` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--label_selector--match_expression))
-- `match_labels` (Map of String) A map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the map is equivalent to an element of match_expressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In" and the values array contains only "value".
-The requirements are ANDed.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.label_selector.match_expression`
-- `key` (String) Key is the label key that the selector applies to.
-- `operator` (String) Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
-Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
-- `values` (List of String) Values is an array of string values.
-If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
-If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
-This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.post_hook`
-- `exec` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Exec block defines an exec hook. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--post_hook--exec))
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.post_hook.exec`
-- `command` (List of String) The command and arguments to execute.
-- `container` (String) The container in the pod where the command should be executed.
-If not specified, the pod's first container is used.
-- `on_error` (String) Specifies how Velero should behave if it encounters an error executing this hook.
-Valid values are (FAIL, CONTINUE)
-- `timeout` (String) Defines the maximum amount of time Velero should wait for the hook to complete before considering the execution a failure.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.pre_hook`
-- `exec` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Exec block defines an exec hook. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--pre_hook--exec))
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.pre_hook.exec`
-- `command` (List of String) The command and arguments to execute.
-- `container` (String) The container in the pod where the command should be executed.
-If not specified, the pod's first container is used.
-- `on_error` (String) Specifies how Velero should behave if it encounters an error executing this hook.
-Valid values are (FAIL, CONTINUE)
-- `timeout` (String) Defines the maximum amount of time Velero should wait for the hook to complete before considering the execution a failure.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.label_selector`
-- `match_expression` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--label_selector--match_expression))
-- `match_labels` (Map of String) A map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the map is equivalent to an element of match_expressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In" and the values array contains only "value".
-The requirements are ANDed.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.label_selector.match_expression`
-- `key` (String) Key is the label key that the selector applies to.
-- `operator` (String) Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
-Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
-- `values` (List of String) Values is an array of string values.
-If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
-If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
-This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.or_label_selector`
-- `match_expression` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--or_label_selector--match_expression))
-- `match_labels` (Map of String) A map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the map is equivalent to an element of match_expressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In" and the values array contains only "value".
-The requirements are ANDed.
-### Nested Schema for `spec.template.or_label_selector.match_expression`
-- `key` (String) Key is the label key that the selector applies to.
-- `operator` (String) Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
-Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
-- `values` (List of String) Values is an array of string values.
-If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
-If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
-This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
-### Nested Schema for `meta`
-- `annotations` (Map of String) Annotations for the resource
-- `description` (String) Description of the resource
-- `labels` (Map of String) Labels for the resource
-- `resource_version` (String) Resource version of the resource
-- `uid` (String) UID of the resource
-# Entire ClusterGroup Weekly Backup Schedule
+# Entire Cluster Group Weekly Backup Schedule
## Example Usage
resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- name = "full-weekly"
+ name = "full-weekly"
scope {
cluster_group {
- cluster_group_name = "CG_NAME"
+ cluster_group_name = "CG_NAME"
+ selector {
+ names = [
+ "cluster1",
+ "cluster2"
+ ]
+ }
backup_scope = "FULL_CLUSTER"
- selector{
- excluded_names = [
- "cluster1",
- "cluster2"
- ]
- }
spec {
schedule {
rate = "0 12 * * 1"
template {
- backup_ttl = "2592000s"
+ backup_ttl = "2592000s"
excluded_namespaces = [
@@ -529,28 +240,28 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
# Selected Namespaces Hourly Cluster Group Backup Schedule
## Example Usage
resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- name = "namespaces-hourly"
+ name = "namespaces-hourly"
scope {
cluster_group {
- cluster_group_name = "CG_NAME"
+ cluster_group_name = "CG_NAME"
- backup_scope = "SET_NAMESPACES"
- selector{
- excluded_names = [
+ selector {
+ names = [
+ backup_scope = "SET_NAMESPACES"
spec {
schedule {
rate = "30 * * * *"
@@ -631,14 +342,15 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
cluster_group_name = "CG_NAME"
- backup_scope = "LABEL_SELECTOR"
selector {
- excluded_names = [
+ names = [
+ backup_scope = "LABEL_SELECTOR"
spec {
schedule {
rate = "0 12 * * *"
@@ -666,21 +378,28 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
+## Import Backup Schedule
+The resource ID for importing an existing backup schedule should be comprised of a full cluster name and a backup schedule name separated by '/'.
