- Access Kibana user interface with browser: http://ip-address:5601/
- Select Visualization and then search for Timelion
- Switch to full screen using the icon on the chart
- In the formula area type:
- Select a time range of the last 2 years
- Select the play button to update the presentation to present a typical time-series chart
- In the formula area, extend the expression to
- Select '1h' for the time interval from the drop-down list
- And select the play button again - variation for the number of events on an hourly basis will be presented
- Add some custom color to the time series:
and select the play button - Convert line to bars:
and select play button again - Adding another metric to the chart:
- Can add data from a World Bank, e.g. world population in billions:
- The world bank indicators may experience intermittent issues when querying and may stop working over time
- You are getting the idea of a potential and complexity