+terraform import tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule.demo_backup MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME/PROVISIONER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME/BACKUP_SCHEDULE_NAME
## Schema
### Required
-- `name` (String) The name of the backup schedule
- `backup_scope` (String) Scope for backup schedule.
+- `name` (String) The name of the backup schedule
- `scope` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Scope block for Back up schedule (cluster/cluster group) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope))
- `spec` (Block List, Min: 1, Max: 1) Backup schedule spec block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec))
### Optional
- `meta` (Block List, Max: 1) Metadata for the resource (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--meta))
-- `selector` (Block List, Max: 1) A selector to include/exclude specific clusters in a cluster group (optional) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--selector))
+- `selector` (Block List) Selector of the cluster group backup schedule (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--selector))
### Read-Only
@@ -692,7 +411,7 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule" "sample-full" {
- `cluster` (Block List, Max: 1) Cluster scope block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster))
-- `cluster_group` (Block List, Max: 1) The schema for cluster group full name (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster_group))
+- `cluster_group` (Block List, Max: 1) Cluster group scope block (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--scope--cluster_group))
### Nested Schema for `scope.cluster`
@@ -703,40 +422,15 @@ Required:
- `management_cluster_name` (String) Management cluster name
- `provisioner_name` (String) Cluster provisioner name
### Nested Schema for `scope.cluster_group`
-- `cluster_group_name` (String) Name of the cluster group
-### Nested Schema for `selector`
-- `excludednames` (List of String)
-- `labelselector` (Block List) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--selector--labelselector))
-- `names` (List of String)
-### Nested Schema for `selector.labelselector`
+- `cluster_group_name` (String) Cluster group name
-- `matchexpressions` (Block List) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--selector--labelselector--matchexpressions))
-### Nested Schema for `selector.labelselector.matchexpressions`
-- `values` (List of String)
-- `key` (String)
-- `operator` (String)
### Nested Schema for `spec`
@@ -765,54 +459,54 @@ Optional:
- `backup_ttl` (String) The backup retention period.
- `csi_snapshot_timeout` (String) Specifies the time used to wait for CSI VolumeSnapshot status turns to ReadyToUse during creation, before returning error as timeout.
- The default value is 10 minute.
- Format is the time number and time sign, example: "50s" (50 seconds)
+The default value is 10 minute.
+Format is the time number and time sign, example: "50s" (50 seconds)
- `default_volumes_to_fs_backup` (Boolean) Specifies whether all pod volumes should be backed up via file system backup by default.
- (Default: True)
+(Default: True)
- `default_volumes_to_restic` (Boolean) Specifies whether restic should be used to take a backup of all pod volumes by default.
- (Default: False)
+(Default: False)
+- `excluded_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of cluster-scoped resource type names to exclude from the backup.
+If set to "*", all cluster-scoped resource types are excluded.
+- `excluded_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of of namespace-scoped resource type names to exclude from the backup.
+If set to "*", all namespace-scoped resource types are excluded.
- `excluded_namespaces` (List of String) The namespaces to be excluded in the backup.
- Can't be used if scope is SET_NAMESPACES.
+Can't be used if scope is SET_NAMESPACES.
- `excluded_resources` (List of String) The name list for the resources to be excluded in backup.
- `hooks` (Block List, Max: 1) Hooks block represent custom actions that should be executed at different phases of the backup. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks))
- `include_cluster_resources` (Boolean) A flag which specifies whether cluster-scoped resources should be included for consideration in the backup.
- If set to true, all cluster-scoped resources will be backed up. If set to false, all cluster-scoped resources will be excluded from the backup.
- If unset, all cluster-scoped resources are included if and only if all namespaces are included and there are no excluded namespaces.
- Otherwise, only cluster-scoped resources associated with namespace-scoped resources included in the backup spec are backed up.
- For example, if a PersistentVolumeClaim is included in the backup, its associated PersistentVolume (which is cluster-scoped) would also be backed up.
- (Default: False)
+If set to true, all cluster-scoped resources will be backed up. If set to false, all cluster-scoped resources will be excluded from the backup.
+If unset, all cluster-scoped resources are included if and only if all namespaces are included and there are no excluded namespaces.
+Otherwise, only cluster-scoped resources associated with namespace-scoped resources included in the backup spec are backed up.
+For example, if a PersistentVolumeClaim is included in the backup, its associated PersistentVolume (which is cluster-scoped) would also be backed up.
+(Default: False)
+- `included_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of cluster-scoped resource type names to include in the backup.
+If set to "*", all cluster-scoped resource types are included.
+ The default value is empty, which means only related cluster-scoped resources are included.
+- `included_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of of namespace-scoped resource type names to include in the backup.
+The default value is "*".
- `included_namespaces` (List of String) The namespace to be included for backup from.
- If empty, all namespaces are included.
- Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER.
- Required if scope is SET_NAMESPACES.
+If empty, all namespaces are included.
+Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER.
+Required if scope is SET_NAMESPACES.
- `included_resources` (List of String) The name list for the resources to be included into backup. If empty, all resources are included.
- `label_selector` (Block List, Max: 1) The label selector to selectively adding individual objects to the backup schedule.
- If not specified, all objects are included.
- Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER or SET_NAMESPACES.
- Required if scope is LABEL_SELECTOR and Or Label Selectors are not defined (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--label_selector))
+If not specified, all objects are included.
+Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER or SET_NAMESPACES.
+Required if scope is LABEL_SELECTOR and Or Label Selectors are not defined (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--label_selector))
- `or_label_selector` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selectors to filter with when adding individual objects to the backup.
- If multiple provided they will be joined by the OR operator.
- LabelSelector as well as OrLabelSelectors cannot co-exist in backup request, only one of them can be used.
- Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER or SET_NAMESPACES.
- Required if scope is LABEL_SELECTOR and Label Selector is not defined (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--or_label_selector))
+If multiple provided they will be joined by the OR operator.
+LabelSelector as well as OrLabelSelectors cannot co-exist in backup request, only one of them can be used.
+Can't be used if scope is FULL_CLUSTER or SET_NAMESPACES.
+Required if scope is LABEL_SELECTOR and Label Selector is not defined (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--or_label_selector))
- `ordered_resources` (Map of String) Specifies the backup order of resources of specific Kind. The map key is the Kind name and value is a list of resource names separated by commas.
- Each resource name has format "namespace/resourcename".
- For cluster resources, simply use "resourcename".
+Each resource name has format "namespace/resourcename".
+For cluster resources, simply use "resourcename".
+- `snapshot_move_data` (Boolean) Specifies whether snapshot data should be moved to the target location.(Default:False)
- `snapshot_volumes` (Boolean) A flag which specifies whether to take cloud snapshots of any PV's referenced in the set of objects included in the Backup.
- If set to true, snapshots will be taken, otherwise, snapshots will be skipped.
- If left unset, snapshots will be attempted if volume snapshots are configured for the cluster.
+If set to true, snapshots will be taken, otherwise, snapshots will be skipped.
+If left unset, snapshots will be attempted if volume snapshots are configured for the cluster.
- `storage_location` (String) The name of a BackupStorageLocation where the backup should be stored.
- `volume_snapshot_locations` (List of String) A list containing names of VolumeSnapshotLocations associated with this backup.
-- `included_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of cluster-scoped resource type names to include in the backup.
- If set to "*", all cluster-scoped resource types are included.
- The default value is empty, which means only related cluster-scoped resources are included.
-- `excluded_cluster_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of cluster-scoped resource type names to exclude from the backup.
- If set to "*", all cluster-scoped resource types are excluded.
-- `included_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of namespace-scoped resource type names to include in the backup.
- The default value is "*".
-- `excluded_namespace_scoped_resources` (List of String) List of namespace-scoped resource type names to exclude from the backup.
- If set to "*", all namespace-scoped resource types are excluded.
-- `snapshot_move_data` (Boolean) A flag which specifies whether snapshot data should be moved to the target location.
@@ -836,13 +530,13 @@ Optional:
- `excluded_namespaces` (List of String) Specifies the namespaces to which this hook spec does not apply.
- `included_namespaces` (List of String) Specifies the namespaces to which this hook spec applies.
- If empty, it applies to all namespaces.
+If empty, it applies to all namespaces.
- `label_selector` (Block List, Max: 1) The label selector to selectively adding individual objects to the hook resource.
- If not specified, all objects are included. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--label_selector))
+If not specified, all objects are included. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--label_selector))
- `post_hook` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of backup hooks to execute after storing the item in the backup.
- These are executed after all "additional items" from item actions are processed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--post_hook))
+These are executed after all "additional items" from item actions are processed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--post_hook))
- `pre_hook` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of backup hooks to execute after storing the item in the backup.
- These are executed after all "additional items" from item actions are processed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--pre_hook))
+These are executed after all "additional items" from item actions are processed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--pre_hook))
### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.label_selector`
@@ -851,7 +545,7 @@ Optional:
- `match_expression` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--hooks--resource--label_selector--match_expression))
- `match_labels` (Map of String) A map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the map is equivalent to an element of match_expressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In" and the values array contains only "value".
- The requirements are ANDed.
+The requirements are ANDed.
### Nested Schema for `spec.template.hooks.resource.label_selector.match_expression`
@@ -860,14 +554,14 @@ Required:
- `key` (String) Key is the label key that the selector applies to.
- `operator` (String) Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
- Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
+Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
- `values` (List of String) Values is an array of string values.
- If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
- If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
- This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
+If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
+If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
+This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
@@ -885,12 +579,12 @@ Required:
- `command` (List of String) The command and arguments to execute.
- `container` (String) The container in the pod where the command should be executed.
- If not specified, the pod's first container is used.
+If not specified, the pod's first container is used.
- `on_error` (String) Specifies how Velero should behave if it encounters an error executing this hook.
- Valid values are (FAIL, CONTINUE)
+Valid values are (FAIL, CONTINUE)
- `timeout` (String) Defines the maximum amount of time Velero should wait for the hook to complete before considering the execution a failure.
@@ -909,12 +603,12 @@ Required:
- `command` (List of String) The command and arguments to execute.
- `container` (String) The container in the pod where the command should be executed.
- If not specified, the pod's first container is used.
+If not specified, the pod's first container is used.
- `on_error` (String) Specifies how Velero should behave if it encounters an error executing this hook.
- Valid values are (FAIL, CONTINUE)
+Valid values are (FAIL, CONTINUE)
- `timeout` (String) Defines the maximum amount of time Velero should wait for the hook to complete before considering the execution a failure.
@@ -928,7 +622,7 @@ Optional:
- `match_expression` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--label_selector--match_expression))
- `match_labels` (Map of String) A map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the map is equivalent to an element of match_expressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In" and the values array contains only "value".
- The requirements are ANDed.
+The requirements are ANDed.
### Nested Schema for `spec.template.label_selector.match_expression`
@@ -937,14 +631,14 @@ Required:
- `key` (String) Key is the label key that the selector applies to.
- `operator` (String) Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
- Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
+Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
- `values` (List of String) Values is an array of string values.
- If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
- If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
- This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
+If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
+If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
+This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
@@ -955,7 +649,7 @@ Optional:
- `match_expression` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--spec--template--or_label_selector--match_expression))
- `match_labels` (Map of String) A map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the map is equivalent to an element of match_expressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In" and the values array contains only "value".
- The requirements are ANDed.
+The requirements are ANDed.
### Nested Schema for `spec.template.or_label_selector.match_expression`
@@ -964,16 +658,19 @@ Required:
- `key` (String) Key is the label key that the selector applies to.
- `operator` (String) Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
- Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
+Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
- `values` (List of String) Values is an array of string values.
- If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
- If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
- This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
+If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
+If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
+This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
### Nested Schema for `meta`
@@ -987,3 +684,39 @@ Read-Only:
- `resource_version` (String) Resource version of the resource
- `uid` (String) UID of the resource
+### Nested Schema for `selector`
+- `excluded_names` (List of String) Specifies the name of excluded clusters.
+- `label_selector` (Block List, Max: 1) The label selector to selectively adding individual clusters to the cluster group backup schedule.
+If not specified, all clusters are included. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--selector--label_selector))
+- `names` (List of String) Specifies name of cluster to be selected.
+### Nested Schema for `selector.label_selector`
+- `match_expression` (Block List) (Repeatable Block) A list of label selector requirements. The requirements are ANDed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--selector--label_selector--match_expression))
+- `match_labels` (Map of String) A map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the map is equivalent to an element of match_expressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In" and the values array contains only "value".
+The requirements are ANDed.
+### Nested Schema for `selector.label_selector.match_expression`
+- `key` (String) Key is the label key that the selector applies to.
+- `operator` (String) Operator represents a key's relationship to a set of values.
+Valid operators are "In", "NotIn", "Exists" and "DoesNotExist".
+- `values` (List of String) Values is an array of string values.
+If the operator is "In" or "NotIn", the values array must be non-empty.
+If the operator is "Exists" or "DoesNotExist", the values array must be empty.
+This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.
diff --git a/docs/resources/enable_data_protection.md b/docs/resources/enable_data_protection.md
index c5125151c..d831d8759 100644
--- a/docs/resources/enable_data_protection.md
+++ b/docs/resources/enable_data_protection.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Title: "Data Protection Resource"
Description: |-
- Enabling data protection on a cluster.
+ Enabling data protection
# Cluster Data Protection Resource
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ resource "tanzu-mission-control_enable_data_protection" "cgdemo" {
+**NOTE :** To resolve cluster and cluster group data protection conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
+For instance, in case cluster group data protection is created on already existing data protection at cluster level.
+Use above command and remove cluster level data protection resource from the terraform file.
+Similarly, in case of disable data protection, use above command and remove associated backup schedule from terraform file.
## Import Cluster Scope Data Protection
The resource ID for importing an existing data protection should be comprised of a full cluster name separated by '/'.
diff --git a/internal/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule.go b/internal/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule.go
index 218dc217f..5e8274044 100644
--- a/internal/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule.go
+++ b/internal/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule.go
@@ -139,19 +139,19 @@ func resourceBackupScheduleRead(ctx context.Context, data *schema.ResourceData,
resp, err := readResourceWait(ctx, &config, backupScheduleFn)
+ // check if managed at cluster group level then remove from state
+ if resp != nil && resp.Schedule != nil && resp.Schedule.Meta != nil {
+ if _, ok := resp.Schedule.Meta.Annotations[commonscope.BatchUIDAnnotationKey]; ok {
+ _ = schema.RemoveFromState(data, m)
+ return diags
+ }
+ }
if err != nil {
if clienterrors.IsNotFoundError(err) {
- if !helper.IsContextCallerSet(ctx) {
- *data = schema.ResourceData{}
- return diags
- } else if helper.IsDeleteState(ctx) {
- // d.SetId("") is automatically called assuming delete returns no errors, but
- // it is added here for explicitness.
- _ = schema.RemoveFromState(data, m)
- return diags
- }
+ // resource not found in backend then delete the state
+ _ = schema.RemoveFromState(data, m)
+ return diags
return diag.FromErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "Couldn't read backup schedule.\nManagement Cluster Name: %s, Provisioner Name: %s, Cluster Name: %s, Schedule Name: %s",
diff --git a/internal/resources/common/scope/constants.go b/internal/resources/common/scope/constants.go
index eab59a7cd..84395f4e5 100644
--- a/internal/resources/common/scope/constants.go
+++ b/internal/resources/common/scope/constants.go
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ const (
ClusterKey = "cluster"
ClusterGroupKey = "cluster_group"
ClusterGroupNameKey = "cluster_group_name"
+ BatchUIDAnnotationKey = "tmc.cloud.vmware.com/source-uid"
// Scopes.
diff --git a/internal/resources/dataprotection/resource_enable_data_protection.go b/internal/resources/dataprotection/resource_enable_data_protection.go
index 4cfec0be0..04201693c 100644
--- a/internal/resources/dataprotection/resource_enable_data_protection.go
+++ b/internal/resources/dataprotection/resource_enable_data_protection.go
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import (
dataprotectionmodels "github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-tanzu-mission-control/internal/models/cluster/dataprotection"
dataprotectioncgmodels "github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-tanzu-mission-control/internal/models/clustergroup/dataprotection"
+ "github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-tanzu-mission-control/internal/resources/common"
+ commonscope "github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-tanzu-mission-control/internal/resources/common/scope"
@@ -64,6 +66,18 @@ func resourceEnableDataProtectionRead(ctx context.Context, data *schema.Resource
config := m.(authctx.TanzuContext)
err := populateDataFromServer(ctx, config, scopedFullnameData, data)
+ if scopedFullnameData.Scope == scope.ClusterScope {
+ metaData := data.Get(common.MetaKey).([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})
+ annotations := metaData[common.AnnotationsKey].(map[string]interface{})
+ if _, ok := annotations[commonscope.BatchUIDAnnotationKey]; ok {
+ _ = schema.RemoveFromState(data, m)
+ return diags
+ }
+ }
if err != nil {
if clienterrors.IsNotFoundError(err) {
if !helper.IsContextCallerSet(ctx) {
diff --git a/templates/data-sources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl b/templates/data-sources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl
index 67a0675a3..a2ffee3b8 100644
--- a/templates/data-sources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl
+++ b/templates/data-sources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
Title: "Backup Schedule Data Source"
Description: |-
- Listing backup schedules by cluster scope
+ Listing backup schedules
# Backup Schedule Data Source
-This data source enables users to list existing backup schedules by cluster scope.
-Listing target locations by cluster scope is supported only for clusters enabled with data protection.
+This data source enables users to list existing backup schedules by cluster or cluster group scope.
+Listing backup schedules by cluster or cluster group scope is supported only for clusters/cluster-groups enabled with data protection.
-## Example Usage
+## Cluster Backup Schedule
+### Example Usage
{{ tffile "examples/data-sources/backupschedule/data_source_backup_schedule.tf" }}
+## Cluster Group Backup Schedule
+### Example Usage
+{{ tffile "examples/data-sources/backupschedule/data_source_cluster_group_backup_schedule.tf" }}
{{ .SchemaMarkdown | trimspace }}
diff --git a/templates/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md.tmpl b/templates/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md.tmpl
index 7dd6a990e..88097c10a 100644
--- a/templates/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md.tmpl
+++ b/templates/guides/tanzu-mission-control_data_protection.md.tmpl
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
Title: "Data Protection of a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster"
Description: |-
- An example of using Data Protection Feature for a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
+ An example of using Data Protection Feature for a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster/Cluster Group
# Enable Data Protection
The `tanzu-mission-control_enable_data_protection` resource enables users to activate and set up data protection for a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster.
Once enabled, users can create instant backups or schedule backups for later.
+**NOTE :** To resolve cluster and cluster group data protection conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
For more information regarding data protection, see [Data Protection][data-protection].
[data-protection]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Mission-Control/services/tanzumc-concepts/GUID-C16557BC-EB1B-4414-8E63-28AD92E0CAE5.html
@@ -26,7 +29,10 @@ For more information regarding target location, see [Target Location][target-loc
# Backup Schedule
-The `tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule` resource enables users to create and configure scheduled backups in a cluster.
+The `tanzu-mission-control_backup_schedule` resource enables users to create and configure scheduled backups in a cluster/cluster-group.
+NOTE : To resolve cluster and cluster group backup schedule conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
Backups can be applied in 3 levels:
diff --git a/templates/resources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl b/templates/resources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl
index 1e1a02706..bacfc8b73 100644
--- a/templates/resources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl
+++ b/templates/resources/backup_schedule.md.tmpl
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Title: "Backup Schedule Resource"
Description: |-
- Creating a backup schedule for cluster.
+ Creating a backup schedule.
# Backup Schedule Resource
-This resource enables users to create and configure scheduled backups in a cluster.
+This resource enables users to create and configure scheduled backups in a cluster or cluster group level.
Backups can be applied in 3 levels:
* Entire Cluster
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ For more information regarding scheduled backups, see [Scheduled Backups][backup
[backup-schedule]: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Mission-Control/services/tanzumc-using/GUID-89926F80-050A-4F1C-9D04-D56D5F453995.html?hWord=N4IghgNiBcIEZgMYGsCuAHABAZ0QCwFMATVCAkAXyA
+**NOTE :** To resolve cluster and cluster group backup schedule conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
+For instance, in case cluster group/cluster data protection is disabled then use above command
+and remove cluster group/cluster backup schedule resource from terraform file.
# Entire Cluster Weekly Backup Schedule
## Example Usage
@@ -36,6 +42,26 @@ For more information regarding scheduled backups, see [Scheduled Backups][backup
{{ tffile "examples/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule_labels.tf" }}
+# Entire Cluster Group Weekly Backup Schedule
+## Example Usage
+{{ tffile "examples/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule_cg_full_cluster.tf" }}
+# Selected Namespaces Hourly Cluster Group Backup Schedule
+## Example Usage
+{{ tffile "examples/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule_cg_namespaces.tf" }}
+# Resources Selection By Label Selector Cluster Group Backup Schedule
+## Example Usage
+{{ tffile "examples/resources/backupschedule/resource_backup_schedule_cg_labels.tf" }}
## Import Backup Schedule
The resource ID for importing an existing backup schedule should be comprised of a full cluster name and a backup schedule name separated by '/'.
diff --git a/templates/resources/enable_data_protection.md.tmpl b/templates/resources/enable_data_protection.md.tmpl
index 9d3425972..e465a9d5d 100644
--- a/templates/resources/enable_data_protection.md.tmpl
+++ b/templates/resources/enable_data_protection.md.tmpl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Title: "Data Protection Resource"
Description: |-
- Enabling data protection on a cluster.
+ Enabling data protection
# Cluster Data Protection Resource
@@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ For more information regarding data protection, see [Data Protection][data-prote
{{ tffile "examples/resources/dataprotection/resource_enable_data_protection_cluster_group.tf" }}
+**NOTE :** To resolve cluster and cluster group data protection conflicts use the below command
+``terraform refresh``
+For instance, in case cluster group data protection is created on already existing data protection at cluster level.
+Use above command and remove cluster level data protection resource from the terraform file.
+Similarly, in case of disable data protection, use above command and remove associated backup schedule from terraform file.
## Import Cluster Scope Data Protection
The resource ID for importing an existing data protection should be comprised of a full cluster name separated by '/'.